- Our tool of the episode is Quill Engage, a new way to simplify complex reports (like Google Analytics) in a way that anybody can understand.
- For our Deep Dive this week, we discuss the immediate and long-term ways to increase traffic to your website. (Spoiler alert, you might want to get thee a digital marketing budget.)
- Finally, in our trivia round, David and Craig battle it out for ultimate victory. Craig accuses David of cheating, so you can guess the hilarity that ensues.
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Episode Transcript
Craig: Welcome to IWantBusiness, the Small Business podcast, brought to you by Clarity Creative Group. My name is Craig. I’ll be alongside my partner-in-crime, David.
David: Yoohoo.
Craig: Oh, a new greeting! We have producer extraordinaire…I really am working on a fancier title. I’m gonna research some foreign royalty titles and that is what we’re gonna do for Mr. Brian Fritz of PodcastingDoneRight.com. Now, we are basically professional podcasters now, we’re coming up on over a dozen episodes, I think we’re up to number 16 here.
But we’re gonna talk about getting traffic to your website, but before we jump into all that jazz, of course…you’ve been waiting for it for two weeks, David’s Tool of the Episode. You need it. Here it is.
David: All right, so here is what we’re bringing to the table. So, this week’s episode, we’re talking about getting traffic to your website.
Craig: Fahrvergnugen. (laughing)
David: That’s a throwback comment, right there.
Craig: I know. For the listeners that are with us.
David: Right. If not, you have to go far back and listen. I’m not gonna tell you what episode; just keep listening.
So, go ahead and think, “Okay, I’m getting people to my website. Now what? How do I know that they’re doing good and what they’re doing for us?” So there’s this really cool…it’s a company called Narrative Science, it’s called Quill Engage.
We know this a little bit from our fantasy football. All of a sudden you draft, and then Yahoo! sends you this awesome little Word document that grades you and has little statements that say, “Oh, you were a genius to pick Aaron Rodgers for your first pick. Great job!”
Craig: No fantasy ever said that, because that’s not true.
David: It is true, which is what it would say if you ever got the email. So, the nice part about it is, instead of just being good/bad, and you just looking at numbers and it just grading you, it actually puts it in a nice, coherent sentence.
What Quill Engage does, is it actually hooks up with your Google Analytics and takes your one week of data or one month of data and turns it into nice, spoken words. So instead of it being that you have to look at your referrals and try and figure out who your referrals are, it tells you who’s your best one, what their average onsite time is, traffic sources, indirect sources are from last year.
But it’s in a sentence, it’s in a paragraph. It’s in a way that, instead of just looking at numbers that you don’t really even know what to do with it, it’s comparing month-to-month which is you have to do a little Analytics to get there. It just makes it a nice, simple way. It gives you a 12-month average, “hey, you’re up month-to-month,” or “you’re down month-to-month–”
Craig: So you’re saying this is a report about my website. For free.
David: Yeah, they have a free version of it. I think you can do one for free to get started. Just a really, nice way to create an understanding of your numbers. It’s a good, basic insight. When you start to dig a little bit further into it, you get a bit more out of it. For us, it’s a little too basic. But I will admit to say that there’s a lot to it that we…just first started out and trying to stomach some Analytics stuff. It really helped to break some stuff down.
Craig: Yeah, when you say that, you’re talking about us as a group that does multiple clients, dozens of clients, managing multiple websites. But for those listening that are just doing your own site, you’re just getting things off the ground, this is kinda perfect for you, because every—whether it’s weekly or monthly—you can get a report with really valuable information on it: what’s going on with your site, what’s working, what’s not. I guess, because you’ve been with us to this point on the show, hopefully you’ve heard us say Google Analytics enough times that when you put a website up, you definitely have that in there. It’s free. It doesn’t cost anything.
So, Quill: tell me how to get to it.
David: Quill Engage. It’s just QuillEngage.com, all one word.
Craig: Q-U-I-L-L?
David: Yep.
Craig: Engage, E-N-G-A-G-E. (singing) Dot com!
