We’ve made it to lucky episode #7!
- Our tool of the episode is Flimbo, a way to create awesome, customized art for all your social media accounts…and it’s FREE!
- In this episode’s Deep Dive, we discuss the ubiquitous and intimidating world of social media. We give you our best tips for getting the most out of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or whatever app tickles your fancy.
- David and Craig battle it out for the (useless) title in our trivia segment, bicker over fractions, and apologize to Selena Gomez.
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Episode Transcript
Craig: Welcome to the IWantBusiness Small Business Podcast, brought to you by Clarity Creative Group. I’m Craig and I’m here joined by David.
David: Hey, guys.
Craig: And our producer extraordinaire, Brian Fritz, is here as well. This episode, we are gonna chat all about social media. Social media, one of the biggest buzzwords in all the land. Something you’ve heard of one million times, maybe even a billion. But first, as with every episode, we are gonna talk about a tool. A tool of the episode, something you can use, mostly free, to benefit your business. David, take it away with our Tool of the Episode.
David: Yeah, Craig, so we are really talking about social media today, so it made sense to talk about a tool that helps with social media. So there’s a website called Flimbo.io. I’m gonna spell that for you: F-L-I-M-B-O dot I-O. And what it does, is it helps you create your cover arts or your header arts for X, for Facebook, for Instagram, for LinkedIn. It gives you the sizes so you can use and it lets you know what to get started with, so you don’t have to have that blank, standard one that everybody else has.
What’s also cool about it, they even allow you to design your own and they give you dimensions to work with. So, just a cool concept, a cool thing to work with to help you out.
Craig: So how easy is it to use for somebody who’s never messed with Flimbo before?
David: It’s really, really simple. You can start with a blank canvas and go ahead and drag and drop stuff. But they offer really helpful, cool, little designs that you can use. You can download it. It’s like using a really advanced version of Paint, but much hipper, much cooler. And you can create these cool graphics for your social media for posts as well as for headers.
Craig: So can I use this anywhere? There’s not really limitations or anything? You’re saying headers for blogs, you’re saying social media. Is it different for Instagram versus X or is it kinda just “it creates images”?
David: So, example being a Facebook post, their pixels are 940 by 788, like the ideal way to show up in the space, and Instagram is square, 1080 by 1080. So it helps you by giving you that canvas that’s already pre-sized for you. Just makes it a little bit easier.
You can use a square post on Facebook, you’re not gonna not show up or have any success, but overall, if you know you’re doing something specifically for Facebook, you might as well use the right kind of formatting to get the most out of it.
Craig: Why don’t we talk briefly about social media in the past and then we’re gonna dive a lot deeper in just a little bit. But I know there’s a lot of users right now. A lot of daily active users on a lot of different social media platforms. Is Flimbo something that’s just up and coming? Is it a really new kinda thing? Or people have been using it for quite a while already?
David: I don’t exactly know what their product history is. I just know sometimes I needed to create something for a client on-the-run, didn’t have a free moment to open up Photoshop and open up a whole bunch of designs, just needed a place to put a quick, little quote. So I was able to jump on there. It was a great tool, I was able to create a quote in two minutes and have it up. I was able to create something that was shareable without having to start from scratch. The templates really help.
Craig: It sounds like a huge timesaver. Because Photoshop can be a beast, especially if you’re not a graphic designer.
David: Yeah, exactly. It’s definitely a tool for small businesses. And they have plans and everything, but there’s definitely some free that gives you some unlimited templates, unlimited images. You can save about 20 of these.
The only thing is, if you get the paid plan, you can post directly to Facebook or X so you don’t have to download it. Gives you a bit more color options and a little more opportunities to save it. But overall, to get started, to have unlimited images, unlimited icons, all these templates that they offer to give you a little bit of styling.
Chances are, as a small business owner, graphics maybe isn’t your beginning forte. This really helps you get something professional out there that can help your business show up on social media.
Craig: Well, these days, images and video and certainly graphic representation seem to be the biggest thing that gets traction on social media. Flimbo.io, F-L-I-M-B-O dot I-O. A great tool that has a free version. Any last words about Flimbo, David?
David: No, I think we pretty much covered it. As I said, give it a try, create a couple things, use it as much or as little as you want. If you’re looking for that emergency “oh my gosh, I need to create a branded image of some sort,” jump on Flimbo. They’ll be nice and quick and they’ll get you pre-sized, you don’t have to worry about that. Definitely a cool tool.
