Podcast: Episode 14 – Hiring Your First Employee

  • Our tool of the episode is Indeed.com, which—as we will learn—is like an online dating site for your business. Come on…show your business some love.
  • In our Deep Dive, we get into the nitty-gritty of hiring your first employee. If all you ask is that your employees have a face and know your business name, you have a few things to learn, my friend.
  • In our trivia round, Aaron Rodger’s intelligence is called into question, and we have an unprecedented two-round tie-breaker! Who will achieve (meaningless) victory?

Forgot your headphones? Kid crawls all over you if you play a podcast, begging you to put on Micky Mouse Clubhouse videos instead? We’ve all been there. That’s why we’ve transcribed the whole thing right here for you. ⬇️
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Episode Transcript

Craig: Welcome to IWantBusiness, the Small Business Podcast, brought to you by Clarity Creative Group. My name is Craig and I am joined here by David.
David: That’s me.
Craig: Our producer extraordinaire in the building, Brian Fritz, of PodcastingDoneRight.com.
This episode, we are talking about something exciting: hiring your first employee.
David: Woohoo!
Craig: You’re growing; your business is crushing it. You need help. Of course, we need to give you a tool, something to help you on your way and hopefully it’s free in some capacity. David’s got our tool of the episode to help you hire that first employee.
David: All right, so our tool to speak about this episode is all about Indeed.com.
Craig: Indee-e-ed!
David: Indeed!
Craig: (laughs)
David: And what Indeed is all about is helping you…well, there’s two sides of it. Number one, if you’re looking for a job, you can go and search and find employers. If you’re looking for someone to fill a position, there’s a Post a Job part.
Craig: Indeed!
David: And what’s better about Indeed, it’s free…
Craig: Free.
David: …To get started.
Craig: (laughs) I like it, that was very sales-y. “Super free! And then I need your monies.”
David: So, I’ll be honest, Indeed’s probably gonna hate me for this. Throughout our careers of using Indeed, I’ve yet to ever spend a penny on it.
Craig: Oh, dear.
David: Because the thing is, if you write engaging copy on it, I think you’re gonna get enough resumes that you don’t need to pay. You’re gonna get a big boost if you pay, in terms of getting in front of more people, but it’s been good.
So Indeed, you pretty much just post your job.
Craig: Or Monster.com.
David: It’s pretty much just that, it’s just a different site, a different opportunity to get in front of different people. You post what position you’re looking for, maybe what requirements you have, all about your company. Then, for our times, within a few minutes–
Craig: Yeah, on this one… On all the tools, we speak from experience because we’re using ’em, but this one wasn’t just something to help. We’ve used it in our business to hire people.
David: For multiple things, yeah.
Craig: For multiple different jobs. It’s how we were able to find people. For one of them, like, 80 resumes came in, it was kinda crazy. It allows people to fill out a profile, almost, and go after certain jobs on an automated thing. The people, I mean–
David: Right.
Craig: …Filling it out, will automatically get these job results. So I think it’s great for someone looking for a job, too.
David: Right. Oh, it definitely helps get them knowing who you are and out there as well as, I found it to be a really simple system to use. Had a lot of fun with it. You’re able to review people’s resumes, you can message them through it, there’s definitely aspects that…
Craig: It creates one barrier of communication, which it has to. They are a for-profit company. So, it’s just like an online dating site: you’re not gonna immediately have their email or their cell phone, so it gives you communication with them through Indeed. However, their phone number’s, like, the next step, because you have to call for an interview.
David: Yeah.
Craig: So it’s pretty cool on that.
David: It’s usually pretty much there and you can reach out to them and do all that. But all that’s all still free. Again, you can–
Craig: Indeed!
David: Indeed! You can take it and you can pretty much post your job, get their resumes, call them, do everything that you need to do without having to spend a penny to get started. Maybe if you’re hiring hundreds of employees, you might want to pay for the paid version, because you’re going to need–
Craig: Because you need volume.
David: Because you need volume. But, for a small business starting out, hiring your first employee (which is today’s topic), I think this is a great way to get started to start finding those next new people.
Craig: Indeed, David.
David: Indeed, Craig.
Craig: Indeed.
David: Indeed.
Craig: We like Indeed. Again, free, easy to use, there are paid versions to take it to the next level. That is gonna be the tool of the episode, because it plays so well into what we’re talking about.
