We are back!
- We’re always excited about our Tool of the Episode, but Genius Scan is one we use almost daily in the office. This awesome app lets you scan paper documents using just your phone’s camera. Then, you can export it to your email, Google Drive account, and more at just the touch of a button. Plus, it’s free. Who’s gonna have a problem with free?
- For our Deep Dive this week, we are really diving deep into marketing offline. What is it? What are your options? What’s the most effective use of your money? Find out what tips and advice Craig and David have to help you market your brand.
- The competition continues in our trivia round, as David proves he knows more about online marketing then he does offline marketing. Play along at home and just have some fun. And don’t forget to subscribe.
Hard of hearing? We don’t want you to miss out on the cool info. Read the transcription below. ⬇️
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Episode Transcript
Craig: Welcome to IWantBusiness, the Small Business Podcast. We are back, ladies and gentlemen! My name’s Craig. I am here with my partner-in-crime, David.
David: Hoy, hoy.
Craig: Ooh. Nice switch. See, I like that. And we got our producer extraordinaire Brian Fritz, PodcastingDoneRight.com, with us as well. He’s gonna check in in the trivia zone.
But first, we had a little sabbatical. We had a hiatus. This is episode 18. You didn’t think we’d get here. We’re here. I went overseas. Our clients are very important to us, so we put the work down and now we’re coming back to you with back-to-back (to-back-to-back) episodes. So stay tuned for a lot of great stuff.
Now, we always start our episodes off with David’s Tool of the Episode. And we’re gonna talk about offline marketing and a lot of marketing in this podcast, but first we want to prepare you with an app you can use. I even use it, so I might even have some feedback this time.
David: Wow.
Craig: I use this one. I literally use it. My wife uses it. Take it away, David.
David: Yeah, so this is an iOS and Android app called Genius Scan. It works for business, personal, everything. It pretty much turns your phone into a paper scanner, is the bee’s knees of what it does. It does it great.
Craig: It’s incredible.
David: And the cool part about it is how the camera phone has gotten better, the technology has gotten better. It can do black and white, it can do color, you can export it to Google Drive, to email…as I said, it does Android. Just all the possibilities.
And yes, there’s a bit of a frustration, where you have to do each page at a time, you can’t auto—
Craig: Oh, no, they batch!
David: No, I know you can batch, but you can’t put it in and, like, scan a whole bunch of paper—
Craig: Oh, right, right.
David: You gotta move each one. But if you have a three- or four-page document, a contract that you signed that you gotta send over, it’s a lifesaver.
Craig: That’s huge. You mentioned contracts, and that was the moment for me where I was like, “Oh, I have to use this.” So, for the entertainment business, which we’ve talked about in other podcasts, sometimes there’ll be contracts and I know we could easily buy a scanner or whatever. But this one was free! No money spent. I signed the back page, I date it, I Genius Scan it, it’s already in my email, off to whoever it is: the client or the vendor or whatever. We’ve used it for insurance purposes, for contract purposes, and I mentioned my wife even uses it for both work and personal.
This thing is great. I know that there is a paid version where it opens up more of what you can do. You can export it to more things.
David: More apps and they even have a cloud hosting, so you could host your documents, so you don’t have to keep them on your phone.
Craig: But I’ve never paid a dime and I’ve done a 12-page pdf, I’ve done a lot of different contracts. It syncs with Gmail for free. So that’s part of it that you don’t even need to pay for.
Genius Scan, as somebody in business where you might be using signed documents or something that has to be sent over from paper right on your phone…. It doesn’t get any better.
David: Yeah, even good for businesses that are out and about. If you’re on the road and you’re a salesman or you’re not necessarily located in an office, you now have the ability to take paper documents and make them electronic. I’ve even used them in the office, here, to take some of the stuff that we get from clients and make it so we have digital copies of it. It’s just been really helpful, but at the same point, I’ve never felt it’s ever slowed me down on a project. It works every time.
I also love the abilities that it has now, where you just have to hover it over a…
Craig: Oh, it auto suggests?
David: …Over a piece of paper, and it automatically puts the box around it, it knows exactly where it is, and if it’s a little wonky, it straightens it for you! And it looks all good.
