Podcast: Episode 19 – Business Networking

What up, what up? Welcome to Episode 19! We got lots to talk about in this episode.

  • Our Tool of the Episode is Full Contact, a super useful way to organize your wallet or car console and get those loose business cards exactly where you want and need them: your phone! You’ll not only look incredibly cool, you’ll get organized and be more productive.
  • In our Deep Dive, we discuss the tips and tricks for making business networking groups work for you. David has three steps to being a successful networker and NONE of them involve acting like a cheesy car salesperson. Branch out and get ready to grow your business.
  • In our trivia segment, Brian shakes things up a little and brings some pizzazz to our trivia game. Craig and David fight about who has more victories to date and we discuss Craig’s bathroom addiction. All this and more on the IWantBusiness Small Business Podcast.

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Episode Transcript

Craig: Welcome to IWantBusiness, the Small Business Podcast, brought to you by Clarity Creative Group. My name is Craig, my partner David…
David: Dilly dilly.
Craig: Oohh! Marketing was last episode, we’re talking business networking this episode. But what David did there for you is major, major offline marketing, Bud Light’s “dilly dilly.”
We’ve got our Producer Extraordinaire, Brian Fritz, in the building. PodcastingDoneRight.com. And we’re talking business networking. That’s what this episode’s gonna be about, but in order to get things started, we gotta give you a tool. A Tool of the Episode. David, my favorite tool, go for it.
(Both laughing)
David: I don’t know if I like that segue or not but I guess I’ll go with it. Don’t really have much of a choice, at this point. (Craig laughing)
This week, we’re gonna talk about something called Full Contact. Now—
Craig: (whispering) Full Contact.
David: Full Contact. Not anything to do with football, but it’s an app that you can use on your phone, both iPhone and Android again. And really, the idea of this is gonna tie in with our topic this episode. And really what I started using it for is a business card scanner. So what you do is you take your business card, you open the app, you pretty much take a picture of it, and it begins to put it into their database, either somebody goes in and types it up or it’s machine done, I’m not really sure. Usually within 12-24 hours, it suddenly shows up as a contact in my phone.
Craig: It’s a monkey in Bangladesh that does it. (laughing)
David: It seems to work pretty well, so points to the monkey. And it allows you to sync your contacts across all devices. It allows you to have a little bit more, so it puts their LinkedIn or maybe their Facebook or X accounts in there as well. So if there’s more information that they have on this person, you get that, so you get a bit more information on them. And you can merge people and do things.
It’s almost like taking your current contact list on your phone and juicing it, taking it up a notch. So, very useful for networking, because you’re getting tons of business cards from lots of people. There might not be a chance to type in somebody’s name and phone number and things like that.
Craig: I know! That’s always a frustrating thing. They had you their card, you’re at an event or whatever, what do I do with this? Just to make them think I respect them, I’m gonna put it in my wallet, but that really means it’s getting lost for eternity.
David: Right, then it goes from the wallet to the desk. If you need them, you’re searching your desk for it. And as much as business cards are a great offline business marketing tool, in a world where we don’t really have business card holders and things like that sitting on our desks like we used to, right? We don’t have Rolodexes that we can put them in.
Craig: Is this an online Rolodex, essentially?
David: Pretty much it turns those business cards into a contact, so it becomes an online Rolodex. Again, it kinda helps bridge the online to offline that we’re speaking about. It’s a great way to do it. It offers and free and a paid but you can get a bunch of business card-to-contact for free that they’ll do a dozen every month or so for you or whatever.
Craig: Once it’s loaded in, is it really like I can just click it and it’ll open up an email window to them or— Is that what it is?
David: Yeah, it’s pretty much a contact—
Craig: See, I like that.
David: There’s a little bit more in there. If somebody happens to put more in, it syncs stuff up. It’s good. And then, like I said, you can have multiple devices. You can pull it up on your computer and then maybe you also need it on your phone. If you’re sending an email, you’re not typing an email on your phone. But now, you’re not typing in that email address wrong. You take the picture of the front, the back…and it just goes well together.