This episode’s gonna be a little different than what you’ve seen from us before. Because I think we’re gonna have more anecdotes this time, a little more about how things went for us, because, in the different businesses that we work with, we have employees now. And we didn’t. So we are literally the poster child for this episode. We went from not having it to having it. So, let’s start with your experience. Do you want to give us a story of the old days or more modern? What do you want to hit us with?
David: I guess let’s go old days.
Craig: You wanna go old days, give it to me. Give me a personal story about bringing on a new employee. Where you were before…and what happened.
David: Oh, gosh. Bringing on employees…so, back in the day, I recall a time of sitting down with somebody, you kinda looked at their resume…
Craig: In front of them.
David: In front of them for the first time, and you just had a quick conversation, asked probably about one or two questions–
Craig: Were these the old retail days?
David: Oh, those are retail.
Craig: David has a past.
David: You know, “Have you handled money before?” “Yes.”
Craig: (hillbilly accent) I have touched it a time or two.
David: “Have you worked as a cashier ever? Yes or no.”
Craig: (hillbilly accent) One time.
David: Simple yes or no questions that made you know that they’re living, breathing, and they have a pulse. And at that point, as long as they looked the part, it went from there. As long as they could fake it, I went all in on it and hired them…
Craig: (laughs) Hey, you have a face? You know what money looks like? You’re hired.
David: Kinda take 10 or 12 really bad hires and lump ’em into one story, because–
Craig: You’ve made some bad hires, huh?
David: Yeah, again, there was no real background learning it. Back in the day, there was a system that used to code people different colors, you’d pretty much just take whatever color code it was and if they were green, you’d just go, “Oh…”
Craig: “Oh, I guess I should hire them.”
David: “…This is the person I should hire.” Well, all green really meant was that they knew how to answer a whole bunch of questions properly and they could potentially just BS the system. Anybody could do that, and then the person that showed up never really matched what their answers were, but you never really saw their answers either, which made it hard.
Anyway, long story short, I realized how important it was to interview, to get to know the hire, and to use different techniques to find out if they were a good fit.
Craig: And we’re gonna talk about some of those techniques–
David: Yeah, yeah.
Craig: …In a minute, or two. We’re actually gonna give you some questions you could even ask in that interview. Because after those, I guess we’ll call them failure hires–
David: (scoffs in frustration)
Craig: I want to give you another story, this one’s on me, of a failure hire. It’s kinda different. So, again, David was in a retail setting, I was in a small business setting and I am a friendly guy. And that doesn’t always bode well you’re hiring/firing.
David: It bodes well if you want a job.
Craig: It does. It does. And people wanted jobs. And I had this tendency, for years, to literally bring people on the team–yes, it was a part-time capacity, but it cost money; it cost money to train them, it cost money to onboard them–if they were just…around. If they were just there enough times.
We talked about this briefly, but we manage and run an entertainment business. And this was a mistake, back in the day. We had brought people on that were just…ever-present. Didn’t mean they were qualified. And I’ve seen this happen in other places, too. It’ll happen in restaurants, it’ll happen in other businesses. They’re just around; and that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re a prime candidate for what you’re doing, but I felt like, “Oh, there’s a nice person, they’re supportive, they’re helping, he’s carrying the heavy thing, this is great. Oh, you got a job now.”
There are so many things wrong with that, but we’ll just start with: there wasn’t a proper interview process. There wasn’t a proper orientation. There wasn’t a proper onboarding. And these are the things that we’re gonna be telling you through this episode that, when you’re hiring that first employee, yes, it’s exciting to grow. It’s exciting to add to your business. But you could take a “one step forward, two step back” situation if you’re adding the wrong people to the team.
So, I think what we’re saying is, look at our past, which was an odd color-coded system of “if you have a face and you’ve seen money before, you have a job” or literal…I guess I could call myself lazy back then. I wasn’t searching so much, it was more like, “Oh, that person’s already there. Here you go, come on. Join the party.”
David: The “hire a friend” mentality?
Craig: Yeah. The convenience, “hire a friend” mentality is not, I think, what can help your business grow.
David: It’s not finding the right person for the job that you’re hiring, right?
Craig: Exactly. And that’s a big thing, is finding people that want the job that you need filled, not you, as the business owner, pushing that job on them. And let me go there again…So, let’s say you own a sandwich shop, I don’t know why I like bringing up sandwich shops, it’s a thing I like. I enjoy sandwiches.