Craig: Even better. Yeah, if your paper’s a weird color, it’ll make it white.
David: It’ll make it white.
Craig: Yeah, like, if your paper’s off-white or yellow, some people use weird colors, you can have it on your computer screen in white. For me, I prefer that.
David: Well, the lighting’s never right, because in the abilities of hovering a phone over a piece of paper—
Craig: Oh, the shadow.
David: There’s always a shadow.
Craig: And it takes it out!
David: It takes the shadow out.
Craig: It’s pretty impressive.
David: And it’s like, “Thank you for the magic.”
Craig: Thank you, Genius Scan.
David: Thank you, Genius Scan. No, it’s a great tool and a lot of times, I’ve seen people with apps that they’ve used and they’re like, “Ehh, it’s good.” But this one has, like, 20 million downloads, I think I’ve used it since iOS …3?
Craig: They got one more download, I think Brian was doing it in real time.
David: I think so.
Craig: That’s 20 million and one. You’re welcome, Genius Scan.
David: He is sold.
Craig: Our tool of the week pertains to what we’re doing: offline marketing. We talked about paper. Literally paper. Why would you need paper? We’re talking digital marketing.
Marketing is this huge monster of a thing, right? It’s everything from a billboard you saw, a radio spot, those ads on your computer, a text message you’re getting from the movie theater. Marketing comes in many forms and I kinda wanted to kick things off by throwing something at both our producer extraordinaire and David.
So I looked up some stuff, some data. And I know trivia’s coming later. And this will be really funny if it’s one of your questions, but I don’t think it is. So, on average, companies spend a certain percentage of their annual revenue on marketing. It might be a question that he got. (laughing)
David: Go get another question!
Craig: No, no, it’s funny! (laughing) Then, Brian, don’t answer.
David: He can’t answer that!
Craig: I wanna know what you think, David, on average. Now, the average would be big companies mixed with small businesses, but on average, what would you say?
David: A business spends on…?
Craig: On overall marketing. Percentage of annual revenue. Gross revenue.
David: I would give the number somewhere around 10%.
Craig: That is dead on the money, my man.
David: Okay.
Craig: That is dead on the money. 10.4% of annual revenue spent on overall marketing and I want those business owners or potential business owners listening to kind of let that wash over them for a second. So, for every hundred bucks you bring in, you should be figuring out how to at least put $10 of it toward getting that next sale, toward that next thing. And I guess what we want to cover in this episode…there’s so much information about offline marketing. We’re gonna talk about a few different things.
So I wanna start with print. We do some print. We’ve done a lot of print for clients of ours. Print can be a lot of different things: business cards, flyers, brochures. They’re not out yet, is what I’m getting at. They’re not completely dinosaur extinct at this point.
David: Right, even us as a digital marketing company, as we would call ourselves, still dabble in enough print that shows it’s not extinct.
Craig: Right, and it can be used in conjunction, and I think we’re gonna progress through that, here. So I wanted to make this episode from stories of things we’ve done for some clients and then bridge that gap, because another stat that stood out to me was that…(laughing) This may show up later, too. (both laughing)
So, apparently, marketing professionals do some sort of networking and they communicate with one another, especially online these days. And 35% of senior marketing professionals, people that have been doing it longer than five years, think that by next year, 50% of all marketing will be digital.
Now, it’s not 50% yet. And that doesn’t surprise me, and I’ll tell you why. I saw your face. For those of you who can’t— We’re not on video. David was a little surprised that it’s not yet at 50%.
David: I am surprised, but continue.
Craig: But think of TV; think of radio.
David: Sure.
Craig: Think of billboard. These are still some of the most viable marketing means. And technically—now, this is really tough to equate—but the same article that I was looking at for this claims that print’s ROI is still cream of the crop. Whereas they can get you that 120% return on investment from a print piece where TV doesn’t come even close for most people, radio doesn’t come close.
We’ve covered ROI in a lot of our episodes before: return on investment. That’s what marketing’s about. How much money are you willing to spend to get another client?
Now, print as a whole is where we’re gonna start, here, but there’s so much in it. Like I said, it could be the business card or the brochure, but print is also that billboard. That’s a print ad, it’s just humongous. I think it’s the most expensive form of print that you can do and really one of the hardest to track.