Craig: I like the sound of that. Again, my weakness is at events or— To be honest, even if it’s at a holiday party. You make that connection and then you have a business card, it goes in the back pocket, it goes in the wallet and then nothing comes of it.
If you’ve got a system like this, where you can leave it on the desk and input it in Full Contact is what it sounds like…
David: Yeah.
Craig: Now you’ve got it in there forever. You can email them that way, you can text them that way. I like the sound of that.
David: Yeah, it just allows you to have it on your phone as a digital copy so that stack of business cards is a little more manageable. You don’t need to flip through your business cards if you remember their name or business or “oh, they’re a roofer, they’re an electrician” you could add little notes in there. That way, you can pull it up on your phone.
Plus it also backs up your current address book or contacts on your phone, which I think we all have those moments where our phones die without proper—
Craig: 1400 contacts lost! No! And then forever you’re typing “who dis?”
David: Who dis?
Craig: “Who dis?” for, like, the rest of your life.
So FullContact.com looks like it could really help you stay organized. This whole episode: about business networking. Again, there’s a lot that you can do to network, but one thing we want to start with would be networking groups.
And it kinda ties in to where Full Contact is a tool because some of these networking groups that I’ve been to—and David’s gonna give some stories as well—were almost painful in that there was a section of it where it’s like, “All right, everybody, get your business card out, hand it to everyone” and then you leave with a stack of 30 of these things that, to me, just went into the center console of my car. And it’s an abyss. They’re gone. I don’t know if that person… They don’t exist to me.
David: You obviously didn’t have Full Contact.
Craig: At the time, I did not have Full Contact. And personally, I’ve not been to as many networking events as David, but I think that the main thrust for what we want to talk about for business networking is a concept that we’ve brought up on a previous episode, but only once, I think. It’s called “aces in places.” Putting your best people in the right place to succeed.
I can take this. I might be ahead in the trivia segment that we do here on IWantBusiness. But I was a weak link for business networking. I went to BNI meetings, I went to Chamber of Commerce meetings, and I’ve been to at least two others as invitees—someone else brought me on—to a networking group.
And I think I’m gonna open this up. I don’t actually know what he’s gonna say about it. But David, tell me, what the hell was wrong with me? Something was broken. I couldn’t get anything out of it. Never got a lead, never got a closed conversion. You, on the other hand, go to one, the first one you do for this particular business, everyone’s in love with you and they literally just throw money at him.
David: Um, yes. Literal money, like…
Craig: They make it rain on him on Tuesdays at the IHOP. (laughing)
David: You know, I’m not gonna say, “Craig, you’re wrong.” It’s not that you’re wrong. Networking is the marathon, right? It’s not the short.
Craig: I was sprinting.
David: And you were trying to sprint it. And Craig’s a short-term addict, where he gets onto stuff for just a short time and then moves on. And that’s just him. That’s how he does things. And if you don’t see them through, you’re gonna go through a couple of tough weeks getting to know everybody and you begin to build those relationships. And then you’re able to build trust, and that’s really what networking’s all about.
It’s not just about what you’re expectations are, but about you helping others. You assisting others, you being an asset to them. Again, if you don’t get a chance to know people, you can’t help them. And when you can’t help them, you’re not gonna get the return on networking that you’d expect.
Craig: So let’s do a very mini roleplay, here. You’re you. Nothing changes. I’m like, bright-eyed, want to start a business or I’ve got a business starting. And I come to you because I know you go to networking events and I’m gonna say, “What do I do, David? I know you’re in a group or you’ve been in groups before. What are the three things you could tell me to do so I could be successful in this group?”
David: Yeah! Three things, let’s see here…so probably making sure that you’re showing up and spending time to get to know people. You’re going there expecting to learn about people’s businesses, not necessarily telling about your business. And I think number one is you go in with that in mind. I think that’s usually the mistake of, as you said, the guy handing out the business cards. That’s mistake number one.
Craig: Okay. See, that’s huge. Because I think the average person, the first thing they’re gonna think to do is, “Oh, gotta get my business card in everyone’s hand. Gotta make the most of this.” And it sounds like you’re saying, first tip for our noob that I just roleplayed into and then back out of would be that old adage, “you got two ears and one mouth. Listen.”