Craig: Very cool tool, indeed, and something that leads right in to our Deep Dive for the episode.
On this Deep Dive, we are at least gonna give an overview of social media, which is such a big topic. Huge, in fact, with billions of daily active users on a variety of platforms. So, David, when we’re talking social media, the first thing that comes to my mind is Facebook.
David: Yeah, Facebook, X, Instagram, Snapchat. Sadly, I worry that, two weeks from now, this podcast will already be outdated.
Craig: (laughs)
David: There will already be another social media tool that’ll come out there. But there’s probably your five or six main social media sites. Facebook is number one, you can’t push back too much on that.
Craig: Well, it seems like not only is it number one in terms of how many people use it, which is staggering. It’s in the billions. It is number one for at least getting kicked off for business and here at IWantBusiness the Small Business Podcast, we’re trying to give you some tools, some tips, some gems that you can put forward into helping grow your business.
And one of the earliest things, before you get completely caught up in the five, six…there’s dozens, really. You need a Facebook page. And I want to be specific, here, because it’s not the same as your personal Facebook that is your name and where you post with your friends. This is a business page, something that Facebook created years ago to specify the difference between just humans, just us people hanging out on Facebook, talking, messaging, poking, even though that’s not a thing anymore, and businesses.
And the reason you want your business…correct me if I’m wrong, here, David, but having that Facebook business page, that’s actually a search engine optimization element at this point. It’s something that gets credibility through the search engines, isn’t that correct?
David: Oh, yeah. Google definitely uses it as one of their million things that affects your search ranking. It helps you get your name out there, who you are. And it helps them know that your website or other digital entities are all together. It absolutely helps.
Craig: To get kicked off, for any business owners out there or aspiring business owners, the element of Facebook can be daunting if you think about, “oh my God, there’s all these people,” but they’ve really made it simple to get things kicked off to build a Facebook page.
Within a couple of clicks, you’re putting in your logo, you’re typing your name, some information about your business. You could put everything from your hours of operation, obviously a website link over. You can have a Facebook page for your business up in less than 15 minutes. And that’s the beauty of this kind of power, where Facebook does the work for you, you get some benefits.
Now, that being said, I don’t want to oversell Facebook. Because it’s not like, just by having a page, you’re gonna make millions of dollars. It doesn’t immediately go that way. But with a calculated approach to social media, and starting with a Facebook page, making sure it’s linked to your website properly, which increases the value of your website in the eyes of the search engines, it’s a great starting point. And one of the things that we talk about constantly with our clients and with business owners that we know is, the content that you want to put up on Facebook, specifically on your Facebook business page, you want to hit on those videos, those images…
David, I think we talked about this once or twice on a previous episode. But there’s this guy from Facebook, he’s high up, he’s a VP of something-or-other, and he thinks 90% of all content by 2020 is gonna be video. And I think that’s a little crazy, but it’s being said by high-up people on Facebook.
David: I can see where he sees that trend. Maybe on Facebook, 90%. I feel, though, I feel like there’s a consumption point in time where video isn’t gonna work or maybe doesn’t get the point across. But I can definitely see where using Facebook or certain channels, using video within it is the way of the future, because it’s just so easy to do. And you can do it while you’re doing something else or (laughs) while you’re driving in the car you can take video of yourself. You know what I mean, there’s definitely more opportunities for you to do it instead of writing. So I definitely see where it opens it up. 90% though, that’s a lot.
Craig: It seems extreme, it really does. And maybe part of that is because they’re selling their thing. And the two things I want to talk about Facebook, before we pivot and talk about some other social media aspects that are important to get your business off the ground.
The Facebook Live. It’s a big deal at this point. It was a new thing maybe a year ago or so, where they allowed you to immediately post and stream live video. You can use it a multitude of ways, you can have live sessions with people that like your page or you can simply use it as a video creator. But it made a way where you’ve got video recording capabilities at your fingertips.
And that was something that really wasn’t there. I mean, there’s Periscope out there now, as well. But Facebook Live with the power connected to your Facebook page directly, is something that you simply cannot ignore. No matter what your business is, whether you sell things at a physical location, if you’re e-commerce, if you’re a service, videos explaining things that you do, showing off some of your work, these are amazing examples of what Facebook could do for you.