And wouldn’t you say that the big shift to digital, some of it’s gotta do with the trackability, the tracking of what is working?
David: Yeah, I think that as budgets and companies get a little tighter and everybody trying to squeeze every penny that they can out of every dollar that they take in to make sure it’s going to the right place…. I think that when you start getting into the radio or the billboards or the TV, there’s a lot less abilities to track and I definitely think it doesn’t get the pickup that you would expect or want. Because you have to have a huge budget to even deal in those spaces sometimes. They’re not taking small deals to get started, which is difficult for the smaller startups.
Craig: And I know that we wanted to relate this to clients of ours in the past and real anecdotes and real stories. We worked with a lawyer—still do—that as my mother would say is a big kanakkah. And we have them here. For those of you that don’t know, we’re out of Winter Springs, in Central Florida. There’s not too far you could go, probably about a mile and a half, before you see a lawyer billboard. And there’s a reason for that.
Now, to me, the big ones, the best ones, have a website on there. Or at least a phone number. There’s a few real vain guys that don’t have anything.
David: Right, they just have their name.
Craig: Just the name. They assume they’re that famous.
David: “You know who we are.”
Craig: Right, “you know what we do.” And to be honest, though, when Morgan & Morgan does that, I think they’re okay. Because that name is so big.
So the lawyer we worked with—and again, he wasn’t local—was doing billboards all over the city, was doing tv ads. Some. A lot of radio.
David: Promotional products.
Craig: Oh my God, promotional products! Pens, koozies, tailgate stuff, anything.
David: His name pretty much showed up everywhere. If there was a bar, there was probably something there with his name on it.
Craig: And one of the things that always resonated with us was how much he still cared, with all that money he was throwing against the wall… He was spending 10x more on offline than he was online. But he was very focused on what was happening with the website. The website conversions— because it was all about driving that traffic to the website— If they’re not gonna call that phone number right off the billboard, then the website is what’s gonna get them to that lead.
What do you need? What’s a lead? So a lead is gonna be their name and either their email, phone number, or all three. And really marketing is about a lead in its essence, right? Whether it’s that billboard, whether it’s the pay-per-click ad online, you gotta get something out of it. And each business has different ways to get a hold of people. So we’re talking billboards, we’re talking radio and TV, those are the three most expensive methods of marketing out there, and they’re all offline.
So online opens up this whole avenue where you can do a lot of different things. So I want to transition to one of the most popular offline marketing pieces: direct mail. So direct mail, apparently, as about a 43% share of total local retail advertising. For retail. 43% share would be direct mail for retail. And that’s pretty interesting.
David: Does that include newspapers?
Craig: Well, direct mail’s a little different. A newspaper doesn’t go in your mailbox.
David: Right. I was just wondering. I think “retail,” I think your corner stores, your Best Buys, your Targets.
Craig: Oh, you nailed it. Newspaper is still getting, like, a 60% return off people with retail establishments.
David: What’s what I’m thinking.
Craig: Oh, big. It’s huge. Newspaper is still a thing! (laughing) It’s still happening!
David: Yeah.
Craig: People are still spending their money marketing to newspapers because of how many people are gonna get it.
David: You know, what you’re saying, though, and even me as somebody that loves Amazon or Newegg for going shopping, we were looking to purchase some monitors for here in the office. And I went to Office Max, but I didn’t search “monitors,” I went to their sale ads page. Because I just wanted to see it in an ad format, I didn’t necessarily have the ad sitting in front of me.
But I felt a lot more comfortable flipping through a digital version of it than I did going through a— I wanted to see it there, I wanted to see what they had it featured next to or what chair or what desk was around it. But it was just so interesting, because I was more in-tuned with the paper version than I am the digital, yet I gravitate toward wanting to use Amazon most of the time anyway.
Craig: I couldn’t agree more, because one of my favorite annual things is the Black Friday newspaper that you get with all the…marketing. It’s marketing. It’s just straight print marketing. And the Toys R Us one, to see what I can get for the nieces. Or you brought up a big one, because I love buying office furniture and office supplies for Black Friday.