David: Yeah, and so, like I said, it’s a simple, good way to view your sessions, your page views, it kinda breaks it down. You can do it weekly; I believe you can do it monthly. And it’s gonna show you some new stuff every week, every month, to just know what’s working, what’s not and put it in a nice sentence.
Some people are numbers people, some people like it to be explained to them, it’s gonna do a little bit more explaining.
Craig: The data on your site is your best friend. And the thing about it is, Google Analytics can be incredibly overwhelming. Google is the number one company in web. They spend a lot of money on its Analytics engine because it is the source of the information that tells you how to market online, essentially, if you know what to look for.
And we’re not saying that everyone needs to go in and you’ll know everything, because if you break it down, there’s hundreds of metrics in there.
David: You’re probably talking about 20,000 different…
Craig: It’s crazy!
David: …Ways to look at data.
Craig: Because you can select all these different qualifiers.
David: You can put stuff away.
Craig: And we’re not suggesting to go in there and do that. They literally have classes on it, they have ways you can get certified. We’re saying this Quill Engage can give you a snapshot of it and you don’t have to become a Google Analytics expert.
We’re counseling you to make sure Google Analytics is on your site, so either your web developer or you make sure that’s loaded in and get Quill Engage so you can stay abreast of what’s happening on your site. How many times do we see clients, we ask them, “Do you know your traffic? (It happened today.) Do you know what’s going on on your site?”
“Oh, no, we don’t have that. I don’t know.”
David: They don’t normally do it, or they don’t even know where to begin with it. And it’s just a good thing for a business in order to even say, “Hey, I’m getting leads for my website…” Are you sure?
Craig: Are you sure? Do you know?
David: You say you think that, but maybe you don’t know. But there’s other factors that could make it up. And this just puts it down in a digestible form vs. having to look at the 100,000 possible topics on top of the extra 10,000 segments that you can do within Google Analytics, this knows that what you’re trying to do is simplify how you’re viewing your numbers and it’s gonna do that for you.
Just a little tool to help people out.
Craig: Very strong tool, if I may say. David’s Tool of the Episode. A big one, QuillEngage.com.
Before we jump into all that is traffic, I gotta say this. If you’re with us at this point of the 16th episode, and you’ll hear me say it again later in…any episode, get on iTunes and shoot us a review. It’s really easy. IWantBusiness—all one word, because we’re fun like that—is the name of the podcast. You’ll see a little, what are they called? Bitmojis of myself and David. IWantBusiness, the Small Business Podcast.
Get on there; give us a review; we’ll love you for it. We’ll give you a shout-out on our social. Hey, we might even invite you to come on the show next time. We are broadcasting here at our office in Winter Springs.
Getting traffic to your website. A huge concept, something we could cover on its own podcast series, but we’re gonna give you some broad strokes here on what it takes because just putting a site up or having a great idea doesn’t get people to the site. And these days, there’s two ways to get traffic: there’s paid and there’s organic. Where do we start?
David: Let’s start with, as we like to say, the sprint. The “I need it right now” traffic.
Craig: Right this second. Gimme people.
David: Craig, if I need traffic right now, where am I gonna go?
Craig: I’m gonna pay for it. I’m gonna throw money at Google. And here’s why: Google controls…I mean, the percentages change all the time, but it’s nearing 80%…85 of all search traffic. Bing is so desperate, they offer you, this is true, gift cards for using their search. Did you know this?
David: No.
Craig: Oh my God. Bing, you can get gift cards, per month, in increments of $5, $10, $15 from Amazon if you’re just using Bing searches. So obviously, you have to make a profile or whatever, but that is so desperate. It’s so desperate. Don’t use Bing, guys, sorry. I love Microsoft.
David: Can I use Bing to Google?
Craig: (laughing) To google stuff, can I “bing” stuff?
David: Can I type in Bing “Google” and then go to Google and do that?
