Podcast: Episode 8 – Social Media 201

We loved talking about social media last week…so much that we’re doing it again in episode 8!

  • Our featured tool(s) this week is a twofer. Tweriod will help you find out when you should post to X while X Audit will show you how many of your X followers are real. (Ain’t nobody got time for click farms!)
  • In our Deep Dive, we’re focusing on X and LinkedIn (and a little more about Snapchat). Whether you’re tweeting with your customers or linking up with other businesses, find out how to network, automate, and tweet your way to success. Make sure you have a snack, because there will be lots of sandwich references.
  • In our trivia segment, we debate the meaning of the word “undefeated” and David admits that he doesn’t listen to his work wife Craig.

Deaf or hard of hearing? We didn’t forget about you. Read the full transcript below.
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Episode Transcript

Craig: Welcome to IWantBusiness, the Small Business Podcast brought to you by Clarity Creative Group. I’m Craig and I’m joined by David.
David: Hey, everybody.
Craig: And our producer extraordinaire, Brian Fritz.
This episode, we are gonna chat all about social media again. Because I felt that we got a little bit cutoff. And we were talking and talking and all these different social media pieces came together and we wanted to give you a little bit more. We were talking about Facebook, talking about Instagram, there’s a lot more in that realm that you need to know to promote your business.
But first, we always have our Tool of the Episode. David, take it away with a tool that is gonna make business owners save money, save time, and love their lives.
David: So, since today’s episode—we kinda teased it a few seconds ago—is talking about X, a little bit of LinkedIn, I actually wanted to give two tools this week.
Craig: Dos!
David: Giving away a lot. But they’re all about X. The first one is called Tweriod.
Craig: Tweriod?
David: Tweriod.
Craig: You are going to have to spell that.
David: T-W-E-R-I-O-D.
Craig: Ugh, “tweri-odd?”
David: “Tweri-odd.” Tweriod. It’s like “period,” but…I don’t know.
Craig: (laughs) I don’t like what they did there.
David: Well, it’s a play on words, obviously. And the idea of Tweriod is to assess, when you’re tweeting, when is your social crowd that you’re tweeting to around? When are they active on X?
Craig: Makes sense.
David: So, instead of tweeting at 11 o’clock at night when none of your X followers would ever be there, they’re telling you, “Hey, you should tweet at these times, on these days—”
Craig: Maybe it is 11 o’clock for certain people.
David: It might be, for some people.
Craig: Does it track your network, for example?
David: Yeah, there’s a free version and a paid version. The free one gets you started with your most recent 200 last tweets to find out when they were done. So, to get an idea of how active your campaigns are for your followers. So it does your last 200 tweets to find out when they’re tweeting, what’s going on. They have a paid version, but to just get started, if you’re starting out on X, best thing to do is to know when you should be tweeting and gives you a couple timetables to…
Craig: This is a good insight. Because one of the struggles with social media for business owners is a) what content am I gonna put out there and b) when am I gonna put it out there? Those are the big two things that you need to figure out and there are some tools out there, like this one, that can give you just a little bit of insight.
Like, when do I post this stuff? The what is a whole nother thing and you gotta come into having a real conversation with audience: offers, benefits to your audience… But finding out when they’re gonna digest it is huge.
David: Yeah, it’s just one of those data points that lets you know a little bit more what’s going on and then you can drill a little bit more into your X analytics: your stats and tweets and everything. That can help you out. I definitely feel it’s a cool tool.
The other tool that I have is called X Audit.
Craig: X Audit.
David: Now, I’ve seen a handful of these through the years and this one just seems really easy to use. Some of them that I’ve used before are a little more restrictive and this one, pretty much you can put in anybody’s X account and see what percent of their followers are real and which ones are fake.
Craig: Oh, I like that. Because a lot of what people did early on in X—and even recently, in the last couple years—is you’d see accounts blow up. Where it was, “Follow me to follow back,” they’d use companies and it just had a bunch of bulk. A junk amount of followers. So, X Audit?