Because, like, the chair is half off! But it is different to see it the way they’ve staged it in their print piece. And that’s the control you get with marketing. Where you can make something beautiful the way you want.
I’m sure many of you, wherever you are listening to this, you’ve been driving down the highway and seen a billboard for some sort of pest control company. And some of the ones that are really tongue-in-cheek and fun will have a huge roach on it, or something to get that emotional reaction going. And that’s what marketing can do.
Now, no matter what you’re doing, whether it’s gonna be TV ads or radio ads, if you’re not targeting, getting your website involved with it, you’re gonna miss what’s happening next year and the year beyond. If 50% of marketing is digital in 2019, that number’s only gonna continue to shift in 2020, 2021 and beyond. More people are consuming data on their phones than ever before. And we need to figure out ways as business owners to get our information to them.
David: Right. Online and offline are different touchpoints in your sale. You talk about the lead, and things like that. And digital is important, but sometimes you get that flyer or that letter from a business that really gives you a “who are these guys?” and then you look at them.
And maybe they’re ranked on Google. Maybe if you were to search for them as a brand, they don’t even show up on the first, second, or third page. So normally, you wouldn’t find them.
Or maybe they’re not reviewed as heavily on Angie’s List for a service business. But because that piece of paper showed up at my door, I need a research on them, I looked at them. They offered something that I need. It’s wild how I rely on both to connect. I wouldn’t just trust one, I want to see the offline. I want to see how the truck shows up when they show up at my door. I want to see the paperwork that they do or how they invoice me. It all comes together, right? The online and the offline in terms of my experience.
Just because they have a pretty website doesn’t necessarily sell me on my entire experience with them.
Craig: You brought up two big things there. You mentioned a letter coming to the house. And we’ve had some contact with a very successful marketing company here in Orlando that that’s their specialty. And they’ll work with a lot of automobile companies. And I’m sure many of you have seen the one where you get the scratch-off or the fake key, “Bring it in!” That’s not what this company does. That’s what other companies do and some of them have great results with that.
But this company geared personalized letters that looked just like a letter you’d receive from a friend and used that strategy and approach to get people in the door. And it worked to the tune of millions of dollars in sales, not hundreds. I mean, we’re talking big dollars for big companies.
Different things work for different types of businesses, but what’s beautiful about marketing is there’s a little bit of it that’s a “try and fail”-type scenario. How many of us have watched the Superbowl ads with great excitement to see the best ones or, inversely, the terrible ones that just completely miss the mark?
Now, some people may be losing their jobs over that, but on the whole, those companies can typically survive a bad marketing sweep. Just like some small business, if you’re in that 10% range and you’re doing it appropriately, one bad campaign’s not gonna take you down.
David: Yeah, that’s 100% true, but maybe that one campaign that you did throw at the wall really does pay dividends. Maybe you divert some of the money to go in a different direction that you just heard about or are dabbling in and maybe that billboard does all of a sudden get the phone ringing. If you didn’t have it before and things change. But maybe it’s a supplementary thing as well.
And maybe that billboard works for one pest control company but doesn’t work for the other one and it could be everything from the message to “right place, right time” or the right exit or the fact that there’s a lot of traffic. I can’t say, “Hey Craig, I know a billboard’s gonna work for you.”
Craig: Exactly.
David: And that’s really where the…there’s so many options and choices and that’s where that 10% budget really should allow you to have some sort of flexibility there.
Craig: That budget itself tells you what you can and can’t do and, to bring this home for a lot of our listeners on the small business side, where a TV ad or a billboard might not really be in the annual budget. And that’s okay. There’s still things you can do. There’s things you can do from a guerilla standpoint, guerilla marketing. Whether you have a sign flipper out there by your retail establishment, sending those letters to your clients. There’s a lot of different things you could do that don’t mean you have to come up with the 3, 4, 5,000 dollars you would need just to get a billboard up for one month.
So we don’t want you to feel the intimidation factor, because offline marketing is everything that’s not on a computer. And it doesn’t have to be the things you think you can’t afford. If you’re able to put your business together, whether you’re a—I know we talk about this a lot—whether you’re selling sandwiches or you’re a big, huge store. If you can figure out how to carve some dollars out for marketing, offline has a place. And the best use of it is in conjunction with any of your online marketing. Tie them in together. That means either drive them in to the website, use the website to promote an ad, use the ads to promote the website. Figure out the ways that you get your customers and you get your sales and it’s all about a cohesive unit.