Craig: The real reason Bing is doing stuff like that, is they need you so much, is that Google results are fantastic; they’re the best. And why, if you need traffic immediately, you’ve got a site, you just started your business, you wanna get things off the ground, find in your budgeting a couple hundred dollars a month—if you have more, great—toward pay-per-click advertising.
Literally, this is paying for traffic on your site. But, in the past, 10 years ago, 15 years ago, when Google first put this out, it was a little bit of the wild west and you’ve heard us say that. It’s not like that anymore. It’s so targeted. It’s so geo-specific, that pay-per-click has increased in value and return on your investment in that, what the dollar you spend for that click, that’s a real person. This is not gonna be click farm out of India or Bangladesh or Russia. This is real people that you’ve targeted by zip code, by community. When you’re launching a site and you’re saying to yourself, “I need traffic today,” pay-per-click is the way, wouldn’t you say?
David: Oh, absolutely.
Craig: Too much rhyme. (laughing) Unintentional. I’m gonna do a haiku on Google right now.
David: Did you plan that ahead of time?
Craig: I didn’t.
David: You’re a poet and you didn’t know it.
Craig: (high-pitched) “Wouldn’t you say?”
David: The “now” is absolutely the pay-per-click, because there’s no ramp-up. You can choose to get leads today, and then if you get too many leads (in a perfect world)…
Craig: Turn it off.
David: You can turn it off tomorrow. You can turn it off in 10 minutes. It’s such a flexible platform. And we talked about pay-per-click back in episode 11 and what we really talked about was the benefits of it. But it’s really about the “what are you trying to do to get your website out there now?”
Now, everything you do for pay-per-click, every penny that you spend, is very temporary. You’re only paying for that click right now. Maybe they bookmark it and come back to it later, things like that. And everybody will say, “I’m giving Google my money, of course it’s gonna rank my website better for SEO.” But then they have to remember, if you actually look at the offices at Google, the SEO people that do the search engine is not in the same building as the pay-per-click one. So of course they’re not talking, nor do they really care what each other do. They’re very independent of each other, so anybody who says you should do pay-per-click to rank better for SEO–
Craig: That’s incorrect.
David: It’s not gonna work. But chances are, if you’re at a point where you’re just starting out, you just need to get your foot wet, or you really understand what is the cost per lead, and you know that you can now spend $10 to sell a $30 product, and you make $20. And maybe the keywords you’re going after are cheap or maybe the location where you can put them in front of your competitors and things like that…
There’s so many different opportunities out there that you can use to get your name out there for now, for today.
Craig: For the immediate.
David: For the immediate.
Craig: Right in front of you. I mean, the big thing is traffic right now. And this whole episode’s about getting traffic to your site. So I know that some of you may be thinking, “Well, I’m big on Facebook. And I’m gonna pay for Facebook boosting instead.” Here’s why, yes, that is a valuable part of a long-term plan, but it’s not gonna get any traffic to your site. They even offer website link clicks, they get such bad click-throughs. Facebook boosting is really good to establish more credibility on a Facebook page, on your profile, on your business profile. Not to get it over to your website. And the big thing that we try to remind people, absolutely is it important to have a Facebook business page, yes. We’re not discrediting the value of Facebook and that social proof.
But. You don’t own Facebook. You don’t control how your content even gets distributed. On your website, YourBusiness.com, you control it. You control everything that goes up on it, you control what it says, you control how it works and you control the flow of what your potential customer is going to experience. You cannot do that on Facebook.
So early on in your journey, putting up a website and wanting to get traffic for it, any dollars you throw at Facebook would better serve you to start on your own website, getting traffic. Now, of course, this would be some other episodes we’ve talked about, you want to represent your vision properly on your website.
But once you know you have a web product you can be proud of that establishes your business properly, that’s where you want the eyes! Doesn’t matter whether you’re a restaurant, whether you’re a plumber, who cares? As long as you can get your information across and then get the phone number to ’em or capture their information.
