Podcast: Episode 15 – 5 Free Google Tools to Help Your Business

  • We don’t have a tool of the episode this week…because we have five!
  • Our Deep Dive this week is all about 5 free Google tools to help your business. You no longer have to give Microsoft all of your hard-earned dollars or download a new version of Excel 6 times a year. Because Google’s got you covered.
  • In our trivia round, the guys talk about Gal Gadot and other girls on their “List.” Arguments and hilarity ensue.

Don’t feel like listening to a podcast? Rather skim the whole thing or just read certain parts? Fine. We’ve transcribed the whole thing right here for you. ⬇️
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Episode Transcript

Craig: Welcome to IWantBusiness, the Small Business Podcast, brought to you by Clarity Creative Group. My name is Craig and I’m joined by David.

David: Howdy, howdy.

Craig: Our producer extraordinaire, Brian Fritz, of PodcastingDoneRight.com. And this is a very special episode. It’s our fifteenth episode and we are doing it like we’ve never done before: the 5 Free Google Tools to Help Your Business. Normally, David stingily gives you one free tool, but he browbeat me into the format of five free tools, this whole episode is about Google’s free tools and how they can help you crush your business.

So, where do you want to start?

David: Let’s start with the less-techie way and go with Google Drive.

Craig: Google Drive, that’s the less-techie one?

David: Yeah. Well…

Craig: That is literally cloud computing.

David: Eehhh…

Craig: Well, you said it already.

David: It has value.

Craig: There’s so many things that Google does well, and I think you’ve heard through our other episodes, and you probably use Google on your own to search. so these tools are things that are right there for you. Google Drive, and I kinda said, it’s the cloud. This is kinda the cloud.

David: Oh, yeah.

Craig: Where do you see Google Drive fitting in for small business owners?

David: So, there’s multiple reasons why Google Drive is a great opportunity for business owners.

Craig: (whispering) Drive. Drive.

David: Driiive.

Craig: (laughing)

David: First one is pretty much the ability to sync multiple computers as well as to share with others.

Craig: I love that.

David: So, especially what we do, but a lot of companies, it’s usually more than the solo entrepreneur—

Craig: Absolutely.

David: And you need to collaborate with others, and what better than to just share a folder?

Craig: Even the sole proprietor, like you’re saying. Isn’t it cool to have the same thing on your phone, your office computer, and your home computer? For me, it’s huge.

David: Oh, yeah.

Craig: I’ll be working on a spreadsheet…I’ll use, for example, I use Google Sheets for the team schedule.

David: That’s the next tool.

Craig: Oh, but it’s on Google Drive.

David: It is.

Craig: So I was just gonna say, I can access it. We’ll get to Sheets, then, so I can access what I use at the office, get it done, don’t even have to sit save, it auto-saves, I go home, everything’s there. I’m on the go, I’m out at an event, I hit my Google Drive, it’s all there. And they offer it for free. Now, we do pay at this point, because I wanted more space. But it’s $2 a month for 100 gigabytes.

David: Right.

Craig: I’m thinking about the terabyte. I think I might upgrade to the terabyte.

David: You’re moving on up.

Craig: I think I’m moving up.

David: And the fees are minimal at—

Craig: So reasonable.

David: And it’s so easy. It’s easy to access files, like you said, on your computer, on your mobile device. You can view a lot of them online, even.

Craig: Oh, yeah.

David: And it syncs up so quickly, it’s pretty much always pulling up updates and things that are happening. I was never a person that really enjoyed using the cloud, you know, before technology has really kind of—

Craig: What was the reason you were hesitant at first? Because I think some people share that.

David: I think it’s the idea of the security of it, or just how—

Craig: Where’s my stuff? (laughs)

David: Yeah, putting your stuff up there. But they’ve done so much in terms of the encryption and the breaking up of your files. There isn’t a hard drive sitting somewhere where someone could pull the hard drive and take all your files. It’s so encrypted now, that really, only you have access to it. So nobody else does, so it’s not even like Google can even view a lot of these files without you giving them access. So, it’s private stuff.

And then the other side of it is actually the world of computer failures or ransomware, which we’ve heard a lot about at least in the last couple months. All of a sudden, your files will get put under password protection and you’ll have to pay to get them back. Well, if they’re on the Drive…

Craig: That won’t happen to you.

David: You won’t really have to worry about it.

Craig: So, he went kinda techie on there. But for those of you that may not be familiar with ransomware or these things that happen, is hackers can get into your computers these days, as you know, through the internet. And they can lock your stuff down. They can take control of your stuff and, if you are using a service like a Google Drive, you’re protected.