You said something about a truck showing up, right? I’ll use the example of a moving company. If a moving company, that you went on their website and know their branding, and then they show up and they’re in a rental truck, that might affect you differently than the branded truck. “I didn’t think I hired Hertz to show up. I hired XYZ Moving.” That’s marketing. That truck itself. Someone had to spend money to get that logo and phone number on the side of the truck. That’s cohesive marketing. It’s your brand.
David: Right. And think about how much some of those brands pay to get their logos on their large trucks.
Craig: Thousands of dollars.
David: But how many of them do you see around? We have our typical ones that we see, delivery trucks or moving companies. You can name them because you see them. And that’s good marketing, which is good branding. It’s an offline thing, but now it’s a moving billboard, which is nice for them. That speaks to their business.
If they were renting U-Haul trucks, they actually might save a couple bucks— I can’t speak to…
Craig: Well, maybe they would.
David: You don’t even put anything on the side of the truck. Even cheaper, right? And you don’t have to upkeep it. You don’t have to clean it. But having the logo on your truck, imagine how much that pays for itself. It’s not necessarily a hard costs ROI that you could check off or figure in. But how many times has seeing that truck over and over again do you go, “Well, it’s time for me to move…”
Craig: Who you gonna call?
David: Yeah. Or even take into account as a company because you know them.
Craig: The biggest companies in each industry…It’s not just moving, it’s tech, all of them have incredible branding and marketing. It just doesn’t work otherwise. The biggest bank you can think of markets, whether it’s a billboard or a commercial. There’s a reason for that. And figuring out the balance for you, as a small business owner or someone starting a business from scratch, between online and offline can be great. Online may make more sense early to save some bucks. But there’s always gonna be—whether it’s that poster you put in the front of your store or something you hand someone, a business card—there’s gonna be offline marketing in your life.
So that’s kinda how we wanna come together toward the end of this episode. Of course, there’s gonna be some trivia. Why? Because we said so. And TastyTriviaOrlando.com sort of sponsors this trivia in concept.
So IWantBusiness is brought to you today by—why not?—by Tasty Trivia, www.tastytriviaorlando.com. Find a fun, live trivia event that you can hang out and win some great stuff on TastyTriviaOrlando.com
Take it away, Brian.
Brian: Well, you know I put together some trivia. And luckily, I am prepared because sometimes you guys steal one of my trivia questions.
Craig: I did that today.
David: It’s a skill.
Brian: It was a steal, but I was prepared. And I’ll be honest with you, hopefully these are…not difficult, but not too easy. I got a feeling that a couple of them might be easy.
Craig: We’ll see.
Brian: But to make it a little bit easier on you guys today, it’s all gonna be multiple choice.
David: Yeah!
Craig: Okay. David loves that.
Brian: Three multiple choice questions here. All right, so we’ll start off with this one. According to a survey that was conducted by Hinge Marketing, what was found to be the second-most popular way to help businesses obtain leads? Would it be direct mailers, speaking engagements, or cold calling?
Craig: The second-most?
Brian: The second-most.
Craig: You don’t want the first-most?
Brian: No, not the first, I want the second-most.
Craig: Oh, God. This is gonna be tough. I do wanna say that I know I’m gonna struggle through this, and I always say this, but there is a real win-loss. We’re 17 episodes in and I think it’s 15-1-1 is my record. I think.
Brian: (grunts skeptically)
Craig: I’ve lost once to you.
David: I think you didn’t carry a decimal properly.
Craig: Brian has it on his phone. It says 15-1-1. There was a tie. And I’ll give that to you.
Brian: There was a tie, but…
Craig: There was a tie.
David: There was a tie. It’s definitely not 15-1-1, a. B, the reason why it’s on his phone is because you texted that to him—
Craig: It doesn’t sound like he has the real record, because I had the real numbers for you. 17 episodes. 15+1+1. David’s got nothing.
David: That’s 100% wrong.
Brian: I think it’s more like 10 wins for you, Craig, but not 15.