David: Xaudit.com and all you do is put in the X username, you press “Audit” and it gives you how many are fake, how many are real, and a percent, like an audit score. We did our X account and it says five are fake, so it gave me a 98%—
Craig: That’s low. Whereas, if you have thousands of followers and you might have a thousand fakes…
David: Right.
Craig: This may be slightly unrelated, I feel like it’s the same principle, some of the business owners might not realize that web traffic and web followers now are an industry. And there are things called click farms out there and they’re overseas—I’m sure there’s some domestic, too—where you can get these fake users, you can pay for ‘em, so that your profile gets larger. Just like you can pay for web traffic, but it’s not the right kind of traffic and eventually this comes back to bite you.
David: Right, well, this even goes along with Tweriod in terms of, when you’re posting to your 10,000 fake followers…
Craig: (laughs)
David: …they’re probably not there. They’re not actually clients or they’re not—
Craig: They’re not gonna like it, they’re not gonna share it.
David: Right, and they’re not gonna be the people that you want to be in front of, so it’s probably good to audit your accounts as well as maybe even auditing other people that you’re following, to make sure that you’re following good people. And when you see something, run it through this tool to see what’s going on.
It definitely seemed really easy to use. Like I said, you pretty much put the username in and it does it. There’s a Pro one that allows you to block fake followers, if you have one—
Craig: Oh! So you can, from the get, block them right out?
David: Yeah.
Craig: Does the tool help you sift through those fakes and remove?
David: Yeah, yeah. It helps you remove them as well as give some audits. The cool part was that they give you a graph when you do it that shows you why they think those followers are fake. What signs? Maybe they don’t post or haven’t posted in a while, or they’re not active or they post the same thing 35 times in a row, which is an obvious sign of fake. They definitely tell you why they don’t think these people are of good quality and that’s what it’s all about, having quality followers. I’d rather have 100 quality followers than have 10,000 fake followers which would never use our service or item.
So that was our tools this week. I thought I’d give two because they’re small, but free and valuable in terms of getting started with and using X.
Craig: If you’re using X and you want to know when to post, Tweriod’s for you. If you want to make sure you’re posting to real people, get on the X Audit. And I think that’s kind of a strong segue for us here. We were gonna talk a little bit about X today. We were gonna go right into X, so the ones we want to focus on today are X and LinkedIn. So we’ll get right into our Deep Dive before our trivia segment, where I am nearly undefeated.
David: I don’t recall that.
Craig: Brian has been keeping score, so he’ll come in and tell you about how I’m winning later.
But X. Now, we’ve all used X, right? Our president uses X. X is a big deal. It’s a beautiful nightmare, as I would say, because there’s a real-time conversation happening, but there’s a lot. There’s a lot of content, there’s a lot of noise.
So where do you feel that businesses can get their foothold? Where can they start, what can they do?
David: So I think getting a foothold is all about finding your voice on X, figuring out how you’re gonna connect with people. I think there’s many different people and brands that use X differently, so originally figuring out how you’re gonna use it to promote yourself.
I think offering an insight into who you are is the key. Whether you’re a celebrity or not, people want to know who you are, what you do, and how you do it. We all have good days, we all have bad days. We all make jokes, we all laugh, we all have fun, and I think people want to see that side of you, of your business, how you make a widget. I think people love to see processes. And I think X is a great place to put that out there in a really simple way. To educate and inform.
And other people use X to share information, to be an influencer and influence others by sharing good quality content that they find. There’s definitely options that you can use X for.
Craig: I feel that the struggle, and maybe you can help with this, is that the small business owner, the footprint is so much smaller than a big corporation. And the example I’m gonna use, because it’s one that I just recently have been reading about is Wendy’s. They had this very active X. And they had a person that was a full-time individual. And she was killing it. She was very funny, very topical, being on it all the time, that would be with the retweeting and tagging people, responding. And that’s a dedicated individual to something from a major corporation.
David: Full-time job.