So, with getting web traffic, there’s the paid way and then there’s the long-term, do you want to be in business for the next decade, what are you gonna do? That’s organic. And we’ve used this word dozens of times in a variety of our podcasts here, different episodes. And organic search engine optimization is the most valuable and least-understood aspect of web development, wouldn’t you say?
David: Yeah. People definitely think that there’s magic and science that’s behind it.
Craig: It’s pixie dust.
David: And there was tricks that we talked about that were bad that you could do, that if you knew what the tricks were, you just did it and then you were successful. But what’s really funny is, now that Google has gotten so smart, they know and see and understand exactly what we’re doing.
Craig: Right.
David: And all you have to do as a business owner, is try and convince Google that you should be number one…or number two or number three… That you’re the best. You’re exactly what Google should be ranking for for that search term, whatever it might be. Maybe it’s “sandwich shops in Florida”…
Craig: We always love the sandwich shops. But here’s the thing about that, you’re probably listening and saying, “Well, great. These two schmoes told me that I need to tell Google how to look at me first. How do I do that?”
By being yourself. That’s the irony of the situation. What you want to do these days is be real and be genuine with your content.
We tell clients this all the time, “What do you do different?” Whether you’re a sandwich maker, a plumber, a bowling alley, it doesn’t matter. What are your competitive advantages and how do we turn that into a view that a potential customer or client’s gonna see and react to.
Maybe as a plumber, you use certain techniques and certain tactics that save homeowners money down the road because you protected certain seals that other plumbers don’t care about. And now, you didn’t even think to put that out there. That’s organic SEO long-term, you write a blog post, you write a page about saving money on your pipes.
These are the kinda things that, 2, 3, 4 years down the road, as people are searching online for local plumbers, for “oh my God, my toilet exploded,” or “what’s a seal around the toilet?” Your information is gonna start to show up because Google’s algorithm is looking for experts. It’s looking for the best knowledge about whatever’s being searched.
David: Right. So you talked about experts, right? Think about people that come out of college. Let’s be honest, when you get out of college, are you ever an expert?
Craig: You’re the smartest person in the world! You just got out of college.
David: You think you are…
Craig: Yeah!
David: But let’s say you get out of school and you’re a doctor. Somebody you want to be an expert, right? You get out of college, you’ve done the 10+ years that you’ve had to do to get to where you’re at.
Craig: I’m a doctor!
David: Does anybody look at that first-year student, first year out of it, as an expert? No.
Craig: No.
David: So why would Google think, now, that your website–
Craig: Exactly.
David: Makes you an expert that you’ve been typing and writing articles for one year?
Craig: Forty seconds, yeah. Your first post.
David: Yeah. Your site’s been up for a couple of months and people will go, “Well, gosh…”
Craig: Nothing happened.
David: “Nothing’s happening.” And I think they immediately think that, “I did everything that I need to do. I SEO-ed it, I don’t understand.” And it’s all about the expert part of it.
They look at quality, they look at what you’re posting, how much you’re posting about. Once post is not gonna show that you’re an expert.
Craig: Not enough. Not enough.
David: And one link to that post is not gonna be enough. Because you’re gonna have to look at what your competitor’s doing. If your competitor has 20, 30 links back to that post, you can kinda be competitive, maybe if you have a couple, but if you have none, unfortunately, you’re not giving the signals enough to Google to show them that you’re an expert.
Craig: This is the long game, ladies and gentlemen. And hopefully, if you’ve even caught on to what we’re going with, here, the IWantBusiness Small Business Podcast, you’ve got a vision or you’ve got something you’re gonna do and you’re gonna build a business.
If you think you’re going to get rich quick with your small business, this isn’t for you. Because the reality of building a business and trying to be successful long-term, is just like our episodes have: goal-setting, planning, structure. And when you’re talking about getting traffic to your website, the organic side of it is the long game. Yes, you can pay Google and get traffic immediately, and if you’re really putting together a savvy long-term program, it begins with that. And we counsel a lot of companies to do that.
As you launch, money goes into the pay-per-click to get some people going, get some interest on the site while content goes up every week or every month so that, as years go by and you’re still in business, kicking butt, you’re growing. And building. And more eyes are on your site.