And one of the things I want to be sure that people know, because this is super new for me, David made me—because I’ve been using Google Drive on the phone and all that stuff—he made me make sure that it’s on my local machines. And I thought, “Why the heck do I need to do that? All my files are still there, wherever they need to be.” I was using the browser to get to Google Drive. But there’s another thing that it does.

It lives on your machine and you could save directly do it. And that kinda blew my whole mind, because you don’t need an external hard drive if you don’t want. You can use Google Drive’s free 100 gigabytes, which is good. I mean, yes, you could go buy a terabyte for $200 or whatever at Best Buy if you want. It’s probably less than that now. But you don’t need the hardware anymore. You can be on-the-go, with your files, wherever you need to be with the security and protection of the biggest company in web.

David: Oh yeah, yeah. As I said, it’s really changed from what it was a couple years ago, where I feel that they’ve done a great job in terms of—

Craig: (whispering) Drive.

David: …Of keeping your stuff secure and making it really easy to access it. And that’s what it’s all about, easily being able to access files across multiple computers and be able to share those files with others. It’s a tool. Versus some of the other ones, where you have to download and other things to have to get it.

Craig: Ugh! No thank you.

David: It doesn’t require that, you can share everything—

Craig: Don’t make me download stuff.

David: Yeah.

Craig: I just want to click and have it be there.

David: It’s minimal and it’s so easy to use. Let’s move on. You kinda already touched on ’em a little already.

Craig: I know. I teased it.

David: You teased it. So let’s talk about the joy of Docs, of Sheets, of Slides.

Craig: Docs! (whispering) Sheets. (normally) I don’t use Slides, but it’s the PowerPoint version.

So, Sheets is Excel, Docs is Word, Slides is PowerPoint, is there another one that I’m missing?

David: No, just the three.

Craig: Yeah. So, again, here’s what’s super cool about these. Free. Has the same suite of tools as the Microsoft. Now they’re not gonna like us for that, but they’re not listening. Bill Gates might be tuning in, they might be listening.

David: They have yet to sponsor us, so unfortunately, this episode is happening.

Craig: And I actually like Microsoft Word, I like Excel. I think they’re the best…they were, I should say, the best product in the market. But when Google went ahead and made Docs and Sheets, online versions that you can edit, use in real time… I don’t have to open up a Word doc anymore. I can open up Google Docs and type and format and do all those things. Print right from there. It can be your word processor.

Google Sheets is so valuable to me, I know I kinda went there already. I’m doing my team schedule for a team of 12 people, online shared. I’m able to lock that page, where they can only view it and not make changes on it. So it’s just like a schedule that would be up on the wall at the Albertson’s or at the Publix, or wherever you are. It’s now online available.

David: And has the full functionality of an Excel document.

Craig: Right. So it can do functions, it can do anything. There’s adding, division if I need it, for hours. It’s pretty cool when it comes to payroll because it makes payroll quicker because I have all the hours listed and then, boom, I can type it right in to the payroll company and make sure everybody’s paid.

Google Sheets has been invaluable in our entertainment businesses because keeping everyone connected, making sure they know when to go to go, where they’re working, and even something that we do that some of the competitors don’t do is we keep notes on every single event and we’ve got it for the last three years. Since you got me on Google Sheets, literally, is how many notes we have of events.

And I think clients care about that kinda stuff. And it’s backed up by Google. It’s there, it’s verified, it’s encrypted, as you’re saying, and it’s protected. Not that it has anything so, I guess, damaging to me that it would hurt the business, but it’s good to know that my files are safe.

David: Oh yeah. It’s the same kind of technology that they’ve used to make Drive. And they kinda intermingle in terms of your Docs are within your Drive, your Drive is within your Docs.

Craig: (whispering) Sheets.

David: And it all works together. It’s an easy tool. And you know what really always used to be so frustrating, was the amount of people that used to share documents with you. And you’re like, “Oh, it’s a .docx file, you appear to have a newer version of Word than what I have, so unfortunately I can’t—”

Craig: I can’t read your stuff!

David: “I can’t read your document.” And there’s times where people had a Mac, so you had Pages and you’re like, “Ahh, I see you have a—”

Craig: I do not like Pages.

David: Well, but people use it and people send it. And if you have Windows, you can’t use Pages, there’s no Pages option. But—

Craig: You can open it up in Google Docs.

David: Google Docs can open it.

Craig: It’ll convert just about any word-processed file—Open Office, Pages, Word—and you can read it, you can manipulate it, you can do what you need to do. We use a lot of Google Docs and Google Sheets. Again, I’m not using as much of the Slide functionality, but for PowerPoint that would be cool, obviously, if you’re making presentations or…I guess that’s it, right? (laughing) Why else would you use it?

David: Yeah, I’ve been using it—

Craig: For graphics?