Craig: Exactly. For a small business owner who’s just getting off the ground, we know that the benefit of having the account—we encourage you to have that X, that Facebook, those accounts, because they give you that link authority over to your domain, to your website. So there’s positive aspects to having it.
There’s a…what are they calling it? The social web. You want to be relevant now in the social web. There’s the regular web, or internet, that we know. www.yourbusiness.com. Then there’s this new thing of the last ten years known as the social web and how much recognition you’re getting there. X’s a big piece of that because it’s text content vs. Instagram being images or a lot of Facebook videos.
So this social proof that you exist actually helps your website. So what would you say could a small business owner—because they don’t probably have the resources or time to do a Wendy’s or do a Coca-Cola, where there’s a dedicated team of individuals—what’s their starting point?
David: Their starting point is to get out there and just start tweeting.
Craig: Twit tweet!
David: Tweet tweet.
Craig: [laughing] Tweet. Tweet it on.
David: Tweet it on. So just get out there and start listening to people, answering them, connecting with them, start following. I think people are afraid of following or they think that, “Famous people only [follow 75 people,] so that’s cool.” But in the world of not really having a brand originally, where you can get away with—
Craig: We’re not all Katy Perry here, we can’t get 100 million people to follow us when we’re sleeping and only follow back 100 people. The organic growth of the account at the beginning is gonna be you following people. The benefit to doing a little bit of work with it—and it really could be as little as 15 minutes a day—is finding some of those influencers in your circuit.
Meaning, let’s say you’re doing a business that’s, you’re making sandwiches. And you have a sandwich shop and you’re growing it, you’re trying to promote it online, you want to find people that have written things and like sandwiches. You want to connect with them and maybe even come up with a cool program right out of the gate. You have no followers, but you’re sending a coupon to people that have #ilovesandwiches or #sandwich because they just ate a sandwich.
What I’m saying might sound ridiculous, but there’s a hashtag for nearly everything. There’s hashtags for made-up words, let alone all the real words out there.
So the thing about X is you’ve got this powerful amount of people out there and you gotta corral them. Tweeting is your first step as a business owner, you wanna actually get some content out there. Before you get to those big stages, where people are gonna be retweeting you and actually having a full conversation, you gotta start somewhere. Tweet about your business. Let people know who you are.
Now, when it comes to X, do you feel like there’s a certain amount of time people should spend on it or it’s not necessarily a time, it’s more of a make-sure-you-have-some-content?
David: So, the one factoid about X that I heard is the importance of diving into it. If you’re gonna do it, go big. Don’t just tweet once or twice a day, but tweet eight or nine times. And people that seem to be active on it seem to build up followings and grow. If you use it sporadically, I don’t think you’re gonna see the success of it. And I think the worst thing that tends to happen is people starting out using X and then they don’t get an immediate following, or they don’t connect with people right away—
Craig: And they bail on it.
David: And they automatically think that it doesn’t work. And X’s a long-term thing. It doesn’t work right away. You don’t get 100,000 followers right away. And even the small amount of followers, if they’re engaging with your content and retweeting stuff, you’re going to get more and more traction.
Craig: Social media is kinda parallel to search engine optimization, which is something you’re gonna hear us talk about over many episodes, because it’s such a big subject, such an important one for your business and your website that you have.
It takes time for success to happen. It takes time for a website to build traction. It takes time for a social media profile to build traction. And creating that conversation and controlling the narrative is what these social media platforms now allow you to do.
Again, we could probably have three episodes just on X, three episodes just on Facebook. We wanna tell you a little bit about LinkedIn. So David, give us a brief overview of where you see it fits in for small business owners.
David: I see LinkedIn to really hit the business-to-business [B2B] marketplace. It’s really good for small businesses trying to connect with other entities out there. Pretty much most major business players are all on LinkedIn. They’ve created profiles, created connections, and gotten their name out there.
It’s a really good platform, I think, to get introductions. To start to get to know people. LinkedIn is very under-used for that. People try to use it like a Facebook or like a X. But you need to spend time making connections versus trying to post content so much and then connect people with a message one-on-one.