David: You just like to make me hungry.
Craig: I know! And you’re making so many sandwiches, you’re so busy, and you need another sandwich maker. Is it in your best interest to just hire the next person that you see that you know could make a sandwich? Or should you look for people that might have a passion for food? Maybe they’re looking for work in that industry, because that’s what they want to be doing with the rest of their life.
I think that if you’re just excited to grow and you just go with the first person that’s there, there’s going to be problems down the road. I’ve had to let go of some of those people that I talked about, where…yeah, they were just around and they were carrying those heavy things, but they certainly didn’t match my vision of the business. You got that sandwich shop, you’ve got a vision for what it’s gonna be, and the quality that those sandwiches need to be, you need to make sure those people can get on-board with that vision. And that’s what a good interview process is gonna be.
And that’s with asking these…I guess you could call them “critical questions” because it makes them think on another level, not just the “where’d you work?”  That’s not a good question.
David: It’s open-ended.
Craig: Yeah. Give a…we’ll jump around a little bit. This is something you’ve brought to my life. A couple different types of questions we ask people, now, in an interview. Let’s give at least a couple.
David: Let’s see here, a couple questions, off the top of my head…would be like…
“Tell me about a time you had to solve a customer’s problem. How did you solve it and what steps did you take…”
Craig: I love that.
David: “…To make sure that they were happy?” Again, it’s an open-ended question, so there’s no ‘yes or no’ answer. You could ask that yes or no question, but now it gives them a chance to tell you a story about what they’ve done.
Craig: They need to! They need to, because if they don’t…you pulled the question I was thinking of, too. Because giving them a question just like that…we also ask another one of, “Give me an example of a time you had limited resources but you still had to achieve a goal.” I really like that, because they have to go somewhere in their mind and find that story.
And, to be honest, it doesn’t matter which job they reference; their resume’s in front of you anyway. It doesn’t matter if it was a retail job or service job. If they can talk about a time where they had that instance…or, I think, we also ask a lot, “A time when a customer was unhappy and how you dealt with that.”
It shows you that, a) they remember what the heck they’re doing, b) they can critically think about solutions, and if they don’t have an answer, and this has happened in multiple interviews, that’s something you, as the business owner, have to mark down. This is not someone who can mentally establish when they’ve helped or not helped a customer or not been able to work with limited resources? Those are big flag moments for you. You’re gonna become an interviewer, essentially, hiring your first employee.
David: Right, and it gives you a chance to start to learn about them. A lot of our questions are very customer service-oriented because, as a web design/marketing company, the first thing you never think about is customer service. It’s an important part for us because we’re not your standard web company. We’re not the people that don’t answer our phones or don’t call you and don’t communicate. So some of the things that we talk about is good customer service, good communication, solving problems, because that’s what we need in our day.
And unfortunately, if you’ve never had… Even if you can reference some school experience about what you’ve done. But if you’re not known for going above and beyond in helping out a group of friends or doing something like that, how do I know, as a team member on our team, that you’re gonna be able to help us solve these problems? And that’s so important in getting to know, “Are they going to be a good fit?” These questions should really give you a… This person, are they gonna be a good fit on your team and can they work within what you need, like a good sandwich person is probably gonna be friendly, they’re gonna be able to solve problems when they run out of ham or run out of turkey, or something like that.
Craig: There’s always something.
David: When an issue like that occurs, what are they gonna do? And when you get that background story from them about how they’ve done it, or if they tell you that you’ve never had an issue before…
Craig: I always put a red flag on that, too. If you’re asking a question that is something that a person has had to critically think through, and they’re like, “Oh, that’s never come up, I’ve never had that issue,” that seems like a glaze-over to me. And that’s something that I would remember and maybe even mark down, and be like, “Well, that happens to everyone.” Somebody, maybe they’ve never used the word “resources” in their life, but in that one where you had limited resources, you ran out of the ham, what did you do? Everyone’s had something happen to them in a workplace scenario. And it doesn’t have to be just food service. You could have been in an office scenario, your boss asked you to go get paper or print something and the printer’s broken. You have to figure out something because the resource you were supposed to use is gone.