David: No… It’s a PowerPoint, so it’s usually making slides. But it’s just as easy as PowerPoint to use.

Craig: I haven’t made a PowerPoint in quite some time.

David: Oh, I have. But I was looking for something that I could go between multiple PCs without…again, with just ease of use. And I found that it was just as easy as using PowerPoint, if not, actually, sometimes even easier. Because they even have some really cool templates that you can load into. It was just simple.

Craig: The fact that the Sheets work on my computer, so I can work on the schedule at the office, at home, and then I go on my phone and it’s right there for me, I can make edits. An employee calls out sick, I can make that immediate adjustment and it’s there for me when I get back home or when I get to the office. If you’re not using Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Drive, you’re missing out on opportunities to save money and time.

David: So let’s talk about the weirdest thing about it, though: there’s no Save button.

Craig: No Save button. It’s auto-save every, like, 14 seconds.

David: Which takes you a minute, when you first get involved and start writing your first document—

Craig: You start to click places and you’re like, “Where’s the thing?”

David: “How do I save it? What do I do?”

Craig: “Where’s the floppy disc? Where’s the thing? Where’s the icon?”

David: Yeah, no loading, no nothing, no control+S, nothing like that.

Craig: Nothing.

David: So, just be aware that it does continue to save it.

Craig: It’s just like Gmail though. Because you’re in Gmail thinking, “Oh, I should save this as draft,” and it already at the top says it did it for you.

David: It already did it.

Craig: I was like, “Oh no! My draft folder’s humongous.”

David: So just when you name it, it saves it, so it’s really kind of cool. But it’s one of those things that, how many times back in high school or college, did you write a paper and then you forgot to hit Save or you walked away or the power went out—

Craig: That was a real thing.

David: It happened a lot!

Craig: I lost a script in college.

David: Yeah.

Craig: Power. I was like, “Noo! I didn’t hit Save!”

David: And you didn’t realize how important it was until something like this comes around and does it automatically for you. It’s one of those small, little things in life that you just appreciate when you do a lot of work.

Craig: Google’s got your back!

David: It’s kinda cool. The only, probably, downside is I believe you have to always be online to use it. So if you’re ever, like… You can do it offline?

Craig: Yeah.

David: Okay. All right, that’s cool.

Craig: So what it’ll do, if it can’t find a connection, you can use the functions of the suite— So I’ll give you an example, this has happened to me. You can write in a doc. It will then do a version of a save local.

David: Okay.

Craig: Reconnect. It’s happened.

David: Yeah, yeah. I haven’t experienced that.

Craig: Reconnect and then…it’s pretty cool.

David: Yeah, yeah. It’s cool.

Craig: It’s pretty cool. The only bad thing there is you might get a copy, where you’ll see it say “Copy of…” The thing is smart. It knows when you’re online and when you’re not. It knows when you’re sleeping.

David: It doesn’t know that. It doesn’t know that. Let’s move on to the next tool.

Craig: (laughing)

David: We’re gonna get a little techie here, but these are things to help small businesses. Google tools to help small businesses, so we’re gonna talk about Google Analytics.

Craig: Woooo!

David: Yeah, get excited.

Craig: (whispering) Analytics.

David: I’m sure we could probably create a whole episode about it. (Sighs)

Craig: (laughing)

David: (laughing, too. These boys are silly.)

Craig: We could. We have actually touched on Analytics before. You’ve heard us say the word “Analytics.” And we are probably gonna have an entire breakdown of Analytics later on because it’s… Down the right, you want your site to be up, to have traffic, to look at your Analytics.

David: It’s really cool. There’s other stat websites out there that can track visits to your website, but Analytics is really cool. It’s an over-extensive suite. And the funny part is, I heard a little story about how Google Analytics really came to be. They invested int o a really good tracking tool to help with their advertising…

Craig: Oh, to make money.

David: To help with the fact that people would use AdWords more if they had a good way to track to make sure people were going to their website.

Craig: Exactly.

David: So they bought this company out, bought Analytics—

Craig: Did they? Oh, so it’s not—

David: Yeah, it’s not developed by them, actually.

Craig: Oh, that’s pretty cool.

David: But they made it their own, at this point.

Craig: Well, yeah.

David: They’ve branded it. They’ve switched it up enough now that it’s theirs.

Craig: But that’s super genius. To make it free is genius. Let people know what their traffic is, so that when we ask them to buy ads from us, which will produce more traffic, they’ll know.

David: They’ll know their numbers are accurate and we’re really proud of it. So it was really kinda cool that they put this out there. They keep adding to it; they keep adding more and more features and there’s other tools that you can use within Analytics, like, you can test your site, you can add events using other Google tools. There’s so much that you can do. They just keep adding to the suite.