Craig: It’s more of a direct networking thing for your business.
David: Exactly.
Craig: What I’ve seen on LinkedIn that’s kind of interesting is it goes really high up the food chain in corporate America. There are CEOs in LinkedIn. There are Senior Vice Presidents. There are high-level people that I’m not saying you can connect with today, but it’s part of that network element. LinkedIn has some sneaky power and I’m just gonna throw a couple of facts out there that…I guess shocked me but also kind of warrant the fact that you need to take a look at this as you build a business. 500 million users worldwide. Only about 100 million daily active, so not necessarily a player in the daily communication. But again, it’s doing something different. This is a networking tool, this is a professional tool.
What really struck me is that it sold for $26 billion. That’s a lot of money. That’s higher than some of the valuations for some of the social media competitors that have technically more daily users. But it sold because of the powerful value of who’s using it. And that’s what we want to let you know, that this is a “who’s who” moment. Whereas anyone can have a X, if you have some thumbs and you can bang out something. LinkedIn, there’s a credibility element, especially with the fact that a lot of the accounts are an online resume, if you will. What you did, what you accomplished, who you’ve worked with, and moving from there.
David: Right, how great is it that you can now easily connect with people because you know exactly who they are, what they do in the business, what their position is. The worst is talking with somebody and realizing that they’re not a power player in that company and then you’ve pretty much wasted your time.
Craig: Right. You’re talking with a gatekeeper and not the decision maker.
David: Not the decision maker and you can quickly know. And…a lot of times, I think that those LinkedIn accounts are actually run by those people.
Craig: It does feel more organic that way. Because it’s their own name on it.
David: Yeah. Like the Wendy’s X account, it’s not…I know Dave Thomas isn’t alive, but you know what I mean? It’s not run by any of the family members, it’s not run by the CEO. And what gives you a great chance now is that you can have a direct contact with them and they can connect with you and you with them and see what you can do to offer them some support for their business.
Craig: You mentioned content. And LinkedIn does allow content, where you can generate your own stuff, you can link it over from your website. So, again, long-term down the road, things you’re doing, where you’re developing content, maybe you’re blogging. Whatever it is about your business, it’s another avenue to share that information and link it back to your site.
David: Oh yeah, absolutely. Like every two weeks or so after you post something on your blog, you should be reposting it again on LinkedIn to put it in front of the people that didn’t see the blog post, that maybe aren’t following your blog or your X or your Facebook.
Craig: How do you feel about automation programs, automation opportunities, where you can preset things, have it post…what is your take on that?
David: I feel that you should never fully automate your social media accounts. Because we’re all real people. We use social media because it’s social. And the problem is, if you’re doing full automation and you’re never going on there and you’re never interacting—
Craig: People can tell.
David: Then you’re definitely not using it to be social.
Craig: Your viewers will know. There are certain aspects of it you can do. If you got an awesome article—I’m gonna give an example here. Again, I’m going back to my sandwich man. Why not? We’re talking about the sandwich guy, we’re gonna use that. He’s got an awesome article about How to Build the Perfect Sandwich in 10 Steps. Or maybe that’s too many. Let’s call it 3 Steps. 3 Steps to Building the Perfect Sandwich. It’s something that maybe got some traction on his website. People have seen it on the Facebook. That would be something you want to set up so it reposts every 6 weeks or every 10 weeks or something. You know it’s done well, you know it could bring value to new people that see it, and even not irritate someone that saw it again, because guess what? I eat sandwiches on the regular. I’ll eat another sandwich in the near future. So maybe I forgot the third step.
But wouldn’t you say that that’s the kind of thing you’d want to automate, a great piece of content?
David: Right, exactly. You could definitely automate some articles that you’ve done. Some interactions, it just shouldn’t be all your interactions. And there’s nothing wrong with that, because again, it allows you to keep up on it, but don’t get lost in it. That should not be your only social media strategy, because you’re also gonna miss out on what’s going on now and then.