Building traffic to a website is no easy game. We built dozens and dozens of sites at this point, maybe over a hundred (laughs) in our career here at Clarity Creative Group, but the key is that they don’t just get traffic on their own. Work has to go into it. And you, as the business owner, as long as you know that and you’re willing to put some work in, you could be really successful putting a site out there that people are really gonna find.
David: Yeah, you can do it yourself. You can build your own brand to get started–
Craig: If you got the time.
David: Yeah, yeah. But you gotta put some time into it and you gotta be patient. And there’s a couple things that you have to do to appease Google, to appease Bing. What’s really funny is people are like, “I want to rank number one in Bing and I also want to rank number one in Google.”
Craig: They have a different…algorithm…
David: They have a completely different algorithm. So you’re now having to try to do both and you’d be better off to focus on one.
Nothing wrong with focusing on Bing. Look, if I told you that I could get you 20% of 6 billion or whatever searches happen a day, you’d probably be like, “You know what? I’ll take 30 million searches. Why not?”
Craig: Exactly, exactly.
David: It’s not bad, right? I wouldn’t mind being a part of that. But I think people have this grandiose idea that, “I gotta rank in number one for Bing…”
Craig: “Number one everywhere, Yahoo!”
David: Google. But if you’re not putting the little things to make it happen, you’re not gonna rank. You’re not gonna get the exposure that you need. Again, there’s the pay-per-click which is the “I need things now” and then there’s the long-term where you’re focusing on your site down the road. Six months, one year, two years, when the efforts that you put forward today are really gonna start to pay.
Craig: That’s the most exciting thing for us for a lot of the clients we’ve been dealing with for years and years is seeing some of the content that went up in 2014 and 2015 really start to produce now and generate leads and generate a ton of views, sometimes thousands of views a month off something that was written two years ago.
David: Because it’s what’s known as that evergreen content, right? It’s not a fad of the time. You’ll hear a term like that, “evergreen content.”
Craig: It’s a resource.
David: It’s content that can last for year after year after year. Five, 10, sometimes 12 years old articles that are still relevant if not helpful today. And those evergreen content pieces are what make you come across as an expert because something that you wrote in 2015 can only just grow and grow and grow. Because people are still looking for it, they still need it, versus something that maybe talks about “Kylie Jenner does what?”
Craig: (laughing)
David: You know?
Craig: I believe she’s pregnant.
David: She might be. That’s what they’re talking about now. But six months ago, they were talking about Pepsi. But if you’re trying to touch on these things, you’re already gonna be six months behind.
Craig: That’s an interesting point that you bring up a celeb like that, a Kylie Jenner. Because if you google Kylie Jenner, because of the nature of the algorithm, it’s going to show you the most recent, relevant post, right? You’re gonna have to go down a couple just to even get to her Wikipedia page now because the media has taken over.
So using that, but going to a business, you’re that plumber. If there was a huge water thing that happened, that may show up as relevant for that week or month, but if you’re the one showing up for “best plumber in Orlando” or “plumber Orlando services,” and your content about that seal around the toilet, “why does my toilet make noise when it shouldn’t?” starts to show up first and second. Over the years, that will trump any new stuff because it’s got the authority and it’s got that evergreen element.
So I know we’re getting a little deep here, and I know we’re gonna have other episodes in the future about actual strategies for your content. Look forward to that, because we’re gonna really dive into keywords. We’re gonna dive into what do you do once you have a good thing to talk about.
But we’ve talked enough about how getting traffic to your website has a two-pronged attack. We’ve got pay-per-click ads. We’ve got organic content. And now, we’ve gotta do our little trivia thing. We’ve gotta do it. We started something new two? Three episodes ago. Two.
David: Let’s go with three.
Craig: It’s three episodes ago. I’m 3-0, undefeated. In real time.
David: That’s not true.
Craig: It is true.
David: We have a totally written transcript that proves you’re a complete liar, but it’s okay.