And the last piece of Facebook, before I want to jump into new ones, is the Facebook Ads Manager. They’ve done a lot of work on this, and I know we’ve really breezed over some of this and in future episodes, you’re gonna hear us really drill into pay-per-click advertising because we feel like it’s a great way to get the word out, to build brand awareness. The Facebook Ads Manager has put a lot of work into maximizing budgets, getting the most out of your money, and getting some return on what you put out there.
I mean, they’ve got some really cool aspects and I’m just touching on the main things. We’ve done some stuff for clients with Facebook Ads Managers, we’ve done some stuff for ourselves with it. And once you have that Facebook business page, it’s a go from there. You’ve got everything lined up to use, their full suite of tools.
So really, Facebook-wise, do you feel that there’s anything else at the outset, when you first get started with it, that these people need to know before we talk about another group?
David: Yeah, well, Facebook obviously is a…you talk about Facebook ads, and for businesses, they’ve made it a lot more of a pay-to-play environment. In other words, yes, creating a business page doesn’t get you the same views that regular friend would, because you have to look at a brand very differently than a friend. “I want to hear about what Craig’s up to today or what’s going on on a Saturday.”
For a brand, people don’t necessarily want to get 22 updates, when for a friend it makes more sense. But that’s a lot of times where that Facebook Live element comes in, to really help you get your name out there. Facebook Live promises a little more reach that you aren’t gonna get from posts and images that you might be sharing.
So that’s where that Facebook Live aspect really comes in. I think that for a small business, that’s a key.
And then, maybe building a following within Facebook using deals or sales or other ways to get people to like you, follow you, to visit you. And you can even use the ad network that they have to go after people that haven’t yet liked your page. Maybe you want to do one promotion for people that have liked it and then promote to people that didn’t like you.
Craig: Oh, they really let you break down into it. You can segment your audience to a really interesting level.
David: Isn’t that really kinda crazy, how you can get down to the most minute detail to find that perfect client of yours. So, I think Facebook, even in getting your name out there and definitely in the paid aspect for a small business, can really help you get in front of those ideal clients.
Craig: Because when you think about marketing your business, at least for a small business right out of the gate, the budget is a concern and how much money you can put towards it. What we’re talking about here with social media is getting a presence for little to no money at first. Of course, the Ad Manager and using the ads and pay-per-clicks, that can come down the road. But at the very least, you can kick things off with a Facebook page. And right after that, we feel like you should get an Instagram account.
And the thing about it is, Facebook has been eating up companies left and right throughout the last decade, almost. And Instagram happens to be one of the ones they bought for a billion bucks back in the day, and it has grown exponentially, where the amount of people using it, in the hundreds of millions of people using it every day, they’re adapting to the marketplace where Instagram is, they’re grabbing features from other social media platforms that work, they’re integrating them into their own. They’re making sure their users are on this thing hours a day. It’s crazy at this point. Whereas the average on Facebook is getting close to an hour, Instagram is showing similar, if not better, numbers. It’s wild.
And where it used to be just, “Instagram’s nothing more than a bunch of pictures,” that has all changed, too, because of their videos, because of their new story feature, all the things they’ve done make it so that you can market your business in a very attractive, aesthetic way.
The one thing that I would encourage our business owners listening is the aesthetics, how things look. You’ve probably heard, if you watch any of the news, the Optics, what things look like. Instagram lets you do it and make it beautiful. They have the filters. They have ways to make the content that you’re putting out great. Those restaurants that are posting their food items, those coffee shops that are putting the beautiful art coffee on there. That is perfect Instagram promotion. There’s just so much money flying around on there.
David: So what you’re saying, though, Craig, is that a lot of these brands that are doing it, are they using professional photography equipment to make these Instagram posts?
Craig: That’s the beauty of it. You don’t need to be doing that any longer. Now, there’s still benefit to professional photographers, having the design eye in your corner. But what Instagram’s doing, and has really done already over the last five years, is they’ve made professional photographers out of iPhone users and Samsung users and Android users. If your phone has a camera, which pretty much every smartphone has and now they’re even more powerful than some of the cameras you can buy on the market, you have the ability to put really high-end content online.