Don’t repost things that are time sensitive to two weeks ago or two months ago. Nobody wants to see stuff that’s not relevant anymore. I think sometimes people just repost to repost.
Craig: Well, X is in that hyper-relevant realm. Where it’s almost not good if it’s same day but a couple hours ago. It’s very much the now.
LinkedIn, you do have a little bit more time there, if you’re putting a piece of content out there. I think you said every two weeks almost makes sense when you’re doing something there.
But because I touched on automation, I wanted to finish this episode talking about the one social media element that automation’s just not available. Snapchat. Everybody’s talking about it. It’s growing. Not as fast as investors would like. But it is growing. It’s got over 160 million daily users. They are throwing billions of snaps up there a day, anywhere from a one-second image to a, I think the max is a 15-second mini video. And you can’t automate that. It’s super organic. It came from either a creative side or you’re just snapping something you did.
But again, I’m gonna use my sandwich guy, he could be snapping the Sandwich of the Day and putting that out to people. It’s only good for 24 hours. You’re telling a story with Snapchat. And that’s how they do it. It’s what they’re pushing. Imagine you being able to show your business in a way where, in brief snippets, you’re getting commercials, essentially. It’s a 15-second commercial and you could make it all about you. You could make it organic. You could buy people in to what’s going on based on what you choose to snap, if you will. I’m gonna use the vernacular.
And what’s powerful about Snapchat is, when you open up this app, what’s the first thing that comes up? The camera. The camera opens automatically. They’re basically demanding content. Demanding it. And, as we know from the big picture of what you want to do with your business, content’s king. Getting content out there on your website, through social media, is huge.
So Snapchat is this enigma right now, because it’s new, it’s hot, the CEO’s 27 years old, married a supermodel, you hear about it in the news. But it could actually bring some real value to your business if you find  the right fit for it.
David: Well, Snapchat is visual. It’s content that’s almost wordless, it’s not text-based, like a blog or even a X post, which has gotten a lot more image- or video-centric. But if you do anything that you could take a picture of or take video of, Snapchat’s there for you.
Craig: And it’s free.
David: It’s free.
Craig: Every bit of it’s free.
David: And it can show what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, make it fun. There’s definitely a playful aspect to it as well.
Craig: Absolutely.
David: So it makes something that’s boring and a yawn into something that might get a laugh and get somebody to interact with your content.
Craig: As a small business owner, I don’t think you’re gonna make a ton of money on Snapchat. But I think what we’re saying here is social media as a whole isn’t what’s gonna make you that million dollars next week. These are the things you need to do to stay relevant.
Now, where LinkedIn had that professional aspect, X reached the broadest range of ages, because it goes all the way through. Snapchat’s not gonna do that for you. Snapchat’s gonna be in that—and I know this is a buzzy word—that Millennial age. You’re talking about teenagers through about mid-30’s are using Snapchat on the regular, everyday.
And if they’re a target for your business, if that age bracket’s a target for your business, that’s where this becomes a value. Because right now, it’s still so new that it’s providing some of that social proof out there, but having a Snapchat account is not making your website rocket to number one. That’s not what’s happening at this point. It’s not as strong that way as Facebook, for example.
David: Right, nobody’s buying your item necessarily because of your social media account.
Craig: Right. With Snapchat. At this point.
David: Yeah. Right.
Craig: And they’re even so new that their ad network doesn’t have the strength of what Facebook is doing. And Facebook, honestly, has the strongest one in the industry.
David: For social, yeah.
Craig: And we’re gonna have a whole nother episode, so stay tuned, about how you can advertise using a variety of sources, including Facebook. But what I want to be clear about is, if you’re gonna snap, and you’re gonna show your business, it’s not something that I would suggest you put hours and hours a day into. It’s the kind of thing that, on purpose, it’s short and brief. Whether you do snap your Sandwich of the Day or let’s say, for example, your business is completely different and you do marketing. Maybe you snap a tip of the day. Maybe you spend an hour and you right a nice list of 30 tips and throughout a month, you put a tip a day, and it’s just you saying it.