Craig: I mean…
David: All right, let’s just move on. This is…We’ll have to look this up.
Brian: Have you already forgotten the choices?
Craig: I wrote them.
Brian: Okay.
Craig: I wrote the one I want.
Brian: What did you choose?
Craig: Oh, we’re doing one at a time?
Brian: Sure!
Craig: I wrote…just show it to him. I wrote “cold calling.”
David: I wrote “direct mail.”
Brian: Well, that would be David that would win that, because it is…
Craig: (groans) What’s number one?
Brian: Wait, I’m sorry. Both of you are wrong. It’s speaking engagements.
Craig: So how do those rank?
Brian: Direct mailers, speaking engagements, and cold calling.
Craig: So cold calling is last?
Brian: Yeah.
Craig: All right. That makes sense. Cold calling is the worst.
David: I thought speaking engagement was worth…
Craig: No. We looked up some of the same stuff and it didn’t— Okay, so we’re flat. 0-0.
Brian: So direct mail is one of the most effective methods of offline marketing.
David: Number one!
Brian: So which one of these is not a good tip to use for effective direct mail? Not.
Craig: Not.
David: Not.
Craig: Not good.
David: No.
Brian: So when it comes to sending out your direct mail.
David: No no no.
Brian: Make it look business-like, use an oversized postcard, or include web address and social media address to drive traffic to websites? Which one of these is not an effective tool?
Craig: NOT an effective tool?
Brian: NOT an effective tool.
Craig: I’m upset already, because I don’t think I…
David: That’s tough.
Craig: This is tough.
David: Because I can fight for why…
Craig: You can fight for all of them.
David: …Every one of them is just not good.
Brian: Yeah.
David: Or it could be not good.
Craig: But this is according to the Hinge Media. He said he had a source.
Brian: This is a different one.
Craig: Okay, this is a different one but it’s also a source. All right, what’d you write?
David: I wrote “oversized card.”
Craig: See, I was gonna write “oversized card.” I wrote the first one, “business-like.”
Brian: You would be correct, Craig, because you want to make it personal and not business.
Craig: We said that.
David: We said that, but that’s where an oversized card can also look unpersonal.
Craig: Oh my God. Oversized is, like, a huge thing. They keep sending them, they’re so big!
Brian: That’s why. Because you actually pay attention to them.
David: No, I don’t.
Craig: It’s the first thing I throw out.
David: It’s great, because it’s like a tray to carry the rest of the junk mail…
Craig: (laughing) … to the garbage.
David: To the recycle.
Brian: What they tell you to do is, they would love for you to do something to make your product stand out, so a lot of times, you want to send a letter. The problem with that is…and maybe even put something in there that makes your package bulky. The problem with that is, people have to physically open stuff. So that’s why a postcard is something that they say is a lot better. But you don’t want to look like an average postcard.
Craig: No, because then they throw it away.
Brian: That’s why it’s an oversized postcard, especially if you personalize it—
David: But too business-like also screams, like…if I sent you something with crayons, nobody’s gonna use it?
Brian: No, but what they’re saying is they want you to write a personal message—
Craig: Exactly.
Brian: Or some people even write the address or something.
Craig: You kinda struck on something there. There’s a big difference between direct mail that has your address and name on it and direct mail that doesn’t.
David: Right, just a blank card.
Craig: Two different price points there, for the cost for the person marketing and also for me. If something doesn’t have my name on it, that’s probably getting thrown away the quickest.
David: You don’t think, though, that when something shows up, like, “hey, you should use Celebrity Cruise Lines” and it has my name on it, I go, “How’d they get my name?”
Craig: They bought it.
Brian: Right.
David: I mean, maybe.
Craig: One to nothing!
Brian: Well, since I only have one more question, we don’t have a tiebreaker so it comes down to this: Craig’s gonna win or it’s gonna be a tie.
David: (groans)
Craig: Craig’s gonna win.
Brian: All right. So this is a beauty, right here. Some companies have started using Bluetooth Beacons to send push notifications when shoppers either enter a business or near it so they can offer them special deals so they can earn reward points.