So what we’re saying here, big picture, you’re looking for adding that employee. Interview people, talk to people, and do not accept ‘yes or no’ answers, which means you don’t ask ‘yes or no’ questions. Yes or no questions aren’t gonna get you anywhere, you’re not gonna get to know that person, you’re not gonna get to know what they’re like, what they’re capable of, how their brain works…
And if you’re gonna be working with someone, especially if it’s in a side-by-side scenario, for example, maybe you’re a service industry… Maybe you’re a plumber, and you’re doing so well and you need to add an apprentice, or whatever the word would be. You’re gonna be working with this person, do your diligence and find out what they’re capable of through some question and answers, through some open-ended questions. We gave you just a few.
And I want to make sure that we touch upon another piece of this puzzle that, again, David has brought into my life over the last couple of years. It’s not just about the interview. Once you’ve found that person you like, getting them familiarized with what you do is very key. I made a lot of mistakes with this in the beginning: brought people on, they had a face, they were around, that was my thing, they were near me…I hired them and I didn’t prepare them for success. We didn’t have an orientation, we had, like, a 15-minute sit-down. “You understand what’s going on, right? You know how to work a microphone, right? No? Okay, cool, let’s figure it out.”
Orientation. Setting people up for success. Every big company you go for does it, you can do it on a small scale. We’re gonna use our sandwich shop again. Have that person come in before you open. Go over how to make each sandwich. Go over how to use the cash register. Go over your axioms of service, maybe you have some special things that you do or you have a special reward program you want to ask them about.
We’ve all had jobs in our lives, we’ve all gone through these things. You, as a small business owner, you have to do it. How important is orientation, David?
David: You could hire the best person for the best job, but if they’re not, now, bought in on what you’re doing, at that point, every bit of effort we just did: posting your job, doing a good interview…it’s null and void, it doesn’t really matter because you’ve now missed the opportunity to engage them, to get them fired up and ready to be a part of your team, to be an ambassador for your brand. Chances are, they’re gonna be on the front lines, they’re gonna be making the sandwiches, they’re gonna be talking with clients, they’re gonna be doing the work. You wanna make sure that they’re doing things to your quality.
And absolutely, the worst thing you can do is not spend time with that person Day One to at least get you going to get them off on the right foot with your company.
Craig: Set people up for success. Again, I’ve learned a lot from mistakes. Give them the opportunity to learn everything there is to know about your business, from the employee point of view, if you will. I’m not saying you have to share with them revenue numbers, or anything like that. I’m saying, give them the tools to succeed. Whatever your industry is, there’s an opportunity in it. It could be in conversations, it could be hands-on. Don’t set them up to bomb.
David: Well, it’s even simple stuff like, “When will I get paid?”
Craig: Yeah, let ’em know.
David: Things that you think to yourself, if you got a new job, what’s gonna stress that person? What are they gonna be worried about? What’s new to them that is within your business that maybe they need to know about? So maybe it’s about, “What’s your time off policy?” to “When do you open and close?” “What’s your process and procedures for doing things?” Again, “When do you get paid? What are your benefits?” What are the things that, maybe, weren’t covered in full detail during the interview process but are things that, now somebody’s on your team, probably gonna wanna know so they know what to expect or know what the rules and situations are. And depending on your business, you might handle food, there’s possibly laws that…
Craig: You have to cover.
David: …That could get you even more in trouble, so it’s important that they even understand what that is, so that way you’re not going to fall flat on your face in terms of breaking a law. So, you know, small things, small things.
And then give them that backstory. Tell them about why you’re there and who you are and why the company’s there. I think the more bought in they are to your brand–
Craig: Yeah, I like that phrase, “buy in.”
David: Yeah, the more they’re bought into your brand, the longer they’re gonna be around as an employee. The more  detailed they’ll be in the work that you ask them to do. And I think that they’re going to be that hard worker that, maybe you didn’t even expect it from them, because they’re so understanding about what it took for you to get into the business. Or maybe there’s sides of the business they didn’t even know. Maybe they didn’t even know it was such a small business and it was just you.
So there’s definitely things that you can help them out with. That way, they know how to speak for you and can be your brand.
Craig: Adding people to your team can be extremely exciting. It means you’re growing, it means you need more things. Of course, there are stressful moments that come in that, as you’re taking care of more than just you, at that point. But, using tools like Indeed.com to find resumes, using some strategic questions that are not just ‘yes or no’ answer in your interview, and building your own orientation process will help you successfully bring on your first employee.