Craig: We’re gonna welcome in Brian Fritz of PodcastingDoneRight.com to verify. Is it true that, since the new format, what’s the win-loss ratio here?
Brian: I’m trying to remember how many times we’ve done it. I know you lost at least once.
Craig: What are you talking about?
David: I remember that.
Brian: Yeah. At least once.
Craig: All right. These guys are liars.
Brian: I can’t remember. I think it’s Craig leading 2-1.
Craig: Check the show notes on Facebook. We got two liars. I’ll be tagging them. #fakenews.
You know what, I’ll accept it. Say I’m 2-1, ’cause it’s still ahead. And I’m about to be 3-1.
Brian: Right.
David: I think there was a tie in there, 1-1-1?
Craig: 1-1-1?
Brian: You know what, that could be right, actually.
Craig: Oh, I hate that.
Brian: We had to go into a tiebreaker one time.
David: It was a tiebreaker…
Craig: I probably won that.
Brian: Yeah. Well…
David: I consider that tiebreaker broken.
Brian: Yeah.
Craig: 3-0.
Brian: No, you lost at least one–
Craig: 2-1 we admitted to.
Brian: At least one loss, yeah.
Craig: As a unit, we committed to 2-1.
Brian: Yeah.
Craig: I’m leading a humongous lead over David in our trivia segment here, brought to you by Podcasting Done Right and TastyTriviaOrlando.com.
So hit us with that you got. We don’t know what we’re doing here. We’re going out of left field–
Brian: Right, and the funny thing is, I’m actually going out of left field, too, because I had to quickly scramble to put together some trivia.
Craig: I like that. I like that.
David: On your toes.
Brian: So I was thinking, because you guys are talking about traffic and how to get it to your site, so this is gonna be based on some of the most trafficked websites in the world.
Craig: Oh, I like that. I used to be about that.
David: I’ll type my answer.
Brian: Right.
Craig: I’ll think about it.
Brian: So, let’s start off with this one. So if you are in China…
Craig: I never forget the name of it.
Brian: So, if you are in China, believe it or not, Google is not the number one search engine there.
Craig: I know.
Brian: So…
Craig: Ooh, I have a guess…
Brian: What is…
Craig: You want the name of it?
Brian: …The name of that search engine?
Craig: Hold on, hold on. Don’t Google it!
David: No, I know, that’s where I need to put this somewhere else now.
Craig: You need to have a Note section open. I don’t have a piece of paper, but since he’s typing, I’m definitely gonna get the word wrong.
Brian: Well, let me–
Craig: You gonna give us some options?
Brian: I’m gonna give you some options!
Craig: This is a nice guy. I’m gonna get it, then.
David: Oh, it’s no fair. No options!
Brian: Okay, no options.
Craig: No, no, no. Options!
David: The number one website…
Craig: The number one search engine in China.
David: No, I know it, so.
Craig: You know it?
David: Yeah.
Craig: (clicks tongue) Oh geez. He knows it too.
Brian: Okay.
David: Do I have to spell it right?
Brian: No–
Craig: I don’t know if I actually know it.
Brian: You could just pronounce it, you can say it.
David: Just look at my top one. I don’t know if I spell it right.
Craig: Did he get it right? I’m not looking. I’m not looking.
Brian: You didn’t spell it right, but you’re very close.
David: It’s phonetically there.
Craig: Close enough?
David: Yeah. I can’t spell it, I’m a terrible speller.
Craig: I don’t know what it’s called, I’m saying “Baidu” because I can’t remember.
Brian: You’re correct.
Craig: Ok good, it is Baidu?
David: Yeah, that would have had a–
Brian: B-A-I-D-U.
Craig: D-U. I could have spelled it! Would that have been worth more?
Brian: No.
David: It’s a tie!
Brian: Funny thing is–
Craig: I’m impressed that I knew that.
Brian: I actually went through the trouble to try to come up with some other Chinese words–
Craig: I want to know the fake ones!
Brian: The fake ones I had were “Dayzeebao” and “Hapchido.”