David: Right.
Craig: Listen. Would you say?
David: Yeah, absolutely. Use this opportunity, even if you’re a talker, now’s the time to shut your yapper and let people say what they need to say. And you might not ever get a word in the whole time and it might be a couple questions that you ask and that might be all that you get out of your networking. But I think people don’t realize how much that pays dividends in terms of you learning about their relationship.
Craig: So that’s an awesome first thing. What would be the second tip you’d give a noob, a novice?
David: A novice. So you get to know the people. You use your ears and listen. The second tip is to add value to who you are to the group. And I think we all bring something to the table, it just depends on what that is. And figuring out what that is and being an asset.
And what I’m also talking to is not only do you figure out what you are as an asset, but figure out how these other people are assets to you. And this is networking—
Craig: That’s like the third part, right there.
David: Yeah. But it’s networking in terms of the idea of getting to know people to benefit you. Networking is all about—we talked about marketing spheres—your sphere of influence…
Craig: MarketingSphere.org!
David: Yeah. (laughing)
Craig: We just started that.
David: We did not.
Craig: We did not. Don’t look at that.
David: Don’t look at that.
Craig: Might be. Might be a real website.
David: But as you begin to start making connections… And the way that I’m thinking about networking is, not only are you networking with businesses that you’re not in the same industry with, but you might also be at meetups where you’re with other developers. Maybe you’re with other small business owners. Maybe you’re with other people that are developing cryptocurrencies.
But there might be opportunities there where you can all assist each other in such a way. Instead of looking at some people as your competition or your enemy, but figuring out what their strong point is, maybe that’s your weak point. So using networking to find what everybody else is up to, to work with you.
Craig: So you’re saying—I’m the novice—the first thing you want me to do is listen.
David: Mm-hmm.
Craig: Listen before you talk. Learn as much as you can about the people in this group. The second thing would be find where you fit in—me, now. Where do I fit in: my business or what service I bring to the group. And then third— Oh, go ahead, sorry.
David: That’s two, that’s still two.
Craig: Oh, okay.
David: Figure out where you fit in and where they fit in.
Craig: Okay, I thought that was separate.
David: It goes both ways…
Craig: Okay. You’re right.
David: …Because you have to figure out what your asset is…
Craig: So it’s both sides of it.
David: Yeah, it’s both sides of it. It’s so important.
Craig: Where you fit in and where they fit in…for you.
David: Right.
Craig: As a business owner. And now are you talking about connections and contacts as well?
David: Yeah. Maybe it’s introductions to other businesses. And I know that’s the whole idea of BNI, but in reality, it really makes sense.
And I know with BNI, you’re only supposed to have one realtor, you only have one insurance company. But I think people look at it, thinking that, “Oh, if you have two insurance companies, now you’re splitting—” But that’s how business works, right?
Craig: That’s real life!
David: Competition.
Craig: That’s real.
David: And it doesn’t hurt for us to get to know other marketing companies, where they actually might do something that we don’t do and now we have the ability to say, “Hey, we have a trusted company that can do this. We don’t do it, but that’s okay. But at least we have a relationship with somebody that does.”
Example being IT. Everybody thinks that, because we’re a web company, that we can set up your servers or set up a phone system or fix your computer. And we don’t do that. But with going to conferences and everything, I’ve been introduced to and met companies that I have sent business to or will continue to send business to because I met them in that capacity. And it just allowed me to get to know them and know what they do.
He might have thought that we were— He does web. But it turns out, he doesn’t really do web the way we do.
Craig: Right, he’s doing server side…
David: We’re doing marketing, he’s doing more server stuff, right. We don’t touch that. We have our small setup that we do for our sites, but we don’t necessarily offer server packages and cloud computing—
Craig: Right, like if a business needs their own servers, we’re not the ones to set that up. We do web.
David: But I know that our discussion made him go, “Oh, these guys aren’t my direct competitors.” But if we didn’t network and you saw our sites, it would look like we were doing the same thing. It just happened to be that we had an overlap.