This episode is brought to you by PodcastingDoneRight.com. We’ve got, in the studio, the man himself: Quiz Master, producer extraordinaire, Brian Fritz. What we’re gonna do now, is we are gonna transition into David’s least- favorite segment of the show, which is the trivia segment…until he wins. Because the moment he wins, it’s instantly his most-favorite.
David: It will become my first. I hope it becomes–
Craig: He’s a competitive guy.
David: (sighs)
Craig: We have, I guess, blanked out the win-loss column from the first dozen episodes. And it is true; I am undefeated. I’m legitimately…
David: No!
Craig: …Undefeated in the Brian Fritz era.
David: No! I mean…
Brian: In my era, yeah.
Craig: Yeah! Oh, wow, he agreed–
David: In one match, it doesn’t count.
Craig: In the B.F. era–
David: Keep going, they don’t even–
Craig: What do we call it, the modern ball? What do they call that in baseball? What is that called?
Brian: It’s that A.D., B.F…?
Craig: Yeah.
Brian: (laughs)
Craig: We’re in the B.F. era.
David: In sports rankings, you have to go a couple games before they even start the rankings…
Craig: No, I mean, they would call you undefeated.
David: Indirectly, but nobody would ever…you don’t tout that…
Craig: I don’t know…
David: …that one win, as undefeated.
Brian: He’s, like…a way to get one game as a baseball season that goes 162 games.
Craig: Yeah. He is talking about that.
David: We got 162 games, 161 more games to go, so…calm down, buddy.
Craig: So if you lose this one, you’re looking real bad.
Craig: You’re looking real bad.
David: Calm down.
Craig: All right, so it’s three questions. The format from last episode, if you guys don’t remember, is we’re writing down and kinda talking through our process. The only reason we’re writing it down is Brian can see us so he knows that it’s legitimate and there’s no cheating. Because we’re quite competitive. So let’s do this.
Brian: Sure. Fire away, here we go. So you guys were talking about Indeed.com, there’s all these different websites
Craig: Indeed.
Brian: …That are out there, obviously, to help people find jobs or even help employers find employees. And there are a lot of different websites that are out there that specialize in different fields. Now one of those is…there is a website that helps people that are looking for tech jobs.
Craig: (whispering) Oh no.
Brian: So, I’m gonna give you three choices and you’re gonna tell me which one is the leading website for people looking for tech jobs. Is it Dice.com? Is it OneWire.com? Or is it Idealist.com?
Craig: Oh dear. I am completely in the dark here.
David: Here’s the issue: I’m not looking for a job…
Craig: Right.
David: …So this is a very fair question, because I’m not…
Craig: I like this. But you might have seen this more. You’re–
David: Huuuhhhh?
Craig: …More techie than me.
David: I’m not looking for a job, sir!
Craig: I know.
David: I’m happy where I’m at, thanks for asking.
Craig: I have to go with…I like the multiple choice format.
David: Yeah.
Brian: Turn around, let me see.
Craig: I went with a guess. I don’t like it.
Brian: Let’s see, you put Idealist.
David: I said One Wire.
Craig: I like that.
Brian: And you’re both wrong. It is Dice.com
Craig: Ugh, I believe it, I believe it.
David: Dice.com.
Craig: Dice.com.
David: For tech industry.
Craig: Now what is…does it stand for something?
Brian: No, but it’s used by financial services…or, sorry, One Wire is used by financial services and accounting and insurance places.
Craig: Idealist isn’t even–
Brian: Idealist is full-time internship and volunteer positions with non-profits.
David: Ahh, you could be–
Craig: I like that, though.
Brian: Yeah.
David: You could be ideal.
Craig: Nice! Well, so no point awarded, I’m not losing yet.
Brian: Yeah.
David: Indeed.
Craig: You have to send this to them, for a backlink…as we talk about…Indeed!
Brian: So, for employers, obviously, when they are speaking with people that are applying for jobs with them, one of the things you wonder about on the resume is how accurate is the resume.
Craig: Right.
Brian: Are people lying–?
Craig: People lie!
David: (sarcastically) No! What?
Craig: They do.
Brian: People misrepresenting themselves?
Craig: Oh my god, people fabricate.
David: No way!
Craig: They do. You don’t believe it.