David and Craig: Minority Report. (laughing)
Brian: There you go. There’s a cool local business in Missouri, a beer factory. When you’re near it, it says, “Hey, why don’t you come by, have a drink, you can get 10% off.”
Craig: Love that. Yes, please.
Brian: But it’s also larger companies that are using it, mall regulars. Companies like American Eagle and Macy’s even do that as well. Now, the customer does have to sign up to be notified using an app. What app does Macy’s and American Eagle partner with, along with some other companies, when it comes to this app where they get these push notifications? Now, here are the choices I’ll give you. One of these is a real app, two of them are not.
Craig: Oh dear.
David: Ooh! I might know what the real app is, though.
Brian: Well, it’s the real one in this case, because I made up the other two. But who knows if they’re real or not. Is it Reward Zone, Shop Kick, or Market Sphere?
Craig: Oh no.
Brian: Which is the app…
Craig: The actual one.
Brian: That Macy’s, American Eagle, and some other companies work with. You sign up for that and you get a push notification when you go into that business or you’re near it?
Craig: You made…two of them up.
David: Okay, so…name ‘em again.
Brian: Reward Zone, Shop Kick, Market Sphere.
Craig: I…this is tough. I already know the tiebreaker. Well, first of all, we could both get it wrong and then I’d win.
Brian: Correct.
Craig: You made two of them up. That makes it hard.
Brian: I did.
Craig: That makes it hard. Because now I’m really not playing—
Brian: I spent way too much time on this question.
Craig: I have no idea of the answer. But I’m trying to use my, like, “all right, I’ve known Brian for a while. What seems like he’s working with it?”
David: There’s one in there I immediately removed because I thought he came up with it.
Craig: But that’s what I wrote. That’s what I wrote.
David: Oh, I thought he came up with that one.
Brian: Well, what did you write?
Craig: I wrote Shop Kick.
Brian: And what did you write, David?
David: Market Sphere.
Brian: It would be Shop Kick.
Craig: Is the right answer?!
Brian: Shop Kick is the right answer.
Craig: Oh! I used the reasoning skills!
David: See, I knew Reward Zone was something that he would have made up.
Brian: Right.
David: I could hear him coming up with that. Just because I know him.
Brian: I had a hard time coming up with the third one.
Craig: Pretty impressed with—
Brian: I wanted to use a different kind of word, so I was thinking “market” and I go, “Oh, Market Sphere.”
Craig: Market Sphere!
David: I like that.
Craig: You wrote Market Sphere. You did.
Brian: We need to trademark these names.
Craig: That’s an absolute drubbing, 2-0. You didn’t get any right, I don’t think.
David: It’s not good.
Craig: Two to nothing!
David: Good thing I’m—
Craig: And I’m gonna write the record.
David: …partner in a digital…
Craig: 16-1-1…
David: That’s not true.
Craig: Well, we don’t have any evidence to the contrary.
David: We have evidence that you’re wrong!
Craig: He wasn’t able to come back with a number.
Brian: Don’t make me go back and listen to them all.
Craig: But if you were at 10, this would at least be 11.
Brian: That is true.
Craig: So let’s write 16 to at least 11.
Brian: To be fair, I think Craig does have the lead.
David: …Making up numbers.
Craig: No, like, 11. We’ll go 11.
David: It’s definitely not 11.
Brian: It’s tough to say that.
Craig: 11-5-2. There’s probably two ties.
David: You’re just making things up now. We also were at a very different point where we were doing the scorings, remember?
Craig: Well, we’re very happy to have you back after our hiatus. We talked a lot about offline marketing. Coming up in our next episode, we’re gonna be talking about business networking, so make sure you subscribe. You can hit us up on iTunes, Stitcher. You can email us at, uh, remind me?
David: Podcast@IWantClarity.com.
Craig: That’s the one. And make sure you…I already said subscribe, but what’s the other thing? Oh, we want reviews! We want to get a couple reviews on iTunes, we’ll take ‘em, only if you like what you hear. Now, also, if you really feel motivated to make a review and you reference the actual record that I’ve won, which we think is 16-1-1, I’ll send you a $25 Amazon gift card. That is a fact, Jack.
Thanks for listening to IWantBusiness. Big thanks to Brian at Podcasting Done Right. We’ll see you next time.