Now, the one frustrating piece of Instagram that I will say, I’ll come from the other point, is that their desktop version isn’t great. It doesn’t have as good of a display, it’s not searchable the same way, and that’s almost on purpose. This is a phone-based app, something for your phone, that works well. People are searching on there, they’re looking for things on there, you can find products. Right now, the marketplace seems to be very product driven for small businesses, whereas the bigger brands, like Coca-Cola, for example, they don’t have a worry to sell you one unit of Coca-Cola, so they’re doing a more large-scale branding thing.
Of course, one of the downsides to Instagram is that celebrity presence and that celebrity affiliate marketing thing, where they’re pushing a variety of stuff. But that aside, you’ve got to look at what’s powerful. And you, as an owner of a business getting started, or even if you’re years in and you’re looking to push a social media presence, you need to really look at what’s working and what people are using. And right now, you have Facebook, you have Instagram, Snapchat, and X. And David, did you have anything you wanted to throw in on Instagram? I know I get all riled up about this social media stuff.
David: Well, with Instagram, it’s definitely there for Millennials. It’s a big place for that younger generation. We’re just talking about the major statistics of people that are using it. I think as a small business, if your clientele or customer base could be that Millennial, that 35 and below, chances are, your client is going to be on Instagram.
Craig: Agreed.
David: So you have to know. If you’re promoting something that’s for an older generation…a mortgage company might not see the returns on Instagram, but Facebook might be for them, where you can get that mix of the younger to older generation.
Instagram’s there, it just has to make sense for your business.
Craig: Of course, and that kinda leads in to Snapchat, to be honest, because where Instagram hits that 18-49 magic demographic that you see television programs go after, those Nielsen ratings, that’s the most lucrative demographic. Facebook and Instagram have really done it well, Snapchat has not yet reached the upper levels of that demographic. Snapchat has been a very much Millennial, twenty-something, teenager kinda thing. However, they’ve worked toward monetizing everything they’re doing.
Now, what they’ve been able to do, for those of you that are not familiar with Snapchat, it’s real time quick video that only lasts for a day. Video and images that are gone in 24 hours. Which kinda sounds interesting out of the gate, where you’re like, “Wow, why would I want to market on something that’s gone?” But it’s an immediately digestible piece of content that these people are looking at and definitely interacting with. And that’s the big thing. They’re definitely interacting with it. And the biggest thing about Snapchat right now is that it’s growing very rapidly.
David: It’s another place where the Millennials have taken hold and really enjoyed getting their thoughts across in picture form or in video, right?
Craig: Absolutely. The thing about social media, and I feel like this episode could become 14 hours long, it’s not going to, we’re not gonna do that, but there’s so many different pieces of it. So as we’re kinda going through this episode, we’re seeing that, wow, we’ve given you some Facebook information, we’ve given you some Instagram information, I’ve barely scratched what Snapchat is capable of. We’re gonna have other episodes in the future more focused on individual social media platforms.
But for now, if you enjoyed this podcast and found that you got a small nugget of information, make sure that you subscribe and leave us a review. This allows us to get our name out there and continue to help small businesses grow, just like yours.
Now we are going to jump into our trivia portion of the show. My Top 3 Favorite Segment of our three segments. We have a couple of questions that we go back and forth, and for those of you that are just joining us, we have aggressively eliminated our producer extraordinaire, Brian Fritz, of PodcastingDoneRight.com. Please check out PodcastingDoneRight.com to see all the options how you can get a podcast off the ground from nothing. This man is gonna help you get started from scratch, to make sure you’ve got the highest-end audio possible and get out there on iTunes, just like us here at IWantBusiness.
So David and I are gonna go to battle and, because I’m talking the most in this particular episode, I figured I’d go first, you okay with that, David?
David: Since I don’t have a choice, go for it.
Craig: I like your style. Now, the cool thing about it, and you’ve done this for me before, is some of this stuff that I’m about to ask you has come up in things that we talked about. There’s a little theme to these three questions. Either you’re gonna get none of them right, or you’ll get two or three, for sure. It depends on how much you were paying attention.
So number one of our little, fun trivia, Craig vs. David. Number one, which social media platform recently launched their own version of a competitor’s successful Story mode, where users can create content that lasts just one day?
David: I believe it’s Instagram.
Craig: That is correct. So you were paying attention, David. I even referenced that in what we were talking about. You deserve praise. There’s gotta be some sort of applause sound effect that can be inserted here, because you deserve it. You were paying attention to the social media.