Craig: It’ll tell you the location of where people are from, it’ll tell you what page their going in, where they’re exiting, what they’re clicking. It’s so deep, which is why we will talk about it again in the future. But using it for free, the power behind it…I mean, maybe, hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars worth of development, investment, and research has been put into what they’re doing. They have a whole team that works on this thing.

David: Oh yeah, yeah.

Craig: It’s a 24/7 thing.

David: There’s a support piece for even…

Craig: Oh, there’s a support piece, there’s a class you can take through them, which is also, I think, available for free.

David: Yep.

Craig: Where you can learn how to use Analytics. They’re very aggressive about helping you learn how to make your site great, because they know that if you ever want to advertise, you’re going to them.

David: Yeah, it’s smart, it’s smart business. But yeah, it gives you the stats that you need to know what’s going on in your website. A little bit more than your basic visits and a little bit more into what visitors are doing, how are they doing it, what’s making them do things, how long are they spending, time on site, things like that. Which is great, great stats.

Craig: For us as web company, it’s invaluable because we help our clients with reports. We do those reports for them, we pull the information. We let them know what’s doing well, what’s not. Otherwise, you might just be throwing stuff against the wall. You’ve heard us talk about SEO, you’ve heard us talk about quality content, but knowing what’s actually doing well, figuring out how to replicate that and move forward, that’s a very valuable piece that Google Analytics gives you.

David: Yeah, it’s pretty much just straight stats.

Craig: If you like data, you will love Google Analytics.

David: Oh, yeah.

Craig: Charts.

David: Charts and Excel…

Craig: There’s graphs. There’s so many graphs.

David: So many graphs. And you can change the graphs and make more graphs and segment graphs—

Craig: They let you export anything, too.

David: Oh, yeah. You can look down to people on Tuesdays at 3 o’clock who come from Orlando.

Craig: Sri Lanka. It’s where you want people from.

David: Yeah, it might be. Depends.

Craig: I mean, the amount of metrics they let you break down into is kinda overwhelming, which is why David said he was getting a little techie. Because if you just click in here, you should probably just look at your dashboard. If you own your business, you started your website, take a look at your dashboard, make sure you’re looking about a month time. You’ll get to see how many people came to your site, how many pages they’re going on…

But, the fact is, if you’re marketing and you’re taking things to that next level with your website, that’s when you want someone who knows what they’re doing to help guide you through that complete mess down the left side. You see what I mean when you go on Analytics. There are, I think, 15 or 16 different modifiers for Behavior, Audience, Geography, Language, there’s so many different things.

David: Yeah, I think there’s five and then they open up into five or six inside of each one. And then you can go even deeper into those.

Craig: We love Analytics.

David: Yeah, yeah. All right, so while we’re sticking on the tech side of things, I’m gonna talk about Google Webmaster Tools.

Craig: (whispering) Google Webmaster Tools.

David: Google Webmaster Tools.

Craig: (laughing) You paused that time because you knew I was gonna do it.

David: I was ready for it this time, I’m not gonna talk over it.

Craig: (laughing)

David: I want you to be able to exclusively get out your whisper.

Craig: (still laughing)

David: So, what Webmaster tools are…for people that are probably already afraid of touching it because it because it sounds very techie.

Craig: You don’t want to break your site.

David: But actually, this goes back to… You’re telling Google your website, that you own it, you run it, this is yours. So, in other words, “This is my site.” You’re telling Google the pages that are on your site, submitting a sitemap. It’s telling you what pages it’s crawled, what pages you’re even ranking for, so how you show up in search. And then it’ll also send you, at times, errors that might occur, or if you’ve gotten a penalty, which we talked about a couple episodes ago, that you could have penalties. And a lot a times, they could reach out to you using Google Webmaster Tools as way to communicate.

So it’s important that you take your online identity and tell Google, “I own this identity. So if you have anything that you need to tell me, let me know.” And that’s really what Google Webmaster Tools is. There’s a handful of things on it that are a little bit beyond what a small business would need but really using it to make sure you submit your sitemap, so that way Google knows what pages you have, find out what search terms you’re showing up for. There’s a lot.

Craig: The key term here is “Webmaster.” It’s called Google Webmaster Tools. If you are your own webmaster, get in there, do what you can, but I’ll be honest, I’m fairly savvy online, this is stuff goes way over my head. This is where David takes full charge.
So, if you have a trusted web professional, make sure they’re doing this stuff. Make sure they’re going in and site testing and speed testing, and all the different things he’s talking about for all your Webmaster Tools that let you know your different penalties that may or may not (hopefully not) be on your site.