Craig: That’s how you can take that conversation with someone, get to that second level, really knowing who you are as a business owner, what they bring to the table, and there are ways that you both make money now off that same potential client.
David: Yeah, yeah.
Craig: So, then, would you have a third thing…
David: Absolutely.
Craig: …To give a starter? Someone who has not either been doing well at the networking, which was what my real-life situation was, or hasn’t been yet.
David: So you have to know that, as good as networking is as an introduction, that’s all it really is. You are who you are once the networking event’s over. And your follow-up, your ability to show up on time, your ability to show that you are a serious business person, is the only way to finish off your successful networking.
Examples being if somebody says that they need your service, and you go, “Okay,” and you never call them…
Craig: Oh, that’s like…
David: Or you call them days after you say you would. You don’t follow up with them…
Craig: Kiss of death.
David: Gives you a lead and you’re not responsive. You’ll never get business from that person again…
Craig: Why should you?
David: …or want to speak to that person again.
Craig: Yeah, that makes sense.
David: So the time and energy that you spend after. And even reconnecting with people. Reaching out to them and opening up a line of communication is just huge.
Now, I’m not saying “add them to your mailing list.”
Craig: (laughing) And then blast them.
David: And send them your monthly five tips or anything like that. That doesn’t mean you can do that. But what it means is that you actually have a chance to get to know them outside of the networking event, and that tends to be where these relationships really grow. And again, even in competing companies where companies are in the same space, having a coffee with them, you can learn that maybe they can assist your business.
Craig: It sounds like patience is a huge factor here and I want to expand on that for just a second. I don’t mean just sitting around idly. Those follow-ups are important. Making those connections with the people and the communication being open. Because, again, part of my early mistakes—and this was years ago, joining a chamber of commerce and going to some of those BNIs—is there was no follow-up from me. It’s like, those business cards went into my center console, I never connected, and that was a huge weakness.
There’s been great success for us, as a small business, with David taking the reins and representing us in a group. But tell us, how long did it take? And I know it wasn’t the first week, or the first month even. But how long was it that you spent, in the particular group that we’re talking about that you’re an active member in, before a piece of closed business even happened?
David: It was at least two months and it took probably another couple of weeks to a month after that to close it, I believe.
Craig: So probably 3+ months.
David: Yeah. So about three months before we even saw anything.
Craig: And that’s what I kinda want a potential listener to think about. This is not a short-term thing. You can’t join a networking group and think, “Wow. There’s 20 businesses in there. My business can service all 20. I’m gonna have them all in a week!”
Because there’s a massive trust factor that comes into this. And there’s a lot of work that needs to be done to make sure that people trust you enough to not only use you themselves but the big long-term is that referral. Networking groups breed and multiply off of referral business.
David: It’s relationships, right?
Craig: That’s right.
David: It’s all about relationships. And for us, taking our office and putting it in Winter Springs… This is an in-between spot for us. It’s an area where we don’t directly live, but it’s a nice area that we want to be in and we don’t know a lot of the businesses around here. We don’t know some of the environment. And it was a chance that helped us get to know some of the businesses.
A lot of the stuff we were doing before… we were working with companies from Texas, from Georgia, from Illinois and that does us no good in terms of networking or building relationships or when somebody has a need. “Oh, are you in Illinois? Because I have somebody up there who can help you.”
Craig: (laughing) Right.
David: So it really helps a lot of times. And for us, as somebody that does stuff across the nation, how it adds value even here in our backyard.
Craig: For local businesses, I think it’s something that just has to be a part of your plan. And I mean, if you have a physical location, especially get involved in some local networking, whether you’re retail or restaurant, doesn’t matter. The more people that can connect with your location.
What you’ll find is, they’re gonna make your location where you go for things like that.
For those of you that don’t have a physical location or do work kind of like what we do, as a service based, that can be your lifeblood. The people that are now trusting you and referring you…
My own mother runs a cleaning business and gets referrals from other business owners and gives referrals to other business owners that she trusts. She has a guy that she absolutely loves that does her lawn. And beyond the lawn, I guess he does other…what is it? Landscaping, topiary-type craziness.