Craig: (laughing)
Brian: And I was hoping–
Craig: “Hapkido?” That sounds Japanese.
Brian: It’s Chinese.
Craig: (laughing)
David: His Chinese accent’s a little bit weak, but that’s okay, we’ll work with him.
Craig: I do. And theirs is not a .com either, it’s a .c..?
David: C…
Craig: U?
Brian: Something else.
David: No, it’s not CU. CA?
Craig: It’s something.
David: No, CA is Canada. It’s something.
Craig: I don’t know. CN, maybe.
Brian: So let me start the three of you guys off on this one.
David: Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
Craig: 1-1! Even Steven.
Brian: Even Steven. So, like I said, Google is not the number one search engine in China, but it still ranks pretty high.
Craig: Yeah. It does.
Brian: It still ranks pretty high. So, we’re gonna play a little Closest to the Pin here…
Craig: I love it. I love it.
Brian: Whoever gets the closest on where Google ranks when it comes to all the traffic in China.
Craig: We have to come up with a number…
David: What number are we talking about?
Craig: Well, you get to pick a number, it’s Closest to the Pin. So I know what number I’m going to go with. When you’re ready to show him…
David: The number of searches?
Craig: No, where it ranks.
Brian: Where does Google rank…
Craig: Where does it rank?
Brian: …Among other sites in China?
David: Oh, okay. So based on what, Alexa?
Craig: Yeah. Based on traffic.
David: Okay.
Craig: So you write yours and I’m gonna hold my hands up and make numbers with my fingers so that Brian knows. Once you’re ready and show it to him. Because you can see, Brian is the regulator, he can see I’m ready with mine.
Brian: Okay, so you say 4.
Craig: I do.
Brian: David says 12.
David: I say 12.
Craig: Ooh!
Brian: Winner is David because it’s 10.
Craig: (groans) That was close.
David: Woohoohoo!
Craig: That was close.
David: Oh yeah!
Craig: That was close.
Brian: All right.
David: Victory!
Craig: 2-1. How many questions left for this round?
Brian: One more. We just do three.
Craig: So if I don’t get it…
Brian: Yeah.
Craig: I lose…
Brian: Right!
David: Or it’s a tie and then…(laughing) he has to come up with another one.
Brian: So now we’re gonna test you’re knowledge on which sites rank higher. This is gonna be a multiple choice.
Craig: Oh God!
David: I’m glad international search engines has become my–.
Craig: Why did I go so high?
David: My “fort”.
Craig: Your “fort.”
Brian: Now, which one of these websites ranked the highest in the world, in the world?
Craig: That’s a lot, not just the U.S.
Brian: Not just in the U.S., but in the world, which one ranks the highest?
Craig: Whichever the porn one you’re gonna say is.
Brian: (laughing) I’m not giving you any…
Craig: (laughing)
Brian: I think we all know the answer to that. Reddit, Amazon, Wikipedia. Which one of those three websites ranks the highest in the world?
Craig: I don’t like what you did here. I like the three you chose.
Brian: Yeah.
Craig: And I can’t tell if it’s an on-the-nose question or a sneakery.
David: Ooh. It’s in the world.
Craig: He said “world.”
David: World, right.
Craig: Game changer.
David: See, I almost want to go…even in the U.S., that one’s tough.
Craig: It is.
Brian: Funny you should say that. I have the rankings from the world.
David: Don’t tell us about the U.S., because that one might have to be a tiebreaker.
Craig: So, I need to get it right and you need to get it wrong. And the problem is, I can’t figure out which way to guess gives me the best option. You know that old adage in the game show, you got the two doors, and then if you ever thought to switch, you shouldn’t switch because it reduces your odds. Brian knows what I’m talking about, you’re not there.
Because I’m only between two and I need to figure out… I can’t say the same one as him. I can’t win that way. I cannot win…
Brian: Should we have David go first, then?
Craig: Well, no, it’s gotta be fair.
David: I mean, I’ll just show you.