Number two, our second question. Facebook is the ruler in terms of daily active users with nearly 2 billion. It’s about 1.8 billion. Who has more behind them, is it Instagram or X? They’re not even close to Facebook, but who has more daily active users? Instagram or X?
David: That’s a good question.
Craig: A tough 50/50.
David: I’m gonna go with X.
Craig: X is your answer. X has about 300 million daily active users, so you’re saying you think that’s more. In fact, it’s about half of what Instagram has. 600 million, some estimate as high as 700 million daily active users digesting that content. 1 for 1, David.
David: (growls)
Craig: Number three, a final one that I feel like you would only know if you remember conversations we’ve had, because I have talked about this. I’m not a big fan of this, I don’t know why it happened, but I did reference celebrities and Instagram. Which celebrity has the most Instagram followers on earth? The trend of these three questions is obviously Instagram. This person has over 120 million followers on Instagram. That’s insane. Who is this celebrity, David?
David: Oh, I don’t know….
Craig: I’ve talked about this around the office. I’m upset about it.
David: You talk about this at the office?
Craig: I’ve brought this up…I wouldn’t say a handful of times, maybe three different times.
David: Three times…around the office…. Um, oh…I don’t know. There’s a couple, but I know you wouldn’t bring up a couple names. I don’t know.
Craig: I don’t know. It almost doesn’t make sense. It’s not who you think would be the most famous person on earth. I don’t get it.
David: Okay, so I’ll go with…like, Vin Diesel has a huge Facebook following, so I’m hoping maybe that equals a good Instagram following, so that’s my answer.
Craig: You know what? I like that guess. That’s not a bad guess. Vin Diesel is top 5 for Facebook fans, Facebook likes. Fun fact: Christiano Ronaldo has the most Facebook likes, 120 million there. But on Instagram, it is a former Disney Channel star and now, I guess, pop star, Selena Gomez. Tell me that doesn’t blow your mind up.
David: That’s crazy. That’s a lot of people.
Craig: She is technically a singer that cannot sing. She has a terrible singing voice, I hope she’s not listening. I like her. I’ve seen her in movies and stuff. My wife likes some of her stuff. But Selena Gomez, the number one Instagram-followed person on earth. David, you’re one out of three.
David: Wow. We will not have Selena Gomez now as a guest on this show–
Craig: Oh my God, you’re right. You know what? Lemme flip the script. Selena, if you’re listening, come and get it, my personal mantra.
David: All right. So maybe now she’ll feel that you apologized to her–
Craig: (singing) If you wanna come and get it, na na na! I even know the words.
David: Oh, wow. Wow. All right, well, that happened. So.
Craig: (laughing)
David: On to asking new questions. None of which will involve songs, so hopefully we’ll keep our listeners going.
Craig: I think I said it right, it’s “if you’re ready, come and get it.” (singing) If you’re ready, come and get it.” I don’t know. It’s one of those two.
David: Hey. You went there and we appreciate it. That’s all we can say.
Craig: Hit me with my questions that hopefully I’ll get at least two right and destroy you.
David: All right. So. This is more in the social media world. What percent of users on Pinterest are female? And I’ll give you a multiple choice.
Craig: Oh boy.
David: What percent of users on Pinterest are female? 62%, 76%, or 81%?
Craig: Here’s the thing about Pinterest. I have personally never used it on one of my own devices, nor my own computer. I’ve touched it on my wife’s phone. Does that count? You’re saying users that are signed in, right?
David: Signed up. Yeah, (laughing) that doesn’t count.
Craig: All three of those numbers are high. They’re very high. So you’re saying it’s basically a female-driven platform….
David: Oh, absolutely.
Craig: I’m absolutely gonna go for the highest one. I hate it, but I’m gonna do it. The 80-something.
David: 81%, that is correct.
Craig: Ooh, I like that!
David: Yeah, yeah. It’s huge.
Craig: You don’t like that I got that right. You thought–
David: Oh, of course.
Craig: You thought you were throwing trickery in there.
David: I threw three things in there. I thought maybe you’d be pulled. You were not.
Craig: No, but they were all high. I’ve never personally–I feel sexist now. I need to get on Pinterest.