And she’s gotten him multiple leads, if you will. They’re not even in a group. It’s just, she has a passion for… The man’s work is impeccable and she’s gonna do that. And in a networking group, you can get to that level faster.
David: Now, that’s formal networking. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t get there through building those 1-on-1 relationships outside of a weekly meeting. It doesn’t have to be a weekly meeting. You can still network with others in other situations in other ways, whether it’s conferences or other types of meet-and-greets in the area.
But I think when you follow those three steps that we talked about, I can only see it to benefit a business. I don’t think there’s a single business—I’ll go out there and say—
Craig: Do it.
David: …That wouldn’t succeed from this, from small to big business, in terms of getting your name out there. It’s old-school, and unfortunately it’s probably a dying art, but you can’t use LinkedIn, you can’t use some of these other tools the same way that you can with an in-person meeting.
Craig: Network your business, people. Get your information into other people’s hands. But remember, we gave you some tips on that: listen first, make yourself that element in the group that can be an asset on both sides of it.
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All right, it’s time for our trivia segment, sponsored by Tasty Trivia. Why not? www.tastytriviaorlando.com. The running tally, we’re on our 19th episode of IWantBusiness, and I have somewhere between 12 and 16 victories.
David: Oh my gosh, these numbers.
Craig: It’s fair to say that.
David: No, that doesn’t work!
Craig: It has to be fair to say that.
David: It can’t be, because in the beginning of some of our episodes you were the Quiz Master.
Craig: I don’t recall that. (Transcriptionist’s Note: He definitely was the Quiz Master at some point and in fact lost his first actual round to Brian Fritz in Episode 2.)
Do you recall that?
Brian: I do recall that, actually.
Craig: Oh! Foul!
(David and Brian laughing)
David: And the truth and reality comes out.
Craig: What do you mean? We were asking each other questions, I thought.
David: Yeah, and Brian was the middle man.
Craig: No, that doesn’t sound right.
David: So in other words, if you were the Quiz Master, how could you win?
Craig: You and I were asking questions back and forth. And I was destroying you.
David: No, that was—
Craig: The only week he did well was Matt Damon.
David: There was three iterations of this. This is the third one.
Craig: You know, here’s what I can tell you…
David: We refined it for greatness.
Craig: For those of you that listened to Episode 18 about Offline Marketing, I destroyed David. So if this is your first episode, catching us on Business Networking, go ahead back to Episode 18. Take a listen toward the end.
Brian: Hm. Hm.
Craig: Absolute crushing.
David: Everybody remembers one win—
Craig: Crushing.
Brian: Maybe we should just start keeping the tally once we started doing the trivia the right way with me asking the questions.
David: Yeah, I think we’re gonna go back to that.
Craig: I think that would also show that I did well.
Brian: You’ve done well but I don’t think it’s a “crushing.”
Craig: It’s probably pretty bad.
David: For you.
Craig: Oh, you think?
(Brian and David laughing)
Craig: We’re gonna get this data. Ladies and gentlemen, by Episode 21, we are gonna have this data for you. Mark my words.
Brian: We’ll get it.
David: All right. Our statistician will be on it.
Craig: Yeah, we have a stat boy. Producer Extraordinaire, Brian Fritz a.k.a. Quiz Master B. Let’s go.
Brian: Well, one of the questions I was going to use, you’ve talked about it a lot, so I’m gonna skip that.
David: No!
Craig: (whispering) Damn.
Brian: No, because it really wouldn’t be fair.
David: Okay.
Craig: David would get it and I wouldn’t.
Brian: I think so.
Craig: He wants that so badly.
David: I like to think that I just told you the answers.
Brian: I could do that.
David: No, it’s not fair.
Craig: He deserves it. Is it multiple choice? What are we looking at?
Brian: You know what, I can start out without the multiple choice but I do have multiple choice items, if I want to throw it in there.
Craig: He needs this win really bad.
David: I probably just gave you the answers anyway. I made the mistake of over-talking.
Brian: Okay, I’m gonna ask it then.
Craig: Do it.
Brian: Okay. Since you’re so confident in yourself.