It’s organic. People that know you are gonna like it and see it. And that’s kind of the way to wield something like that.
David: Yeah, it’s definitely…right now it’s so new, it’s probably being under-used at this time, while we’re recording. I’m pretty sure as more brands begin to wield it and see success with it, I think you’ll start to see as they figure out how to use it. I mean, it’s the same thing that happened with Facebook, where it became very brand-heavy.
But I feel that, no matter what the brands that seem to get it the best, going back to Wendy’s. People interact with their content and that’s the key, right? Because now people follow them, now they’re top of mind. And that’s what—as brands, as companies—small-, medium-, large-sized businesses—that’s what they want to do, so that way, when you’re thinking of that item, they’re thinking about you.
Craig: So today we wanted to run you through X, LinkedIn, and a little bit of Snapchat, kinda rounding out that whole social media aspect of the last two episodes. If you enjoyed this podcast and found that you got even a small nugget of information, make sure you subscribe, leave us a review. This allows us to get our name out there and continue to help small businesses grow.
As a final note for this episode, I am undefeated in trivia and we’re gonna bring in our producer extraordinaire, Brian Fritz, to…I’m gonna say it: scorekeep, referee, keep us from punching one another. Because it got down-and-dirty recently.
Brian: “Undefeated” would be, um…a curious term to use.
Craig: What if I said…how about this? And I know we like sports here. I meant to say “virtually undefeated.”
David: [makes disgusted noise]
Craig: Because—you know that term from boxing? You’re familiar?
David: Yeah, I heard it.
Craig: Because I’ve beaten you both. Virtually undefeated.
Brian: No, that means you’ve been victorious, but it doesn’t mean you’re unbeaten.
Craig: Well, they say that about boxers if they’ve lost and they’ve beaten the person that beat them. Now they’re “virtually undefeated.”
David: Oh, I’m virtually undefeated, too.
Craig: No, you’re not!
Brian: Same with me.
Craig: See what I did? I shouldn’t have opened this up.
David: See? I love it.
Brian: We don’t live in a “virtual” world.
Craig: We do not. But I’m nearly undefeated. If you close one eye and squint at the leaderboard, it looks like I have no losses.
So let’s get down to business. We like to throw a little trivia in, brought to you by Tasty Trivia, www.tastytriviaorlando.com. I’m gonna go first. I’m gonna ask three questions directed at David. When he fails, that’s when producer extraordinaire, Brian Fritz of PodcastingDoneRight.com, will steal.
Social media. Number one, we just covered this. Let’s see how well you were listening to the things I say. Snapchat is grabbing users by the second, it’s hot on the tail of X, Snapchat is all about content. What do they call that content feed in Snapchat? And yes, I literally said it.
David: Oh gosh!
Craig: It was covered. I did one of those things where I kinda breezed through it, seeing if David would pick it up. He does not listen to me, people.
David: I don’t listen. I don’t listen when Craig talks. It’s usually just mwa, mwa, mwa…
Craig: Mwa, mwa, mwa. It’s Charlie Brown talk.
David: I don’t use Snapchat. This is definitely outside my comfort zone. If I was to answer…
Craig: What is the Snapchat content feed called? Go.
David: (prolonged silence) I got nothing.
Craig: That’s a fail. For the steal…
Brian: Isn’t it just “snap?”
Craig: I like where you’re going. It’s called a “Story.”
David: Ooohhh!
Brian: That’s what it is.
Craig: And I referenced that, “with Snapchat, you’re attempting to tell a story.” That’s because that’s actually what it’s called.
David: Okay.
Craig: Boom! You just learned a thing.
Brian: Yeah, if you bring it up, in the bottom right-hand corner, it does say “Stories.”
Craig: Yeah. Because what it is is you’re adding into your Story and it deletes every day, but that’s the flow of it. And what some big box companies—I’m talking the major players—are doing is they’re creating a Story.
It’s actually doing really cool things for news and sports right now, where you can digest news that you might not have seen. The London Inferno, Snapchat was all over it with some amazing coverage that was even better than what you were able to get if you just Googled it.