But this, I think, we want to say that not everybody can go in there and get anything out of this. Because if you’re—I’ll call myself a layperson when it comes to code, for sure. I can’t get anything to happen there, whereas with Google Drive, I’m good. With the Analytics, I’m okay with viewing it and understanding it. With Docs and Sheets, I’m all the way there. But Webmaster Tools, it’s called that for a reason. Talk to your web professional. And if they’re not giving you information about this, change your web professional.

David: Right, whoever’s in charge of your web identity should be really involved in it and should be knowing what’s going on on it. It’s one of those kind of standard things but it’s a small, little step that a business should take to make sure you’re owning your brand and everything that you’re doing.

Craig: I’m glad you like it, because I won’t be using it.

David: That’s what I’m here for. So, on to Google Trends.

Craig: (whispering) Trends.

David: That’s right! Craig—

Craig: No one’s even…I don’t even know if they’re hearing that.

David: Craig’s whispers deeply into your ear.

Craig: This super high-quality audio. (whispering) Trends.

David: There it is again. That’s why I’m trying to let people know that you’re whispering.

Craig: I’m trying to make sure that the people get it in there. This is subliminal messaging, because these are free tools that we want them to use.

David: Why aren’t you subliminally saying “Clarity”?

Craig: (whispering) Free.

David: What?

Craig: (whispering) Clarity Creative Group.

David: There we go. Much better.

Craig: They don’t know. They need the website.

David: They don’t even hear it.

Craig: They need the website, IWantClarity.com— He almost whispered it!

David: (laughing)

Craig: He was gonna do it, I screwed up! He was gonna do it.

David: I was gonna do it for you. So what is Google Trends? Google Trends is a little bit between the statistics of what a certain search term volume is getting. So it allows you to know about how a keyword is performing, is it trending up or is it trending down? Some of the data on it can give you a good feedback on a keyword: should you go after it? are there any search terms for it? do people search for “pink hippos”?

Craig: Pink hippos.

David: Do people search for it?

Craig: I think a couple.

David: You think so?

Craig: But we’d have to check the search volume.

David: You want me to check?

Craig: I want you to check the search volume.

So right now, David is going live on the Google Trends to see how many people are searching for pink hippos. But, what we’re talking about with Google Trends, there’s a couple different layers here. Can’t you set up, even, things to look for? Like, load in your business and things like that, and it’ll let you know what’s going, what keywords are working. Google Trends is kinda like one of those tools that we use as a stepping stone to get to more information.

David: Yeah, it just kinda gives you an idea. Again, you can put in multiple terms to find out which term’s more popular than others, you can see if there’s any kind of volume. Pink hippos seem to have spiked over in September of 2016; there was, at one point, an average of about 100 searches, so it definitely showed some more interest back in September of 2016.

Craig: In the world or just locally?

David: I’m looking in the worldwide. I can go local, we can go in the last 12 months—

Craig: No, I mean, pink hippos, people are interested in that.

David: Web searches, image searches, so you can kinda see what’s happening. But maybe I want to search “pink hippopotamuses” or maybe “blue hippos.” Maybe “blue hippos” is trending.

Craig: I don’t know if that trends more, I think less.

David: You think less? “Blue hippos” has zero trends.

Craig: Zero, do you know why? Because hippos actually are kinda pink-ish coloring, but they’re not blue.

David: So if I was to go after some keywords here, I would not go after blue hippos, is what I’ve learned.

Craig: I just wanna know what made you say “pink hippos.”

David: I don’t know (laughing), it was completely random.

Craig: Well, give an example of a…like, for business purposes, do a—

David: Let’s do a sandwich shop.

Craig: Yeah, there you go.

David: So maybe they’re gonna add “turkey sandwich” and maybe “ham sandwich.”

Craig: Okay.

David: But here’s the thing: maybe you’re looking at turkey sandwiches and you realize that turkey sandwiches seem to trend up in November. Well, of course, because of…

Craig: Thanksgiving.

David: Thanksgiving. But a lot of times, people are searching for turkey sandwiches—

Craig: And web searches of what to do with leftover turkey.

David: Yeah.

Craig: So there’s a huge opportunity there to strike on that with content, with things like that. That’s kinda what we’re saying, is you can use Google Trends to see… On keywords that are important to you, pink hippos might not be important to you, turkey sandwiches might. For us, we’re looking up online marketing companies, we’re looking up website development, website redesign, pay-per-click marketing, the things we do… We want to know when people are searching it, how often they’re searching it, and how we might be able to target that. And Google Trends allows that for free! They’re just giving you insight into their algorithm for free.

David: Yeah, I mean, the numbers, just to be clear, are not like… You’re not gonna exactly have what a search term is.

Craig: They’re not ironclad.

David: It’s giving you more of the interest level. But it gives you an idea of whether or not, like I said… You can look at a keyword and say, “there’s zero interest.”