Craig: He needs it.
Brian: Okay. Many of the experts, when it comes to people that look into business networking, talk about there being a secret when you’re meeting new people and you’re networking your business. Now, there’s a lot of different effective things, but what do they consider the most effective thing you should want to do when you’re out and you’re networking your business in person?
Craig: Then we’re not getting multiple choice or we are?
Brian: I can give you multiple choice.
Craig: We probably should.
David: Yeah, let’s just do it.
Brian: Okay.
David: That way we’re not throwing too much at the table.
Brian: Your choices are: simply listen to everybody, talk to people that you don’t know, or ask what you can do for them. What is considered the most effective thing? All of them are effective…
Craig: Right. That’s the problem.
Brian: But there’s one of them in particular that the experts point out and say, “This is what you should really be wanting to do.”
Craig: Yeah, I’m torn here, because again, of David and myself, I’m awful at this. It was something I had to learn. One of my weaknesses is I’m a talker. I talk too much and sometimes my thing I have to work on is I’m not listening to the person, I’m ready to speak again. So for me, I wrote “listen.” I wrote “listen” down. I know that might be wrong, but only because David’s coached me on like, “You’ve got to listen before you talk. That way, you can even frame what you’re gonna say.”
Brian: Now, here’s the thing. We’re gonna find out if David actually remembered what he actually talked about in this one, or if you were actually listening. So you picked “listen” and David, you picked…?
David: I just picked something else, just because I can. I have “ask what you can do.”
Brian: Which is correct.
Craig: Yeah. But I heard him say that. That was the third thing, though.
Brian: Right.
Craig: “Listen” was the first one, so I went with that.
Brian: Right. Now, all of those are effective, but they say the big thing is to ask people what you can do for them and that’s when they really become engaged. Because you’re not just talking about yourself.
Craig: This makes sense to me.
David: Wow, it’s like I knew what I was talking about!
Craig: I agreed with that. And I picked up something. You said “listen first,” so I wrote that first.
David: You obviously didn’t listen well enough.
Craig: How dare you? You said “listen is first” so I thought…Why didn’t you make that the third one and make the one that was number one number three?
David: You didn’t tell me it had to be in a particular order.
Craig: Ridiculous. You guys set me up for failure. Question two.
Brian: Question two. Now we’ll go back to something that’s a little more pertinent here in a minute, because the final question is gonna throw you a little curveball here. Of course, the bottom line for all this is everybody wants to build their business by using networking.
Forbes.com released the list of the fastest growing companies in 2017. Which one of these three is on the list for “Fastest Growing Companies?” Netflix, Lending Tree, Quicken Loans? Which one of those three—
Craig: Fastest growing in 2017…
Brian: Yep. Which one of those is in the top 10 list for Forbes?
Craig: Ahh! I think my guess is more related something we talked about in Episode 18.
Brian: One of those three is in the top 10.
Craig: And that’s what you want.
Brian: Right.
Craig: They’re all on the list, maybe, but—
David: Ooh, this is tough.
Brian: A couple of them, I’m not sure where, but which one is in the top 10?
Craig: I wouldn’t be surprised by any—
David: Hold on, I’m not there yet.
Craig: I wrote my answer based on what we discussed in Episode 18, not based on networking. Because I’m bad at networking.
David: Yeah, this is just… Yeah.
Craig: I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Netflix, but I thought their big growth was a couple of years ago.
David: That’s what I thought, yeah.
Craig: So that’s why. I was torn between Lending Tree and I went with Quicken Loans.
David: I put Quicken, too.
Craig: I went with Quicken Loans because their marketing lately has been incredibly aggressive.
Brian: Quicken Loans, Quicken Loans, you’re both wrong, it’s Lending Tree.
David: Ugh!
Craig: I was willing to have it be that and I would have been okay.
Brian: Lending Tree is number three, actually.
David: Really?
Brian: Netflix and Quicken Loans are not in the top 10.
Craig: Yeah. I believe it.
Brian: All right…
Craig: I like that. I like knowing that now.
David: That just shows you that the offline marketing of Quicken is a little bit more ingrained in us, probably.