David: Actually, I heard a really funny story, can I…?
Brian: Yeah.
Craig: Yeah.
David: So, I was going out to dinner with a client and they were talking about one of the guys that’s been with them for forever. And they found his old resume–really funny story, I’m probably telling it completely wrong–
Craig: You’re okay so far.
David: Anyway, so it was from 10, 15 years ago, maybe even 20. And one of the things mentioned on it was great, like, word processing skills…older gentleman and, to this day, he hates the computer, doesn’t do things on the computer. But yet, 15, 20 years ago, he absolutely fabricated that–
Brian: That’s awesome.
Craig: Fourteen words per minute. Strong!
Brian: He was strong.
David: He was not strong then, and it’s not strong now.
Brian: But we all know that this happens and it’s one of the problems. There’s been a survey that’s been done by Career Builder that talks about how many people either lie or misrepresent themselves on their resume.
David: What?
Brian: So, within 10%…
Craig: Yes!
Brian: …How many people do you think either lie or misrepresent themselves on their resume?
Craig: I have a number.
David: I have one, too. It’s kinda high.
Craig: I wrote 33%.
David: I put 85.
Brian: And you would be dead-on right, 85% is the number.
Craig: What?!
David: Double points!
Craig: Eight-five…he did not say that it is double points. Getting it dead-on is impressive.
Brian: That is.
Craig: We should, moving forward…
Brian: Maybe he should–
David: That’s because I’m an honest person.
Brian: I think you get a half point for that, for getting it exactly right. An extra half point.
Craig: I don’t know, I think we should have to set something…
David: I love it. The Quiz Master has spoken!
Brian: Because that way, in case there’s a tie, that breaks it.
Craig: Too high.
Brian: Eighty-five percent.
Craig: Lies!
Brian: Just a couple years ago, it was around 55, 60%, but the most recent survey said 85%.
Craig: I wrote 33 because I believe in honesty. People–
David: Throw humanity out the door.
Craig: People are terrible. All right, so I’m down 1-nil.
David: I wonder what–
Brian: Down one and a half.
Craig: I mean, you’re making it up as we go, now.
Brian: Sounds like something that used to happen in the past.
Craig: Nah, that doesn’t sound right.
David: Yeah, it sounds like he learned from somebody else.
Craig: There was nothing set in place. We should have set that last episode, because there was the opportunity–
Brian: Okay, fair enough, fair enough.
Craig: Moving forward, double points, I’m fine with.
Brian: See, I don’t know if we have a tie-breaker. I kinda do, so we’ll see if we need it though. Okay.
Craig: If I don’t get it, it’s moot.
David: That’s okay, I got a half point, anyway. One and a half, you can’t win.
Craig: I’m impressed. So you’ve lied on your resume and I haven’t, that’s what we know.
David: (laughs)
Craig: That what we know.
Brian: Here’s the last question. So we’ve always wondered what kind of questions you should ask during a job interview, and you guys talked about that. Now, even potential NFL players have to undergo a job interview and they have to take an intelligence test to score their aptitude.
Craig: We know what that’s called.
Brian: So, most people usually talk about quarterbacks have to take this test, so what’s the name of that test?
Craig: We both know this one, I think.
Brian: Well, write it down.
Craig: But I also know the number of questions, if that’s the tie-breaker.
David: (disappointed) Oh…
Brian: Write it down.
David: Wait, I have to…
Craig: Wait, I might get it without him remembering the name of it.
Brian: What is the name of the test that NFL players have to take to score on their aptitutde?
Craig: Oh, I don’t wanna say, because I have it, I think. Come on, David, you like Aaron Rodgers, he scored poorly on this.
David: Did he really?
Craig: No, he didn’t, he did fine.
David: I’m sure he didn’t.
Craig: He did fine. He wasn’t, like, the highest ever, or anything like that, but he did well. Ironically, some of the highest ever are not the most successful dudes.
David: I don’t even know, I don’t know the name of the test, it’s like “Something Aptitude Test.”
Craig: It is not called that, I don’t think.
David: No?
Brian: It is not, it is called the Wonderlic test.
Craig: (with Brian)It is called the Wonderlic test, which I think is 27 questions.
Brian: It might be. I didn’t look.
Craig: That would have been a great tie-breaker for me to destroy you on. He’s got some other tie-breaker for us.