Craig: Yeah.
Brian: Okay.
Craig: It’s gotta be fair. I gotta figure out and not say the one… I know the biggest company right now.
Brian: Okay.
Craig: And I just don’t know–
Brian: Which one? Is it Reddit, Amazon, or Wikipedia?
David: Who’s the biggest–?
Craig: Amazon’s the biggest company. He said traffic.
Brian: Right!
Craig: You said “traffic.”
Brian: Right.
David: What’s the most trafficked site of the three?
Craig: I’m torn, because…I’m doing this for strategy, not because I think it’s right. I’m gonna guess Reddit.
Brian: So you guess Reddit, David guessed Wikipedia, the answer is Wikipedia!
Craig: Ooh!
David: Woohoo!
Brian: It ranks 5th in the world, Reddit is 8th, Amazon doesn’t rank in the top 10 in the world.
Craig: Yeah, I didn’t think so.
David: Ali Baba has the…
Craig: Ali Baba is big.
David: …The overseas market.
Craig: They do.
Brian: When you talk about the top 10 in the world, there are four websites that rank in the top 10 in the United States but not in the world.
David: There’s a Russian…
Brian: Well, I’m talking about the ones that rank in the global top 10…rank in the U.S. top 10…
David: Yeah.
Brian: Because obviously, every one in the world… Like, YouTube is there, Google is there, Facebook is there…
Craig: Sure.
Brian: But the ones that rank in the top 10 in the United States but not the world: Amazon, X, Ebay, Netflix.
Craig: Right. You know, if Wikipedia is doing so well worldwide, why are they always asking for money?
David: To keep it going.
Brian: All I know is, I think we know who the winner and who the loser is.
David: You know, I thought about it–
Craig: It’s not clear.
David: …When you go to that Wikipedia page, and you click on one and suddenly it brings up some other language, and you’re just like, “Ugh, I just needed to read this in something I understood.” And I was thinking to myself how deep you need to be… You could go deep into … There’s so many languages on the bottom. I wonder if that has helped them in their international markets.
Craig: Clearly it has.
David: Got me a victory!
Brian: I’m so disappointed that you guys knew the answer to the first question, after I spent all that time coming up with other Chinese names.
Craig: (laughing) Fake Chinese words? And we’re both knew that one!
Brian: (laughing)
David: And you still had to say ’em.
Craig: You guys, you just witnessed a rare and not-to-be repeated win of David. He did go 3 for 3 on those questions. He is the only one there, though, I wish I could take a picture, He is in front of a computer googling while we’re playing, I’m gonna call foul.
David: I’m not googling.
Craig: I’m gonna call the foul.
David: He’s watching everything I’m doing!
Craig: We’re gonna have to wipe this one from the record books. I don’t have a computer in front of me–
David: What are you talking about? You have a cell phone in front of you!
Craig: You’re sitting with the Mac…
David: And I went to a Notepad!
Craig: And you are googling…
Brian: What is a phone?
Craig: I’m just saying the man…
Brian: It’s a computer…
David: It’s a computer in your hand.
Craig: We don’t know if he’s cheated or not. We don’t have that data. He got all three, those were tough! He got all three. I think what we have to do is void this victory.
David: Aw, somebody’s hurt.
Craig: I think we gotta void this victory and, more importantly, if you like IWantBusiness the Small Business Podcast, you must give us reviews. We want those reviews, we want to hear from you. Like I said, I think we’re gonna put this out as a standing offer: for those reviews, we could have you jump on the show, we could hang out. We could get questions answered from you.
Please, if you like what you hear, review us on iTunes. You can also check us out, I believe it’s on Stitcher. You can check us out on SoundCloud, before it goes under. And where else are we? Where else are we? We’re everywhere. We’re on IWantClarity.com, you can check us out on Facebook as well.
We’ve got other episodes coming in the weeks to come. Get excited, because we’re gonna talk about using your website for marketing. We’re Craig and David and Brian Fritz of PodcastingDoneRight.com. We’ll see you next time.