Craig: Yeah, they are.
Brian: So David’s up 1-0.
Craig: I know.
Brian: But here’s the curveball question.
Craig: (whispers) I need it.
Brian: Because this one’s actually worth multiple points.
Craig: (whispering) Stop it. I need it.
David: What is that—? What? What is this?
Craig: Yes!
Brian: This is not a multiple choice, either.
Craig: Love it.
David: Didn’t know I was walking into this.
Brian: Get ready. Now, when you’re out at a networking function—
Craig: (whispers) Oh no.
Brian: …A lot of the experts say there are better places than others once you’re at a function to actually meet people. There’s higher trafficked areas where you want to meet people when you’re at a function. There’s three in particular.
Craig: Okay.
Brian: So write down what you think they are and whoever gets the most, you get a point for each place that’s correct.
Craig: And define “function.”
Brian: Say there’s a networking function inside a restaurant or wherever, you know?
David: It has to be in order?
Brian: No! No no no no no. I’m just telling you there’s three in particular. There’s three areas in particular when you’re at a function they say are the best ones, the best high-trafficked areas to meet people.
Craig: (laughing) I’ve been to so few.
Brian: So for each one that you get, I’ll give you a point.
Craig: Oh, that’s intense.
Brian: So you have a chance to catch up—
Craig: I really do. And I didn’t. Because I blew it, I think. I wrote three places.
Brian: (laughing) Once you hear it, you’re gonna be like, “duh.”
Craig: I feel like it is “duh” but like…I don’t know. I don’t go to these things that often.
Brian: He’s writing furiously.
Craig: He’s writing so many words. I’m gonna go first.
Brian: Okay.
Craig: I wrote where the food is, I wrote “food.”
Brian: Okay.
Craig: I don’t know what kind of function we’re at.
David: Yeah. I put “where the food is,” too.
Brian: You both would be correct.
Craig: So we both get the point there.
Brian: Near the food was definitely one of them.
Craig: But then he wrote “bar” and I wrote “drink.”
David: That’s the same thing.
Brian: That’s the same thing and you would both be correct.
David: Yeah!
Craig: Oh no, then I’d need to get this and the only way for me to tie you is your third’s not there and mine is.
Brian: Right.
David: I have “front door.”
Craig: “Front door.” Is that on there?
Brian: Yes, that is the third one!
Craig: Then I lost.
Brian: Then you lost.
David: Woohoo!
Craig: I wrote “the bathroom.”
(All laughing)
David: I was thinking that, too. I was actually gonna say that as a joke and I went, “Craig might actually say that. I’m gonna keep my mouth shut.”
Craig: I never would have written “front door” anyway.
Brian: I was originally gonna do a multiple choice and I was gonna put “bathroom” and I thought it was gonna be too obvious that bathroom would not be the place.
Craig: No, I wrote it.
David: No wonder Craig did so bad at networking.
(all laughing)
Craig: I closed deals in the bathroom. Closed business whilst pooping. It’s happened. It’s real.
David: Obviously it’s not the norm. Unfortunately, that’s number four.
Craig: Oh, what was it, 4 points to 2. David won the trivia of Episode 19.
David: Woohoo!
Craig: That’s what happened. I did get two points.
Brian: Actually, you did get three…oh, you got two.
Craig: We both boffed on Quicken Loans.
Brian: So you were a big loser on that one, okay.
Craig: I did lose. I wouldn’t call it big loser, because in Episode 18, he went 0-fer. I did score 2 points here. I really liked your system of play catch up. Evidently, people aren’t doing as much bathroom work as I am. I think that’s something people have to work on.
David: I don’t think so.
Brian: We respect boundaries.
David: Our next episode will be about bathroom networking.
Craig: Well, to learn more about bathroom networking, you’re gonna have to stay tuned for Episode 201.
Next episode, we’re gonna talk all about apps. To app or not to app? So please make sure you subscribe to IWantBusiness on iTunes, leave us a review. You have any questions or suggestions of things you want us to talk about on the podcast, email us at podcast@iwantclarity.com. We’ll see you next time.



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