David: Well, hold on, what are some of these questions on the Wonderlic test?
Craig: I don’t know that–
Brian: Oh! Oh, I can give you some of those. There are some really tough ones.
David: Are there?
Brian: But you only have a certain amount of time to take the test–
Craig: It’s a timed test.
Brian: What is it, under 10 minutes?
David: Is it open…?
Craig: What do you mean, like, open note?
David: Are they open-ended? It’s not, like, “How many NFL teams are there?”
Craig: No! No, no, no, no…
David: It’s not stuff like that.
Brian: It consists of 50 multiple choice questions–
Craig: I was way off.
Brian: …To be answered in 12 minutes.
Craig: Twelve minutes!
Brian: So, like, here’s some sample questions.
David: Oh yeah, that’s what I want.
Craig: Oh, I spelled it wrong, too. (laughs)
Brian: A high-speed train travels 25 feet in a third of a second. In four seconds, the train will have traveled how many feet?
David: Oh my gosh…
Craig: Seventy-five times four, 300.
Brian:Exactly, 300.
Craig: You gotta…yeah, yeah, yeah, you gotta rip ’em.
David: Yeah, I get it.
Craig: So, is it Wonderlic, W-O-N-D-E-R-L-I-C?
Brian: Yeah.
Craig: Yeah, I spelled it wrong. Yeah, but it’s used for a lot of businesses, not just just the NFL. That kinda–
Brian: I think a lot of people associate it with the NFL.
Craig: I know! But a bunch of different businesses use it: adult education…
David: But now, it doesn’t…if you score badly though…there isn’t, like, a score that’s not gonna get you on an NFL team, is there?
Craig: Not necessarily, but if you score really poorly, they’re gonna be like, “Oooh, academic’s not this guy’s thing.”
David: Right.
Craig: “He’s really fast.”
Brian: Let me give you guys a tie-breaker question here.
Craig: Okay, cool. Because we are 1 and 1.
Brian: Dealing with the Wonderlic test, and since NFL players do have to take it, this will be multiple choice. Okay. What position has done the best at the Wonderlic? Is it…
Craig: I know what he’s gonna give us.
Brian: Is it defensive linemen, offensive linemen, or quarterbacks?
David: I already wrote mine down.
Craig: I know. I wrote offensive linemen.
David: Offensive line.
Brian: You both are right.
Craig: Yeah. The sneak play is the quarterback.
David: Yeah.
Craig: the sneak play is the quarterback, but they’re not smart.
Brian: So you’re still tied, and we’re gonna break this down even further.
Craig: Oh, yes!
Brian: Okay, it is offensive line. Okay, so who ranks the highest on the test, is it an offensive tackle, offensive center, or an offensive guard?
Craig: Wow! That’s challenging.
Brian: They’re all offensive linemen.
David: It becomes a…
Brian: Is it a center, a tackle, or a guard?
Craig: I have a reasoning, but I don’t know if it’s right.
David: I have a tackle.
Craig: I wrote center.
Brian: The winner is one of you two and it would be…David.
David: Yes!
Craig: Tackle over center. Terrible.
Brian: The rankings are offensive tackle, offensive center, quarterback, then the offensive guard.
Craig: See, I would have said center because they have to, I guess, call out all the stuff. What made you go tackle? You guessed.
David: It was 100% guess.
Craig: Disavow. Guard.
David: Well, you know…
Craig: Guesser. He’s a guesser.
David: No. (laughs) There’s a lot of that going on.
Brian: You guys are just shocked that I even had it that far.
David: That was good! You kept it going.
Craig: Impressive. Brian, that was impressive.
David: It worked out.
Craig: This trivia segment has been brought to you by PodcastingDoneRight.com and the finest Quiz master on IWantBusiness in existence. I suppose David won on a tie-breaker. We were 1-1 and he whooped me with “tackle.” And I can take that. I can go 500 into next episode.
David: I tackled him!
Craig: Our next episode is gonna be all about the five free Google tools to help your business. You’re gonna want to check that one out. So make sure you get online, you follow us on either iTunes, subscribe, Google Play, wherever you listen to podcasts, get ahold of us, IWantBusiness, all one word.
Hit us up at Podcast@IWantClarity.com if you have any questions or you wanna give us suggestions on what you wanna hear. We’ve got show notes on our website, IWantClarity.com and we’ll see you next time.



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