Craig: Exactly.

David: Why would you go after that keyword?

Craig: In your example, if you are writing a blog or a website about hippos, you probably don’t want to target blue hippos as your focus. But you know you can actually gain some traffic if you reference pink. Because that’s the color that people are searching for.

It’s important because, yes, you know your business well,  but you don’t necessarily know what your customers are searching for. And that’s the big, underlying thing with Google Trends, is it can help you understand what your customers are searching for. You may think, as the sandwich shop, they’re just writing “delicious sandwich.” But there might be more information you need to know. Maybe you need it to say “turkey.” Maybe you need it to say that it’s hot or cold. And getting some of this extra information about these keywords can be pretty valuable for you.

David: Yeah. The other side of Google Trends that’s kinda cool, is it has a “Related Queries.” I searched, “PPC,” pay-per-click, and it mentions SEO pay-per-click, SEO agency pay-per-click, Google pay-per-click, pay-per-click marketing, PPC marketing. So it just kind of shows you related queries, similar things that people are searching for that might get that mind going about other keywords that you might not have thought of that might be related to the one that you were thinking about going after.

Craig: Well, again, this was a pretty special episode in that we went tool-heavy for you. We use Google every day in some capacity, not just the search, but the suite of tools they offer to help business. And we hope that these five tools from Google Drive; Google Analytics; the Webmaster Tools; Trends; and the Docs, Sheets, and Slide functionality can help you to save time and money and make sure you’re maximizing your business opportunities.

If you enjoyed this podcast and found that you got a couple pieces of information, make sure you subscribe and leave us a review. This allows us to get our name out there and continue to help small businesses like yours grow.

We’re gonna end this segment with our trivia battle. It’s 1 on 1. It’s one win to one win. I’m being honest this time.

David: One to one. It’s tied!

Craig: It’s 1-1; we are tied. We are in a new age. For those of you keeping up, over the last two episodes, we changed the format. I was absolutely obliterating David—

David: That was not true.

Craig: He was starting to do weird stuff in the office.

David: Not true.

Craig: We had to change the format.

David: Not true.

Craig: He was a broken man. You saw the way he looked, Brian, when you came in. You saw.

David: It was not true.

Craig: So we changed the format. Brian Fritz of PodcastingDoneRight.com is in the building. He’s our producer extraordinaire, which is why we sound so good. Check out the website PodcastingDoneRight.com to see how you could get started getting your voice online and making sure your podcast gets this level of quality.

He is also wearing another hat today; he is Quiz Master in our battle royale, which begins now.

Brian: So, all these questions, obviously, will have to deal with some of those things you talked about today.

Craig: That’s a strength of David.

Brian: Very similar.

Craig: If it’s Google stuff, he’s keened.

Brian: It’s not too bad. We’ll see how you do, okay? Of all the different tools that you talked about, one of the things that Google offers that you did not discuss, is Google Page Speed Insights.

Craig: (whispering) Insights.

Brian: And that grades the speed of your website. And obviously, it’s very important to keep your traffic.

Craig: He’s so excited that you’re talking about this.

Brian: So the reports are out there that … How many seconds does your site need to load before people leave?

Craig: (sighs in frustration)

Brian: How many seconds does it take before 25% of your visitors leave the page?

Craig: Can I ask, is it a decimal or a whole number you’re looking for?

Brian: Seconds. It’s a whole number.

Craig: You’re looking for a whole number.

Brian: A whole number. So how many seconds go by before 25% of visitors—

Craig: Closest to the Pin?

Brian: …Give up, they leave the page.

Craig: Closest to the Pin, yeah.

Brian: Yeah. Closest to the Pin.

Craig: Okay. I kinda hate what I wrote. But I’m sticking with it.

Brian: Let’s see. Craig wrote “2.”

David: I wrote “2.”

Craig: Oh no!

David: I wrote “2.”

Craig: Were you gonna—?

Brian: Lemme tell you now, you’re both wrong, if you wanna do it again.

David: I’ll do it again.

Craig: Oh no. Oh no. I knew we were wrong but, like … (sighs)

David: I’ll do it again.

Craig: You did it again?

David: Write another number.

Craig: Oh, Price is Right-style.

David: You either went up or down.

Brian: You have to write a number.

David: Did you go up or down?

Craig: (gradually becomes more anxious)

Brian: All right, Craig put “3.”

David: I wrote “1.”

Craig: We got a “1” and a “3!”

Brian: He got a “1.” The answer is 4.

Craig: I wrote “3,” look!

Brian: I know you did.

Craig: Did I win?

Brian: You won.

Craig: I put my “3” in a window. (laughing)

David: Cheater.

Brian: It’s 4 seconds.