Brian: Yeah, and I think Instagram is headed to pivot what they do, because they now are doing Stories as well. And same with Facebook, they’re doing the same thing.
Craig: That’s correct. It was such a good, real thing that happened, where people are like, “This is how I live my life. It kind of looks like this.” Snapchat stumbled into it first, if you will.
I shouldn’t say “stumble.” There was a calculated effort to what they were doing. So it’s a Story. So you’re 0 for 1. Number two. I referenced this as well. I made sure to talk about it. Which major company acquired LinkedIn for $26 billion? It was in 2016.
David: Microsoft.
Craig: Nice. He looked that up. He looked that up. I gave that to you. That was a softball. Because you kind of looked like you wanted to say it when I referenced the $26 billion. David’s 1-1.
This is gonna be tough. Because you don’t like the Snapchat. But I kinda gave a hint. I gave a hint in what we were talking about. Within 1 billion—that’s a lot of leeway I’m giving you—how many daily snaps are created on Snapchat, according to Snapchat? Within 1 billion. I’m giving you so much leeway.
David: Within 1 billion?
Craig: Within 1 billion. You could miss by a billion and get this right.
David: How many Snapchats…?
Craig: Snaps.
David: Snaps.
Craig: So each little…by the entire user base.
David: A day?
Craig: A day. (silence) How many do you think? We’re gonna let Brian take a guess on this, too.
David: Uh…so in the billions?
Craig: I mean, I’m giving you a billion. So if you wanted to guess anything less than that, if it’s right, you would just get it, so you could say “zero.” If you were trying to “Price is Right” it.
David: Right.
Craig: That’s a fool’s game.
David: I don’t wanna do that. I mean…I don’t know. 2.5 billion.
Craig: 2.5 billion.
Brian: I might be wrong, I may have misheard you, but I believe you said 15.6 billion.
Craig: I don’t know if I said a number. What I did, is I said “billions.” And I said “a couple of billions.”
Brian: Oh, you said a couple of billions? I got it mixed up with something else.
Craig: You did. Because I think it was 26.2 was the billions of dollars…
Brian: Yeah, yeah…
Craig: So I threw it out as a couple of billion. And this has nothing to do with social media, but it kinda goes back to the difference between “a couple” and “a few,” right? This is like a semantic element. David might have remembered that I said a couple billion, because he went, “Oh, did he mean two or three?” and he went right in a half, 2.5. It’s 3 billion a day.
David: Yes!
Craig: Point goes to Mr. Forman. This is good.
Brian: That’s like being virtually unbeaten.
Craig: Virtually. He’s 2-1.
David: I am unbeaten! You haven’t played!
Craig and Brian: (laughing)
Craig: There’s a chance for me to win, I’m gonna have to be 3-0 on this. He makes the questions to make me lose, though.
David: I don’t—
Craig: Yes he does.
David: I don’t think so.
Craig: Yes he does.
David: I don’t think so.
Craig: All right, final three questions of the episode. Here we go.
David: All right, let’s keep on the Snapchat world, since you’re the Snapchat expert.
Craig: Uh-oh. No.
David: So Snapchat was created, obviously, back in 2011. It was originally called Picaboo, true or false?
Craig: Oh, it did have another name, but I don’t know if you did… Okay, so if you write true/false questions, the majority of them are true, right? I’m just going down to how we did “a few and a couple.” This is one of those things. It did have another name, I can’t remember it and because it had another name—
David: Could it be Picaboo? Could it be?
Craig: I’m gonna say “true,” even though I just don’t remember what the name was. It did have another name.
David: Yes, it was. It was called Picaboo.
Craig: Oh, nice. I was not sure if it was Picaboo.
David: It was.
Craig: They didn’t even incorporate as Snap Incorporated until years later.
David: Right, they were not really aware of the direction that they wanted to be in. They weren’t in the world of selfies then, as they are now.