David: I mean, you can. You definitely can. There’s plenty of ladies there posting pins–
Craig: So is what we’re saying to our single business owners out there that might be listening, that you need to get on Pinterest. If you’re a single man. I mean, the users are there. You’re at a 4:1 ratio, gentlemen. Get on Pinterest.
David: I don’t know what the statistics are, though, about single, married, or looking females, so….
Craig: Oh, well…. You know what, guys? You still got good odds, go for it.
David: It’s also not the same platform where you can post messages and things like that.
Craig: That’s true.
David: It’d be a very difficult conversation through images that you can curate. All right, next question. What year was Facebook founded?
Craig: Ooh, ooh, ooh, I actually should know it and I think I’ve forgotten it. This is bad. The Facebook was when it was first put out, it was just at Harvard, you’re saying founded, I’m going 2001.
David: That is incorrect. Facebook was founded in 2004.
Craig: You know what? I knew that. I went early and I don’t know why I did that, because it came out when I was in college. And I wasn’t in college in ‘01. Why did I say that?
David: I’m not sure.
Craig: You know what–
David: Maybe you thought it was already there before you got there.
Craig: No, no, no. No, here’s my problem. As I get older, I forget when I did stuff. I literally was staring at the screen, doing math, saying to myself, “you were in college when it happened, you were in your second year, I think, say that number.” And then I said not that number. I said the number when I was a junior in high school. I don’t understand.
David: It was a decent guess, you were only off by a couple years.
Craig: I know, but I know that one. I don’t know why I did that. I’m upset. So I’m 1 for 1. If I don’t get this last one–
David: Well, I don’t think you do know it….
Craig: No, I do know it. I do know it.
David: If you knew it, you would have guessed it.
Craig: It’s 2004, everyone knows that.
David: All right. So we’re gonna go back to question three. I’m also gonna use your past history in life to try to remember things.
Craig: (groans)
David: We know that X has a 140 character limit. And of course, it’s based on the character limit set by SMS text messages. What was that limit?
Craig: That’s a terrible question. I like this. This is a bonus-level question, in my opinion. You’ve screwed me. It’s based on an SMS limit…
David: Yeah, so what was your text messaging limit? You were the King of Text Messages. You could text while driving, with one hand, never looking at your phone….
Craig: No, don’t say that.
David: We’re not even talking about the keyboard. It was the 123456 keyboard thing.
Craig: Yeah. It was the Nokia where you had to hit the, you know…the 7 three times to get the S or whatever, nobody remembers.
Oh, geez, there’s…you know what? Here’s the problem.
David: Do you want me to give you a little hint? You need a hint?
Craig: You know what? I wanna guess, but then I don’t, because you offered a hint now, so now I want the hint. But I had a number in my mind.
David: All right, go for it.
Craig: No, but the hint could help, so maybe I want one-and-a-half guesses.
David: Okay, well type it in…. We have a chat function here. So type it in the chat–
Craig: They can’t see that. Nobody can see that.
David: So at least I know that you’re not changing your answer.
Craig: Right. I’m not gonna change my answer. I’ve locked in silently, for those multitude of listeners, I’ve locked in silently my first guess. Give me the hint and we’ll see if it changes.
David: So X used this…. They didn’t want to use all the character limits, because they wanted to have a space for your user name, to not take up any of the character limits. Does that give you an idea?
Craig: Oh, that means it would be more. So I’m gonna go 160.
David: It is 160.
Craig: Oh, see, you gave it to me, but I like it because it makes me win!
David: Win? You got, like, a tenth of a point for that.
Craig: But 1 and one-tenth is much more than 1.
David: Because I gave you a hint. Maybe it doesn’t even count.
Craig: (laughing) “Maybe it doesn’t even count”? Of course it counts. Ladies and gentlemen, I have won yet another trivia segment in our social media episode. We’ve been all over the place, we talked about Flimbo, we talked about Instagram and Facebook, and you got to experience the sweet, sweet joys of my crushing, absolute drubbing, of David in trivia. 1.1 points to 1 point.
Thanks for listening today. To keep up with all of our future episodes, make sure you subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, or whatever your favorite tool you use to listen to podcasts. If you want to reach out to us with any questions, you can email us at podcast@iwantclarity.com and we’ve included show notes for you on our website, IWantClarity.com.
Thanks a lot. We will see you in the next episode.