Craig: Four!

Brian: Four seconds.

Craig: As a younger man, I would have waited four, but these days, I can’t.

Brian: I remember back in the day of dial-up, how long you used to wait.

Craig: Oh, in the days of dial-up, those images took a long time.

Brian: Thirty seconds.

Craig: Took a long time to load.

David: Not anymore.

Craig: Those big jpegs.

Brian: Yeah.

David: Four seconds.

Craig: So 25% of people bail after four?

Brian: Yeah.

Craig: I believe it.

David: Yeah.

Craig: I believe it. When you speed test stuff, you’re always looking for, like, one. If it’s not one, he’s not happy and he’s, like, tweaking stuff.

Brian: Right. So you guys talked about Google Trends and all the things you can do there. So we’re always looking to see what is trending right now around the world, when it comes to different Google searches.

Craig: Clearly pink hippos.

Brian: And one of the things  that people look at, a lot of the time, are celebrities.

Craig: Yes!

Brian: So, which celebrity was trending the most here in the United States this past June? Was it one of these three choices…

David: Okay, good.

Craig: Oh, he’s giving us three. Whew!

David: Oh, I needed this!

Craig: You needed this. David’s not a pop culture guy, but it could be a politician.

Brian: Is it Gal Gadot, star of the movie Wonder Woman, Bill Cosby, or Adam West?

David: Ooh.

Brian: Which one of those three was trending the most in the United States in June?

Craig: I’m writing what I’m writing and I don’t like it. It came out June 2nd.

Brian: So Craig put Gal Gadot.

David: I put it too.

Brian: You put Gal Gadot, too. You’re both wrong, it is Adam West.

David: Ohh!

Craig: Oh, ’cause he died!

Brian: Yes.

David: He did.

Craig: I knew…yeah. All right. It’s 1-nothing. I searched Gal Gadot, personally.

Brian: I’m sure you did, many times.

Craig: I was going with that. She’s on, you know…I feel like married people have that one person, right? Mel, my wife, has Leonardo DiCaprio. And I recently found my One. I always told her, years in…

David: Did you add—?

Craig: I never had one.

David: Oh, so you just added to the list.

Craig: I never had one. I knew that if Leo ever propositioned her, first of all, I’m okay with it. Because it makes me look cooler, in the end, I think.

Brian: Yeah.

Craig: Because my wife is on Leo quality.

David: Does that go on your X handle or possibly your Facebook?

Craig: I might have to do this. But if Gal Gadot, Ga-“dot,” I think it’s—

Brian: “Ga-doe.”

Craig: She said “Ga-dot.”

Brian: No.

Craig: I think so.

Brian: Gal Gadot.

Craig: Ga-doe, Ga-dot…

Brian: Do you know where she’s from? Israel.

Craig: Yeah, she’s Israeli. She’s in the army, she’s a Jewish, like me.

David: She was a beauty queen.

Craig: She was. She was a Miss Israel, or something like that. So anyway, she’s my Leo—

Brian: So I’ll ask this question real quickly and this is not a trivia question, this is just a hypothetical, because you’re talking about “She’s your One.”

Craig: Gal Gadot.

Brian: And I’ll ask if David knows, and this is just a discussion, of these two women, which one are you going for? Is it Gal Gadot or Margot Robbie?

Craig: Gadot.

David: Oh, it’s Gadot all the way.

Craig: But I’ll tell you what, before Wonder Woman came out, it would have been probably Margot Robbie.I saw her in a different light because that movie was great. She was great in it—

Brian: Which movie are you talking about, The Wolf of Wall Street?

Craig: Wonder Woman. Yeah, Margot Robbie’s great. Great actress, Harley Quinn and all that, Wolf of Wall Street. So Wonder Woman came out and I started watching all these interviews with her, she was on late-night television, she was funny…

David: She’s very likeable.

Craig: She was likeable. Then you go back to, “I am Jewish, she had the Israel thing.” I mean, she’s successfully married and very well off, so this is not gonna happen.

Brian: I lot of people are kicking themselves, because her husband is very average-looking. And they’re like, “Wait a second.”

Craig: But he’s wealthy.

Brian: Oh yeah.

Craig: He had some money and that doesn’t hurt things. And they own some hotels together and she has, obviously, gotten incredibly famous. But, before this, was only doing smaller roles. Like, Fast and the Furious would have been the biggest she was in.

Brian: Oh, yeah.

Craig: And then the Wonder Woman news broke, and she started getting leading roles.

David: But she was a minor role in Fast and the Furious anyway.

Craig: Right. Yes. But she was in it.

David: Not a main character.

Craig: No. I think I’m still going Gal.

Brian: Okay.

David: Yeah, I’d still go with her.