Craig: No, and they knew to turn Mark Zuckerberg down for $3 billion. He offered $3 billion to buy it and Spiegel and his partner, I can’t remember his name, they said, “Nah, playa. That ain’t enough.” And now they’re worth about that, each. Impressive. So I’m 1-1. Victory.
David: All right, so multiple choice.
Craig: Oh, I hate multiple choice.
David: So you have three options. Snapchat recently had an IPO.
Craig: I know about it.
David: So obviously they had an amount.
Craig: Oh no!
David: What was the amount?
Craig: The total?
David: Yeah. What was the share price trading at? When they started trading?
Craig: Okay, I might actually know this, give me the options.
David: It’s either going to be 10, 15, or 24.
Brian: Where it started at.
David: Where it started at.
Craig: You know what’s crazy, is I was gonna say 21 if it wasn’t multiple choice but then when you gave the options, I don’t like it. Now I don’t like it. Will you give total shares or you won’t do it?
David: No, I can’t do that. I don’t even know if I have that.
Craig: You can’t do it. (grunts in frustration) Total opening price, not the closing price of the first day?
David: What it’s IPO went live at.
Craig: That’s tough. I’m torn between the 10 and the 24, but because I thought 21, I’m gonna go 24.
David: That’s correct.
Craig: Booyahkash. Do you like that? You like it.
David: It’s pretty good.
Craig: David doesn’t like it. His face is saying he doesn’t like it, because no matter what, whether I get this last one right or not, I’ve won.
David: I don’t think it’s that I don’t like it. I’m moving on to the next question.
Brian: …a tie.
Craig: No no no. Whoa whoa whoa. I’m the one that got these points most recently.
David: You’re not even done yet and you’re already celebrating. (laughing) You’re gonna drop…
Brian: Does that mean that…we need to be the second person?
David: Craig’s the receiver that drops the ball at the 6-yard line…
Craig: (laughing) Because I’m celebrating.
David: Because he’s celebrating already. All right, so on to question three…
Craig: Let’s do this.
David: Obviously, just recently we know that Wendy’s retweets all about free nuggets became the number one retweet on X. At this time…
Craig: There was a young man who wanted the nuggs.
David: That’s correct. Obviously overtaking Ellen Degeneres for the number one retweet.
Craig: That’s right.
David: …that was done at this star-studded event back in 2016. What was the event—?
Craig: Aw, you gave me one… He softballed me on this one. I like this. That was a selfie I believe… Uh-oh. I could get the wrong award show. I think it was the Oscars. And I’m gonna go with that.
David: All right. I’m glad you did, because it was Academy Awards.
Craig: That’s the same thing.
Brian: That’s the same thing.
David: Oh, it’s the same thing? Shoot! I don’t know these things.
Craig and Brian: (laughing)
Craig: The pop culture brings David down. It was Ellen’s big selfie. Now, what’s really cool about that nugget story is this kid just wanted free nuggs and I can’t remember his name, but he created this hashtag, #nuggsfor whatever-his-name-was. And begged everyone and it went crazy. And the amount of retweets went wild and he ended up getting… Wendy’s responded and said, “If you get 18 million,” which is unheard of, because Ellen only had 3 [million], “we’ll do it.” And now it’s up in the… I mean…
David: He’s at 3.6, which is really cool. And then in the end, Wendy’s decided that they would give him…
Craig: They gave him the nuggs.
David: They gave him the free nuggs and they also made a donation to the Dave Thomas Foundation for adoption.
Craig: Go, Wendy’s. We referenced Wendy’s earlier. What a great way to use your social media. Where people are reaching out to you, you’re actually responding, you’re doing something and then a great giveaway and a charitable donation.
What you guys just saw is a drubbing. The score of 3-2. I went undefeated in that round.
David: Hey, Craig, we’re almost out of time, I think we need to close up. I think we’re done with the gloating.
Craig: We’ll go back to more trivia in our next episode. In fact, we’re gonna talk brand awareness in our next episode, so make sure you subscribe to the podcast and please leave us a review. Thanks so much for listening today.
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