Craig: It’s the Jewish thing.

Brian: Let’s ask the third question.

David: Probably.

Craig: (whispering) Yeah.

Brian: In Google Drive, you can make a document public and you can share with other collaborators, right?

Craig: That’s right.

Brian: What is the limit as to how many people you can share it with?

Craig: (laughs) Oh, this is a great question. Oh, look at his face.

David: Also Closest to the Pin?

Craig: Gotta be Closest to the Pin.The maximum amount of shares—

David: It’s on there every time, I think, you do it.

Craig: Is it really?

David: I think so.

Craig: Then, I gotta go with what I first thought, because if it is on there, that’s what I’m going with, but I don’t like it.

Brian: Okay.

Craig: You guys are gonna hear me say that a lot.

Brian: Craig put 20.

Craig: I never like my guess.

Brian: David put 100.

Craig: That sounds like a lot. He’s probably right.

Brian: You were both wrong, David’s actually closer, it’s actually 200.

David: Yeah.

Craig: Two hundred!

David: I knew it was double, I knew there was three—

Craig: So many people!

Brian: All right, so we are tied. Now, I do have a tiebreaker off of this.

Craig: I threw Gal Gadot in the “turt-let.” (He means “toilet”; I told you these boys are silly.)

Brian: Here’s the tiebreaker. So, 200 people can be in on a document.

Craig: That’s too many.

Brian: So how many people can make edits? Of those 200, how many can make edits? After 50, it shuts off and says, “Nobody else can make edits, it’s just those—” Well, I just gave the answer away.

Craig and David: (laughing)

Brian: Oh man! I just gave it away!

Craig: Quick, 50!

David: I wrote it first!

Craig: You know what’s funny? I’ve done that a thousand times.

Brian: I do have another question.

David: I was like, where’s he going with this?

Craig: (laughing)

Brian: Believe it or not, I actually have another question. Oh man, I can’t believe I just did that.

Craig: That’s fantastic.

David: Quiz Master.

Brian: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Craig: Do we both get that right? I think so.

Brian: So, Google Apps is very popular for businesses. Now, a form of Google Drive, you can get storage tools, Gmail, Calendar, you can get it with your own domain name for 30 gig of storage.

Craig: Thirty gigs.

Brian: Yeah. So Google Apps now has a different name. What is the name of Google Apps now? It used to be called “Google Apps” but what’s the name now?

Craig: I think we both—

David: We know it.

Craig: Oh, I think we both know it. I think we both know it, but I might have wrote the wrong thing.

David: It’s like, “Google Suite.”

Craig: I wrote “G Suite.”

David: Yeah, G Suite.

Brian: And the answer is “G Suite.”

Craig: He said “Google Suite!”

Brian: It is G Suite!

Craig: Quiz Master, up top!

David: What? It’s the same thing!

Craig: No! No, it’s not called “Google Mail.”

Brian: It says “Gmail G Suite.”

David: It’s G Suite.

Brian: But you wrote “Google Suite!”

Craig: What’d you write?

David: I wrote Google Suite but it’s—

Craig: You spelled it out.

Brian: It’s “G Suite.”

Craig: Let the record show that there’s two O’s, a very bad G, and what looks like a snail on the end. But you wrote “Google Suite.”
Brian: David, you know I tried to help you out. It’s G Suite, man. It’s G Suite.

Craig: (whispering) G Suite. That’d be like me writing “Google Mail” and you writing “Gmail,” which one would be right?

David: It’s the same th— Okay.

Craig: Ooh, he had to break on that one. This victory feels better—

Brian: Sorry, it’s like Jeopardy, I gotta be particular.

Craig: Yeah, you did the right thing there.

Brian: I screwed the pooch already, because I gave the answer away.

Craig: But you know what sucks? I would have got that so wrong, the 50? You’d have won, probably.

David: I would have won. He ruined it.

Craig: What were you gonna guess on that? I would have went really high.

David: Twenty-five.

Craig: No, mine would have been, like, the whole 200, because I had no clue. I didn’t even know you could have 200 people on a doc.

Brian: Yeah, you could have 200.

Craig: That’s fantastic. Quiz Master, who won that one?

Brian: That’d be you.

David: I think it’s about time to close off the show.

Craig: (laughing)

David: I’m ready to close it out here. Thanks, everybody, for listening. To help make future episodes better, we ask that you subscribe, follow us on Google Play, whatever favorite tool that you enjoy listening to podcasts with. Google Play.

Craig: G Suite.

David: Stay up to date, make sure you subscribe. If you want to reach out to u with any questions, email us at Podcast@IWantClarity.com. We include show notes at our IWantClarity blog , so stop by and visit and let us know what you think. Have a good one.



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